Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

You know what?

I didn't realize that past Israeli offers didn't give Palestinians sovereignty over their border with Jordan and full control of their airspace and electromagnetic spectrum (radio communications).

Yeah, I wouldn't take that deal either, but the least I'd do is counter with these items on the table, not just say "no" and walk away.

When it comes to land, it can always be gained back diplomatically.

They did offer counter proposals at Taba and even as recent to Trump's proposal.

I think what some don't get is that it's Israel that doesn't want any state solution because it would be much costlier to the basis and foundation of Zionism and Israel's existence.
...The alies didnt have to center their feelings because they went to war and destroyed them.

If you think the there is a coalition of nations that will go war in order to destroy Israel. That's cool, then you don't need to center their feelings.

But as long as the Palestinians remain a small oppressed minority with no ability to defeat Israel in a war.

Yes you will need to "center their feelings" just as MLK centered the feelings of white people, just as Mandela centered the feelings of white people as he tried to reassure them they would have a place in a post apartheid south Africa.

You have to pursuade people or you need to defeat them in a war. Calling it a "moral panic" is just a way to not deal with the difficult reality.


But if you want to pin youre hopes of defeating Israel in a WWII open war. I guess you can do that.

Ok, I get what you're saying in that you're looking at it from a military strategy and point of view.

We're looking at it from discourse and propaganda in the mainstream consciousness point of view.

It's like when some were decentering Black Lives Matter to meaning white lives don't matter and then instead trying to counter with Blue Lives Matter.

We are looking at it from the grassroots activism perspective and the narratives to discredit them. This is such as what they are doing to this chant that's been in Palestinian activism, folklore and culture since decades ago. Even the pro Jewish and Israeli groups never even cared for the chant until now because of the focus the Palestinian liberation movement has gotten this past month.

As for Mandela and the reassurance in the peace talks, of course, I agree. However, that should happen at that stage when it's actually peace talks, independence and demilitarization that takes place.

I have never ever seen the magnitude of absurdity, foolishness and trolling not only from the Zio genocidal Fandom, but state level officials in the lies and propaganda.

Even pro Israel peeps must deep down know it's ludicrous and if they have more than 1 brain cell and critical thinking can catch the lies.

Sometimes I wonder if they're serious or just actually trolling, but either way it's very psychopathic and deranged.

It just shows their desperation in trying to cover war crimes and their lies because you can't beat live stream videos and pictures of genocide for the world to see.
The truth is. Nearly every company supports israel. Only a handful financially supports them.

The key is to hone in on those listed by BDS which focuses on the worst offenders (namely the ones financing their genocide). Boils it down to like 5 or 6 companies which are very easy to boycott.
Lmao is that clip for real? The 4 “rustic” aks on the floor are the evidence for destroying a hospital?

No tunnels nothing. “We’re still looking for the connection” after decimating the whole area and bulldozing 10 feet deep.. bunch of accident murderers
This PR stunt was the biggest crock of you know what.

So, CNN is going to run this by the IDF when they were trying to show a calendar with dates for schedules as a Hamas schedule????It only had says of the weeks and they said it had names???? Why is CNN not reviewing and fact checking before publishing this?

Seriously, integrity in Western journalism is dead. At this point this is journalism malpractice.
Not sure why they need a pro-israel march in washington. The american government already fully supports israel.
The human shields argument never even makes any sense at all.

Can someone explain why they use that lie as Hamas using 'human shields' when Israel indiscriminately bombs and kills everything and everyone?
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