Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

Anyone with very young kids especially toddlers should shudder at this video (not violent or graphic)

Ahead of the vote, Democratic Reps. Jerry Nadler and Daniel Goldman of New York and Jamie Raskin of Maryland urged their colleagues to vote “present” on the GOP resolution, describing it as a partisan attempt to score political points and saying that a bipartisan approach is needed.

Nadler, Goldman and Raskin on Monday introduced an alternative resolution that condemns antisemitism and calls on executive branch agencies and Congress to implement the Biden administration’s national strategy to counter antisemitism.
In remarks on the House floor, Nadler pointed to language in the GOP resolution stating that “anti-Zionism is antisemitism.”

Fam look at this ****
The latest hasbara of “mass rape” is so hilariously bad. Max Blumenthal has poked so many holes in their propaganda. The people leading the propaganda are some of the worst people on earth.
Seriously their atrocity propaganda is the most outlandish, cartoonish, and even stories that are not humanely possible, that it is laughable. Also, some of it is perpetuated from atrocities they have committed on Palestinians in past decades. You can take them out of history books where it has been documented.

As a Palestinian, this is nothing new. Israel's whole marketing and PR machine since before its inception is hasbara idealism and lies. Soooooo many lies. I have never seen a state/country lie THIS BAD, but it is a botched job. Some still gobble it up.

Palestinians have the truth, and real-time pictures and videos. No million-dollars PR propaganda machine can beat that.
The ******** I’ve seen online peddled by pro Israeli lunatics is straight up disgusting man

The video of the IdF soldier proposing on top of the rubbles of a Palestinian school

The people claiming the kids being mutilated are nothing more than lifelike dolls…

These people have managed to make the MAGA crowd look tolerable.
Ya they got some issues man. I think everyone is well aware a reservist army obsessed with having pictures of their female soldiers flaunted online wouldn’t accomplish anything had it not been for the control of air space and the ability to fly in the sky at any moment and make it rain bombs on people.
lots of genocide sympathizers in here

Imagine pretending to be a centrist/neutral party like these snakes do with a real motive to garner support for pro-segregation pro-apartheid mostly European colonists that under the pretense of religious fanaticism are indiscriminately ethnically cleansing an indigenous population.

And when they know they can’t “win” the pr battle the second option in the playbook is simply to muddy the waters, with things like whataboutism and semantics. They expose their own lack of humanity when countless innocents are dying.
Imagine pretending to be a centrist/neutral party like these snakes do with a real motive to garner support for pro-segregation pro-apartheid mostly European colonists that under the pretense of religious fanaticism are indiscriminately ethnically cleansing an indigenous population.

And when they know they can’t “win” the pr battle the second option in the playbook is simply to muddy the waters, with things like whataboutism and semantics. They expose their own lack of humanity when countless innocents are dying.

Im saving this as my response to all the pro-Israeli peeps on my timeline, offended because I show empathy for the oppressed as opposed to the oppressor.
If the world has yet to collectively condem and stop Israel after all the images of mutilated CHILDREN…they can execute men on camera and laugh about it…..the IDF is making Isis, Mexican cartels, Russia and just about any other terrorist group look MID as **** right now, these people are pure EVIL.
These are the type of stories some of the Israel empathizers on my feed are posting…


Just blatant supremacy agenda…
I imagine it’s pretty intoxicating when the world cheers on your brutality and mass murder of people you perceive as dangerous subhumans or subhumans that will grow up to be dangerous (children) and you believe you’re simultaneously fulfilling some sort of religious prophecy. All while being backed by billions of US tax dollars in cash and weaponry against a population that can’t even get themselves a cup of water. These people are taking power tripping to the n’th degree. Check how they kicked a downed Jewish person on camera. We don’t have to imagine what they’d do to a Palestinian off it, because they’ve been showing us for months now.

So those civilians up there that are being rounded and stripped bare is for their psyop to the Israeli press and media. They are putting out lies it is militants and that they surrendered.

When for days prior, residents in North Gaza have been telling testimonies on them coming to their houses, and taking out the men execution style.

I f***$&&$ cannot bear this. I can't.

This has been happening to us Palestinians for 75 years, it is a repeated and now it is in front of the world with a genocide and no one is stopping it.

I PERSONALLY know Palestinians from Gaza who told me 16 members of their family died, and another one told me 43 family members died last I heard weeks ago. I read a Palestinian journalist in Gaza say 120 FAMILY members died so far.

You have experts and analysts saying they have never seen this level of catastrophe and massacres of children killed at this unprecedented rate in under 2 months. They have dropped so many bombs on Gaza to kill its civil infrastructure and society to make it uninhabitable. This is just another phase in their chapter to traumatize us in the Palestinian psyche in our homeland, but to the diaspora that we can be slaughtered in cold blood and to render us subhuman to even dare speak up and continue our resistance to fight for our freedom and against their oppression. If only...if only this time the savagery and barbarism inflicted on us can be stopped. But even if it doesn't, they can never defeat us and we will continue to resist.
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The pic above is cropped. This is outside a pharmacy in north Gaza. IdF said “Hamas fighters surrendered in khan younis (the south)”

They are so bad at it
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