Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

When the 'Liberal West' thinks they are not fascist but go ahead and get fascist in supporting a genocide.

The worst violators of nature and human rights never go to jail. They hold the keys to it.
We’re on a new age of disinformation. It’s extremely dangerous to handcuff news to something like a twitter that’s managed like a company.

Not sure what’s a better way but i’d imagine an international coalition of highly qualified people from all countries managing something akin to a twitter. Make it a bit more official with a lot more resources for being an avenue to spread information vs the cesspoole profits matter privatized company approach. Similar to the origins of bleacher report

Edit: Nvm. There’s no version of constant on in your face at all time news that works. Forgot it draws attention to short term problems instead of long term inequities.
I find the issue to be the West that espouses upholding democracy and human rights on some holier-than-thou mindset, when they are the ones that are the most powerful and dominant exploiting others for resources, waging wars , carpet bombing other countries,, funding, aiding and supporting genocides and despots/rulers who violate human rights.

It is their covert murderous rampage of pointing the finger at others when they participate in the deadliest, most corrupt and vile forms of crimes against humanity on a global scale.

They also use disinformation to their advantage, all the while calling themselves democracies and the leaders of the 'Free World.'
We’re on a new age of disinformation. It’s extremely dangerous to handcuff news to something like a twitter that’s managed like a company.

Not sure what’s a better way but i’d imagine an international coalition of highly qualified people from all countries managing something akin to a twitter. Make it a bit more official with a lot more resources for being an avenue to spread information vs the cesspoole profits matter privatized company approach. Similar to the origins of bleacher report

Edit: Nvm. There’s no version of constant on in your face at all time news that works. Forgot it draws attention to short term problems instead of long term inequities.

what are you getting at exactly? Where is the misinformation.
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the explanation is that it was just some rogue kids who attend the synagogue.... Like nobody in the synagogue noticed people DIGGING IN WALLS & UNDEGROUND & thought hey this is a bit suspicious ?? :lol:

Wild times we living in
Im Not optimistic about ICJ genocide convention

The US is gonna pay off the judges. The US can’t afford to be labeled as co-defendants.

nearly all professors and judges who have read it and posted it about it says it a slam dunk case of genocide.
Im Not optimistic about ICJ genocide convention

The US is gonna pay off the judges. The US can’t afford to be labeled as co-defendants.
No need to do that:

The United States is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Rome Statute),[1] which founded the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2002.

As of March 2023, 123 states are members of the Court.[2] Other states that have not become parties to the Rome Statute include India, Indonesia, and China.[2] On May 6, 2002, the United States, in a position shared with Israel and Sudan, having previously signed the Rome Statute formally withdrew its signature and indicated that it did not intend to ratify the agreement.[2]

nearly all professors and judges who have read it and posted it about it says it a slam dunk case of genocide.
Yeah, but what's that going to do when there isn't a single body on Earth that can force the US to follow International Law? As it currently stands, it's nothing more than a set of guidelines the US is not exactly bound to.

You should read the rest of the Wikipedia article, especially the part about ASPA (the Hague Invasion Act). Then, read further about which American politicians have supported the US becoming a member of the ICC and which ones have not.
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