Israel declares War - Destruction of Gaza / Growing conflict in Middle East

In before a poster calls it fake news and links an AP news article about the ICJ trial without saying he had to scroll for 8 minutes to find it lol
It’s clear in the political thread who is following this atrocity up close and who is just casually checking cnn and msnbc for updates.

Those of us in the trenches are covered in blood and have likely had our entire perspective on how to a) read news and who/what to believe and b) our politicians are all bought and paid for/all the same crap

The irony is this isn’t a foreign war. It literally directly affects us. The world is changing and us Americans are going to suffer the long term effects of a terrible foreign policy/having our govt infiltrated by Aipac
As a Palestinian, that was truly a historic moment in what South Africa did today, and making us feel SEEN and heard on the world stage.

They are even more bold and heroic than any the despotic, satanic Arab leaders that have been bought off by the Western colonial and imperial entities for centuries, but yet it is SOUTH AFRICA that came through.

That was incredible and they did such an amazing job, and it was truly touching and make me have faith in humanity.

Tomorrow's Israel hearing is going to be a bunch of lies, propaganda, "But KhAMas!!!!", and dramatic theatrics.

It is about damn time SOMETHING is done and to stop this carnage and madness that as Palestinians have suffered through GENERATIONS. We're HUMAN, we deserve human rights and TO LIVE. We deserve self-determination and to be treated as humans. It is not much to ask at all.
For your entertainment tomorrow when watching Israel's rebuttal at the ICJ:

  • The US and UK launched joint airstrikes against Houthi targets in Yemen after a spate of attacks on merchant vessels in the Red Sea. President Biden left the door open to more and the Houthis vowed to continue their attacks. Brent jumped to $80, the highest in two weeks, and WTI surpassed $75 - BBG
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