It Was 400 Years Ago, They Said


In common law legal systems, a precedent or authority is a legal case that establishes a principle or rule.[1] This principle or rule is then used by the court or other judicial bodies use when deciding later cases with similar issues or facts.[1] The use of precedent provides predictability, stability, fairness, and efficiency in the law. The Latin term stare decisis is the doctrine of legal precedent.[2]
Y'all dude go back and forth with this cat every thread and it ruins every thread.

Jesus let it go, he will never admit anything.

Who cares at this point, people are ignorant and it is what it is.

I could give a **** less about Ninjahood and his living situation and I'm 99% sure no one does else does either.
There's not enough money in this country for white people to pay for what they did to and what they continue to do to black people and the natives.
Reperations have nothing to do with white people though. It has to do with the U.S. Government atoning for their wrongs. Best believe any form of reparations will be paid for by everyone blacks included.
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Y'all know damn well he ain't reading all that :lol:

Dudes need to use the block button.
Very very well said.
Rent control has destroyed entire sections of sound housing in New York’s South Bronx and has led to decay and abandonment throughout the entire five boroughs of the city. Thanks to rent control, and to potential investors’ fear that rent control will become even more stringent, no sensible investor will build rental housing unsubsidized by government.
The sitting tenant (your mother) is “protected” by rent control but, in many cases, receives no real rental bargain because of improper maintenance, poor repairs and painting, and grudging provision of services. The enjoyment she can derive out of her dwelling space ultimately tends to be reduced to a level commensurate with her controlled rent. This may take decades, though, and meanwhile she benefits from rent control.
People don't seem to realize the tactics that some landlords use to get people out of rent controlled apartments. I see it all the time with my parents and in my line of work. Rent control and section 8 both promote this type of negligence.
Shut up. You're the only idiot ITT that needs education. Let me school you...

FDR, a democrat, was the reason your mother still has rent control. The law is antiquated and detrimental to a free-market economy. You, Edwin, are a proud leech of a benefactor (your mother) of a romantic conception of socialism (rent control). When you artificially encourage demand and discourage supply it's not good for a CAPITALIST FREE-MARKET ECONOMY (the values America was built on, btw). House rents being kept low may benefit lower-middle class individuals such as you and your mother who can't afford to live in the same area and pay market rate in the private, UNREGULATED housing sector. It hurts everyone else who can afford to pay market rate but can't find a place to live because people like you abusing an outdated wartime effort legislation.

In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Emergency Price Control Act into law. The goal of the act was to prevent inflation (a concept I expect to be lost on you due to your investment in depreciating rubber sneakers) in the booming, fully employed wartime economy by setting price controls nationwide. In November 1943, the Office of Price Administration froze New York rents at their March 1, 1943, levels. When the Emergency Price Control Act expired in 1947, Congress passed the Federal Housing and Rent Act of 1947, which exempted construction after February 1, 1947, from rent controls, but continued that regulation for properties already completed by that date.

Your mother got lucky. Rent control is a government-mandated price control. As in the case of other price ceilings, rent control causes shortages, diminution in the quality of the product, and queues.

Rent control has destroyed entire sections of sound housing in New York’s South Bronx and has led to decay and abandonment throughout the entire five boroughs of the city. Thanks to rent control, and to potential investors’ fear that rent control will become even more stringent, no sensible investor will build rental housing unsubsidized by government.

Edwin, news flash, you live in rental housing subsidized by government. It's a fact you choose to conveniently ignore.

It's no wonder you appear to be living in squalor. Existing rental units fare poorly under rent control. Even with the best will in the world, the landlord sometimes cannot afford to pay his escalating fuel, labor, and materials bills, to say nothing of refinancing his mortgage, out of the rent increase he can legally charge. And under rent controls he lacks the best will; the incentive he had under free-market conditions to supply tenant services is severely reduced.

The sitting tenant (your mother) is “protected” by rent control but, in many cases, receives no real rental bargain because of improper maintenance, poor repairs and painting, and grudging provision of services. The enjoyment she can derive out of her dwelling space ultimately tends to be reduced to a level commensurate with her controlled rent. This may take decades, though, and meanwhile she benefits from rent control.

Then there is the “old lady effect.” Consider the case of a two-parent, four-child family that has occupied a ten-room rental dwelling. One by one the children grow up, marry, and move elsewhere. The husband dies. Now the lady is left with a gigantic apartment. She uses only two or three of the rooms and, to save on heating and cleaning, closes off the remainder. Without rent control she would move to a smaller accommodation. But rent control makes that option unattractive. Needless to say, these practices further exacerbate the housing crisis. Repeal of rent control would free up thousands of such rooms very quickly, dampening the impetus toward vastly higher rents. You'll never have to worry about this happening since you're a momma's boy who can't fend for himself as a man. No vacancies in Sheila's house because you are both abusing the law.

If government really had the best interests of tenants at heart and was for some reason determined to employ controls, it would do the very opposite of imposing rent restrictions: it would instead control the price of every other good and service available, apart from residential suites, in an attempt to divert resources out of all those other opportunities and into this one field. But that, of course, would bring about full-scale socialism, the very system under which the Eastern Europeans suffered so grimly. If the government wanted to help the poor and was for some reason constrained to keep rent controls, it would do better to tightly control rents on luxury unit rentals and to eliminate rent controls on more modest dwellings—the very opposite of the present practice. Then, builders’ incentives would be turned around. Instead of erecting luxury dwellings, which are now exempt, they would be led, “as if by an invisible hand,” to create housing for the poor and middle classes.

You stick to saying your mom was just smart and you got grandfathered in. No one believes it. The fact is that no one is envious of your situation. Most of us are paying market rate for where we live because we can afford to. We aren't jealous of someone trapped in a box benefiting from a dead law his mother got grandfathered into. We have the freedom to choose wherever we want to live, comfortably, without our mother. You are a glass ceiling hood dream trapped by circumstances you believe benefit you when your circumstances have stunted your growth. You peaked as an 18-year old child living with his mother and have remained "that dude" for the past 12 years. I know you love hip-hop references so go listen to 2nd childhood by Nas.

If you wanna sit and talk with the big boys you have to leave your stoop, kid. None of us take you seriously because you rely on your mother's assistance. None of us admire you because you didn't even take advantage of the opportunities your mother provided for you to save extra income and elevate yourself into a different social strata. You had the golden ticket laid out in front of you. You used it to selfishly buy sneakers and save for a chain for 10 years. The same chain that's going to be weighing you down as you dwell in that musty *** ghetto apartment. Damn son... You could've started a business with that money and could have a revenue stream coming in off that business to allow you to move out of those terrible conditions. Wait... that's what Trump did right? The man you admire so much. He took the inheritance his family provided and started his own businesses. He didn't just blow it on material posessions. He created an opportunity to pass that wealth down to the next generation, which, is what this thread is all about. But we know you're too selfish to invest that inheritance your mother gave you. You just spend it on dumb consumer goods instead so you can try to feel like you're not lower-middle class (which you are just based off of your living conditions). You just a little broke child though with a small selfish heart, it's really sad the more I type the more I feel bad for you and especially your mom. So I'ma just leave it at this. Stay in your place.

Destroyed!! and I remember that chain from years back and that damn musket.
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Hmmm so snowflake ninjahood ninjahood came in here and reported me again I see :smh: I didn't receive a warning and my post is now deleted. For what reason?
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Can ninja modernize his apartment and rent it to someone for $$?
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