ITT: You tell me one problem you're currently facing and I try and help you solve it

Looking for a new facewash and facial moisturizer. No acne just need something to keep my face clean and fresh.

What do you recommend Club.
I'm having trouble executing global domination.
Global domination can be a bit tricky without proper experience.

Start slow with your local playground and learn to manipulate the children, then work in your highschool/college (what ever institution you may be attending)

Sometimes I get so focused on the finish line that it's like I'm chasing the I never really enjoy the race. Then it's over. She wins again. So I end up winded and tired and rarely finish in first place, if at all. A lot of times I get DQs for taking way too long. I'm tired of not getting the W. What might make me a little faster, good sir?

There may be certain issues going on in your life (or perhaps in your early childhood) that never lets you fully appreciate the passion that life can bring.

Its up to you to figure out the root of this problem that makes you feel the need to appease others before yourself.

There is nothing worse in life than not being able to appreciate life's pleasures.

about 4 months ago, i broke my collar bone, had a metal plate put in it with surgery.
ive lost all the gains i was making, (nice shoulders and chest coming along). i havent done anything since cuz my doctor said not to.
i still cant work out(weights), but i can run and do legs.
i have that look were im skinny but flabby when the t shirt comes off, i wanna b skinnier ( or cut) im 5'10, 168-170
i dont know how to diet, and i started running last week 3 times a week (doctor said i can start that)
help!!!! with a diet or something...

doing this internship were i manage painters in a certain area, we have to do sales i hate sales, but it will look good on a resume...
and i have to attend alot of trainings on how to learn to paint houses so i can teach my workers...
i just started the trainings i dont think im going to do good, and i dont want to do it...
should i just do it for the future and it will look good on my resume or say eff it and find a different job/internship.
i was thinking go through training learn everything, quit, start my own painting business,since i will know everything, and have my freind whos excellent in sales be my sales partner... we will make more money since it will mostly go to us. (other than suppl and workers we pay)
in the internship dudes make on average of 50,000 sales and they get like 10% commission of that. (after supplies cost included by the company)
what should i do?

1) DONT FORCE IT! If the Doc is telling you to take time off, listen to him. Ive tried to come back from injury too soon and it has cost me before in the past. Your body is a complex system and needs time to heal.

Hit up the Fitness thread, many of the gentlemen there know their stuff and can probably put together a sample diet for you. Stay away from refined sugars above all else though.

2) Why do you just assume that you wont do well in the trainings? That sort of mentality is for beta males. You have the be the dominant one in the group, the alpha the male, the head honcho.

Its also important to remember that doing the smaller things now in benefit of the greater good is always the way to go. It may suck now, but once its done its on your resume forever.

If you dont do it you'll just kick yourself for not taking the time to do so.

from the sounds of it, the juice is worth the squeeze

move out of Ohio?

Dear Club,

I met this girl a while back and we've been shooting messages on FB back-and-forth, and she left her boyfriend during this time span. She says she just needs a break and whatnot. I am definitely feeling her, but I don't know how I should take this. Any help is cool

Sincerely, Fog

Do not come off needy or desperate, thats for sure. Make sure your presence is felt however, because she is probably looking for a rebound right now.

Which means you can attain your goal of dating/plowing this young lady as long as you dont overdo it.

Its sad that I always see many gentlemen who dont realize that 'less is more'. dont give too much, be a mystery, but let her know that "you're there for her". That kinda thing usually works.

why are the hot girls always underage?

chicks like the challenge of trying to bag an older fella. Its the reason many women dont have hobbies,  because THIS is their hobby.

I cant even tell you how many nice looking women ive encountered and became severely disappointed when they told me their age.

"17!"  "i turn 16 in June" to which I blankly reply "Well, enjoy your life" and walk away.

PLENTY of nice looking fish that are your age, young man. Just dont be afraid to use your rod, literally and figuratively speaking.

is it really that bad to be in a business with friends? im in one right now and sometimes they get on my nerves for asking questions ( i hope i dont get in yours )
Yes, you cant be the authority figure you want to be when working with friends. They will ALWAYS take it personal.

Its just like rooming with your best friend: lines will be crossed, boundaries will be broken, and in the end it almost always doesnt work out.

whats the contra code?
I woud tell you, but then I would have to slice your lips off

Bare with me fellas, your questions happen to come in while im at work and am answering them in spurts.

I assure you, all of your ponderings will be answered.
I'm having trouble executing global domination.
Global domination can be a bit tricky without proper experience.

Start slow with your local playground and learn to manipulate the children, then work in your highschool/college (what ever institution you may be attending)

Sometimes I get so focused on the finish line that it's like I'm chasing the I never really enjoy the race. Then it's over. She wins again. So I end up winded and tired and rarely finish in first place, if at all. A lot of times I get DQs for taking way too long. I'm tired of not getting the W. What might make me a little faster, good sir?

There may be certain issues going on in your life (or perhaps in your early childhood) that never lets you fully appreciate the passion that life can bring.

Its up to you to figure out the root of this problem that makes you feel the need to appease others before yourself.

There is nothing worse in life than not being able to appreciate life's pleasures.

about 4 months ago, i broke my collar bone, had a metal plate put in it with surgery.
ive lost all the gains i was making, (nice shoulders and chest coming along). i havent done anything since cuz my doctor said not to.
i still cant work out(weights), but i can run and do legs.
i have that look were im skinny but flabby when the t shirt comes off, i wanna b skinnier ( or cut) im 5'10, 168-170
i dont know how to diet, and i started running last week 3 times a week (doctor said i can start that)
help!!!! with a diet or something...

doing this internship were i manage painters in a certain area, we have to do sales i hate sales, but it will look good on a resume...
and i have to attend alot of trainings on how to learn to paint houses so i can teach my workers...
i just started the trainings i dont think im going to do good, and i dont want to do it...
should i just do it for the future and it will look good on my resume or say eff it and find a different job/internship.
i was thinking go through training learn everything, quit, start my own painting business,since i will know everything, and have my freind whos excellent in sales be my sales partner... we will make more money since it will mostly go to us. (other than suppl and workers we pay)
in the internship dudes make on average of 50,000 sales and they get like 10% commission of that. (after supplies cost included by the company)
what should i do?

1) DONT FORCE IT! If the Doc is telling you to take time off, listen to him. Ive tried to come back from injury too soon and it has cost me before in the past. Your body is a complex system and needs time to heal.

Hit up the Fitness thread, many of the gentlemen there know their stuff and can probably put together a sample diet for you. Stay away from refined sugars above all else though.

2) Why do you just assume that you wont do well in the trainings? That sort of mentality is for beta males. You have the be the dominant one in the group, the alpha the male, the head honcho.

Its also important to remember that doing the smaller things now in benefit of the greater good is always the way to go. It may suck now, but once its done its on your resume forever.

If you dont do it you'll just kick yourself for not taking the time to do so.

from the sounds of it, the juice is worth the squeeze

move out of Ohio?

Dear Club,

I met this girl a while back and we've been shooting messages on FB back-and-forth, and she left her boyfriend during this time span. She says she just needs a break and whatnot. I am definitely feeling her, but I don't know how I should take this. Any help is cool

Sincerely, Fog

Do not come off needy or desperate, thats for sure. Make sure your presence is felt however, because she is probably looking for a rebound right now.

Which means you can attain your goal of dating/plowing this young lady as long as you dont overdo it.

Its sad that I always see many gentlemen who dont realize that 'less is more'. dont give too much, be a mystery, but let her know that "you're there for her". That kinda thing usually works.

why are the hot girls always underage?

chicks like the challenge of trying to bag an older fella. Its the reason many women dont have hobbies,  because THIS is their hobby.

I cant even tell you how many nice looking women ive encountered and became severely disappointed when they told me their age.

"17!"  "i turn 16 in June" to which I blankly reply "Well, enjoy your life" and walk away.

PLENTY of nice looking fish that are your age, young man. Just dont be afraid to use your rod, literally and figuratively speaking.

is it really that bad to be in a business with friends? im in one right now and sometimes they get on my nerves for asking questions ( i hope i dont get in yours )
Yes, you cant be the authority figure you want to be when working with friends. They will ALWAYS take it personal.

Its just like rooming with your best friend: lines will be crossed, boundaries will be broken, and in the end it almost always doesnt work out.

whats the contra code?
I woud tell you, but then I would have to slice your lips off

Bare with me fellas, your questions happen to come in while im at work and am answering them in spurts.

I assure you, all of your ponderings will be answered.
wats the best weight gainer or protein for a skinny dude too take to get bigger?

is it possible to get a firearms liscense in georgia when im 21 if i have a misdemeanor drug charge at 17-18 & had to go to sum lil drug classes for it?
wats the best weight gainer or protein for a skinny dude too take to get bigger?

is it possible to get a firearms liscense in georgia when im 21 if i have a misdemeanor drug charge at 17-18 & had to go to sum lil drug classes for it?
i need money
so i decided to let go of my sneakers
so i posted them on craigslist for what i thought would be a quicker turn around time than ebay
but I'm pretty its the area I'm in that's not allowing me to get rid of said kicks
how can i make people view my craiglist post
i need money
so i decided to let go of my sneakers
so i posted them on craigslist for what i thought would be a quicker turn around time than ebay
but I'm pretty its the area I'm in that's not allowing me to get rid of said kicks
how can i make people view my craiglist post
Club im looking for an asian gf, where should i go to find one?

I live in Socal

hit up the USC campus. I have a buddy who goes there and when I visited, there were asian women everywhere!

Are you white? if so, you already have a leg-up (no shots fired)

why dont girls like me?
Because you have a defeated attitude, and you're a bit out of shape.

Work on both and you'll do just fine. Trust me.

What's a good workout schedule to get cut up and is there anything I should take as in pills or any protein? In 5'8 and weigh 145 by the way.

all fitness related questions should go in the Fitness thread, but it sounds like you wanna look up a decent strength training program and put on some muscle.

dont be one of these morons who thinks they're going to become like Arnold in his prime after a few weeks. It takes time to put on mass. You'll like what you see though, I promise

1. So i just got done with my ged and got somewhat high scores (standard score was 2970
), will that help my pursuit of higher learning? I had all f's in high scool but senior year i had a steady 3.5 gpa the whole year, I guess my question is will they over look my recent advances or will they see my recent actions as promising?
2. I wanna major in psychology/ child development, what schools would best fit my needs?

1. your school counselor can aid you in these kinda of questions. Dont be bashful, thats what they are there for.

2. It would really depend on your area. however, you should apply everywhere. Its a numbers game.

Club, I want a tall woman in my life. What do I do?

Tall = 5 9 +. Preferably without the physique and or facial structure of a man.

find me one at UM, seduce her short friend and help me out man

Does UM have a volleyball team? Tell them you're a recruiter for professional volleyball. I'll let your natural charm do the rest.

Why should you never collect a cone shell?
sea snails freak me out, thats enough reason for me.

how can I get bigger arm's? how long until I see real result's?

Squat and deadlift until you puke.

it takes time and a surplus of caloric consumption, but anything worth attaining takes time.

What are the acceptable haircuts for a man to get?
High and tight, crew cut, buzz cut.

Problem: hurt my back BAD squatting last monday and went to the hospital. I actually hurt it a little bit 4 days before from deadlifting(improper form). I thought my back would be good by monday, guess I was wrong.
Since I couldn't go to the gym and workout this past whole week I have been eating like I'm facing the death penalty and I don't know how much weight/fat I've gained. Too scared to look. Before I couldn't really walk at all after the accident. But now I can walk and run a little bit.

Today my first day going back to the gym doing cardio only. Went back to a tracked diet. Tomorrow I'm going to my REAL doctor who I haven't seen in 2 years (last time he saw me I was 200+, I'm around 160-170 i think). He will let me know how many weeks before I can lift or what kind of lifting exercise I can do. Hopefully I can do bench press or some kind of upper body workout.

pace yourself, dont rush into anything

You dont want to be 65+ and hunched over because of back issues you had in your youth
A lot of people think I'm cocky and I try not to be, but it pushes potential friendships away . How can I solve this

You are who you are. Stop trying to live up to other people's standards.
Yo, how can I get enough motivation to continue working out? 'Cause I work out extra hard for a month or two, plateaus, and stop for another month or two. I've tried doing different exercises, but the same thing happens.........
Remember the first time you saw your ex (who dumped you) with another dude?

He won.

He beat you.

You let yourself get defeated.

Remember that every single morning, and promise yourself that it wont happen again.

Its like Hova at the end of 'U dont know'  


A girl at the rec center says I have big boobs. Is this a sign I should stop benching?

you may have to ask her what psychiatric institute she attends, for she may be ******ed.

How can I have sexual relations (legally
) with the hot milf at work?
Is she single? if so, just make a move

ask her if she's married. If she says 'yes', ask her if its a good marriage.

if she hesitates for even a second, you've opened the wound, and now its time to expose it.

Although I dont condone fornicating with a married woman, as I mentioned to someone earlier in the thread you are only contributing to the bigger problem.
Club im looking for an asian gf, where should i go to find one?

I live in Socal

hit up the USC campus. I have a buddy who goes there and when I visited, there were asian women everywhere!

Are you white? if so, you already have a leg-up (no shots fired)

why dont girls like me?
Because you have a defeated attitude, and you're a bit out of shape.

Work on both and you'll do just fine. Trust me.

What's a good workout schedule to get cut up and is there anything I should take as in pills or any protein? In 5'8 and weigh 145 by the way.

all fitness related questions should go in the Fitness thread, but it sounds like you wanna look up a decent strength training program and put on some muscle.

dont be one of these morons who thinks they're going to become like Arnold in his prime after a few weeks. It takes time to put on mass. You'll like what you see though, I promise

1. So i just got done with my ged and got somewhat high scores (standard score was 2970
), will that help my pursuit of higher learning? I had all f's in high scool but senior year i had a steady 3.5 gpa the whole year, I guess my question is will they over look my recent advances or will they see my recent actions as promising?
2. I wanna major in psychology/ child development, what schools would best fit my needs?

1. your school counselor can aid you in these kinda of questions. Dont be bashful, thats what they are there for.

2. It would really depend on your area. however, you should apply everywhere. Its a numbers game.

Club, I want a tall woman in my life. What do I do?

Tall = 5 9 +. Preferably without the physique and or facial structure of a man.

find me one at UM, seduce her short friend and help me out man

Does UM have a volleyball team? Tell them you're a recruiter for professional volleyball. I'll let your natural charm do the rest.

Why should you never collect a cone shell?
sea snails freak me out, thats enough reason for me.

how can I get bigger arm's? how long until I see real result's?

Squat and deadlift until you puke.

it takes time and a surplus of caloric consumption, but anything worth attaining takes time.

What are the acceptable haircuts for a man to get?
High and tight, crew cut, buzz cut.

Problem: hurt my back BAD squatting last monday and went to the hospital. I actually hurt it a little bit 4 days before from deadlifting(improper form). I thought my back would be good by monday, guess I was wrong.
Since I couldn't go to the gym and workout this past whole week I have been eating like I'm facing the death penalty and I don't know how much weight/fat I've gained. Too scared to look. Before I couldn't really walk at all after the accident. But now I can walk and run a little bit.

Today my first day going back to the gym doing cardio only. Went back to a tracked diet. Tomorrow I'm going to my REAL doctor who I haven't seen in 2 years (last time he saw me I was 200+, I'm around 160-170 i think). He will let me know how many weeks before I can lift or what kind of lifting exercise I can do. Hopefully I can do bench press or some kind of upper body workout.

pace yourself, dont rush into anything

You dont want to be 65+ and hunched over because of back issues you had in your youth
A lot of people think I'm cocky and I try not to be, but it pushes potential friendships away . How can I solve this

You are who you are. Stop trying to live up to other people's standards.
Yo, how can I get enough motivation to continue working out? 'Cause I work out extra hard for a month or two, plateaus, and stop for another month or two. I've tried doing different exercises, but the same thing happens.........
Remember the first time you saw your ex (who dumped you) with another dude?

He won.

He beat you.

You let yourself get defeated.

Remember that every single morning, and promise yourself that it wont happen again.

Its like Hova at the end of 'U dont know'  


A girl at the rec center says I have big boobs. Is this a sign I should stop benching?

you may have to ask her what psychiatric institute she attends, for she may be ******ed.

How can I have sexual relations (legally
) with the hot milf at work?
Is she single? if so, just make a move

ask her if she's married. If she says 'yes', ask her if its a good marriage.

if she hesitates for even a second, you've opened the wound, and now its time to expose it.

Although I dont condone fornicating with a married woman, as I mentioned to someone earlier in the thread you are only contributing to the bigger problem.
Looking for a new facewash and facial moisturizer. No acne just need something to keep my face clean and fresh.

I just use the Neutrogena facewash that you can get at any grocery store.

how can i get a passport with a felony?
You dont deserve to fly, scumbag.

Why is jadakiss as hard as it gets?

I am not a trouser-checker, so i cannot help you with this issue
Hey, which drug overdose provides the most blissful demise?


how do i convince the mods to ban Club29?
Probably by letting them in on the most well-guarded secret in Niketalk history:

Im actually OMWN

wats the best weight gainer or protein for a skinny dude too take to get bigger?

is it possible to get a firearms liscense in georgia when im 21 if i have a misdemeanor drug charge at 17-18 & had to go to sum lil drug classes for it?

Fitness thread can point you to a decent weight gainer. I personally use ON 100% Whey protein (the one in the big black tub) for my protein powder.

Im not familiar with Georgia law, although I dont think you would have an issue getting a firearms license if the misdemeanor was when you were a minor.
I have a job interview at 330 at hibbett sports. Tips please?

Well its 6:00 pm now....hope your interview went well

if you're on the west coast: SPEAK UP! Dont stutter, show you're confident individual.

also: study the company you are applying for. Know the ins-and-outs, you never can be too prepared and having knowledge about your potential future employer can score some big points in the interview

i need money
so i decided to let go of my sneakers
so i posted them on craigslist for what i thought would be a quicker turn around time than ebay
but I'm pretty its the area I'm in that's not allowing me to get rid of said kicks
how can i make people view my craiglist post

I always found craigslist to be kind of shady. you just never know who your dealing with.

better to use Ebay and spend a bit of money to sell your product then potentially meet up with a 'buyer' only to have a glock pointed to your temple.

safety first, then teamwork.
Looking for a new facewash and facial moisturizer. No acne just need something to keep my face clean and fresh.

I just use the Neutrogena facewash that you can get at any grocery store.

how can i get a passport with a felony?
You dont deserve to fly, scumbag.

Why is jadakiss as hard as it gets?

I am not a trouser-checker, so i cannot help you with this issue
Hey, which drug overdose provides the most blissful demise?


how do i convince the mods to ban Club29?
Probably by letting them in on the most well-guarded secret in Niketalk history:

Im actually OMWN

wats the best weight gainer or protein for a skinny dude too take to get bigger?

is it possible to get a firearms liscense in georgia when im 21 if i have a misdemeanor drug charge at 17-18 & had to go to sum lil drug classes for it?

Fitness thread can point you to a decent weight gainer. I personally use ON 100% Whey protein (the one in the big black tub) for my protein powder.

Im not familiar with Georgia law, although I dont think you would have an issue getting a firearms license if the misdemeanor was when you were a minor.
I have a job interview at 330 at hibbett sports. Tips please?

Well its 6:00 pm now....hope your interview went well

if you're on the west coast: SPEAK UP! Dont stutter, show you're confident individual.

also: study the company you are applying for. Know the ins-and-outs, you never can be too prepared and having knowledge about your potential future employer can score some big points in the interview

i need money
so i decided to let go of my sneakers
so i posted them on craigslist for what i thought would be a quicker turn around time than ebay
but I'm pretty its the area I'm in that's not allowing me to get rid of said kicks
how can i make people view my craiglist post

I always found craigslist to be kind of shady. you just never know who your dealing with.

better to use Ebay and spend a bit of money to sell your product then potentially meet up with a 'buyer' only to have a glock pointed to your temple.

safety first, then teamwork.
Did my questions really get passed over?

Are humans, who are so flawed, able to reach a state of moral perfection? or Is the best way for humans only trying our best?

Did my questions really get passed over?

Are humans, who are so flawed, able to reach a state of moral perfection? or Is the best way for humans only trying our best?

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