Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

This war has opened my eyes to the blatant ability of the government and its corporate partners to censor anyone they dislike. For this reason I’ve become more pro-free speech - even Zionist voices.

I use to love hearing about universities cancelling speeches of right wing nut jobs but honestly I prefer consistency more than winning my argument.

The USA GOVERMENT will learn from this war. Before their next well planned war on _______, they will probably ban social media for a few months and force everyone to listen to state sponsored media (ie msnbc cnn fox etc)

One thing Israel probably regrets is not developing a bomb that can wipe people’s phones and they would have dropped that on Gaza first.
Bibi and his cabinet of politicians are going to be responsible for world war 3

Hamas just said none of the hostages are going home now around 130 of them. Such bad news for those families.

Wild to think during ww2 almost every european country expelled them and now here we are today about to have another world war over the same group of people.

Its like no one learns from history when its all around us.

Off topic like in Germany right now theres is a far right political group called AFD which is becoming more popular and they subscribe to the great replacement theory like in America and are looking to expell all immigrants in Germany if they get it their way.
Bibi and his cabinet of politicians AND BIDEN/BLINKEN/SULLIVAN are going to be responsible for world war 3

Hamas just said none of the hostages (mostly POWs as they were on active duty when taken) are going home now around 130 of them. Such bad news for those families.

Wild to think during ww2 almost every european country expelled them and now here we are today about to have another world war over the same group of people.

Its like no one learns from history when its all around us.

Off topic like in Germany right now theres is a far right political group called AFD which is becoming more popular and they subscribe to the great replacement theory like in America and are looking to expell all immigrants in Germany if they get it their way.

The families of the captives has to be the only pressured being applied on Bibi and his crew to negotiate with Hamas.

Hamas even tho they lost everything in Gaza it is really the only thing they have to keep Bibi negotiating.

They kill them hostages or whatever you want to call them all bets are off.
Damn Middle East conflict expanding is correct

So now Iraq will target the western ports of Israel (they hit it once with Ballistic that bypassed all air defense).

Biden goofing. Idiots. Use diplomacy not bombs
Wild. That operation that killed the 24 soldiers was blessed.

Truly a bunch of coward soldiers. Reservists. Go home to your families, you don’t even know what you’re fighting for.
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