ITT: You tell me one problem you're currently facing and I try and help you solve it

HEY CLUB29!....answer and explain how you do this math question please because it has been bothering me for years for not knowing the answer to this math equation and I really want to know the answer so I can feel proud and happy that I finally know the answer so if you're able to answer the long and hard math equation for me then it would be great and it would be even more great if you can thoroughly explain each step to the math question and how you got each answer for each of the step so I can show off to other people around me like my teachers or friends that I know how to do this great and long equation that not many people in the world are able to solve so if you can solve it then it would be great because you'll be one of the few people out there who can actually solve this long equation and you'll prove to the world how smart you are and you will finally be able to put away the haters and I'd really appreciate it if you can do it because of all the reasons that have been posted above in this long sentence but if for some reason you are not able to answer the math question then that's okay because not many people in the world are able to answer it but you will let me down if you can't answer the question so yeah I will post the long and almost impossible math equation below for you to do.

y² = x³ - 432
Find all ordered pairs (x,y) so that x and y are integers.

Thank you.
HEY CLUB29!....answer and explain how you do this math question please because it has been bothering me for years for not knowing the answer to this math equation and I really want to know the answer so I can feel proud and happy that I finally know the answer so if you're able to answer the long and hard math equation for me then it would be great and it would be even more great if you can thoroughly explain each step to the math question and how you got each answer for each of the step so I can show off to other people around me like my teachers or friends that I know how to do this great and long equation that not many people in the world are able to solve so if you can solve it then it would be great because you'll be one of the few people out there who can actually solve this long equation and you'll prove to the world how smart you are and you will finally be able to put away the haters and I'd really appreciate it if you can do it because of all the reasons that have been posted above in this long sentence but if for some reason you are not able to answer the math question then that's okay because not many people in the world are able to answer it but you will let me down if you can't answer the question so yeah I will post the long and almost impossible math equation below for you to do.

y² = x³ - 432
Find all ordered pairs (x,y) so that x and y are integers.

Thank you.

So im in college and while I smashed a few broads last semester, im trying to do NUMBERS this semester..How do I find the skeezers who are ready to dome/smash with no strings attached?? and when I think Ive found one, how do I relay that these are my intentions?

So im in college and while I smashed a few broads last semester, im trying to do NUMBERS this semester..How do I find the skeezers who are ready to dome/smash with no strings attached?? and when I think Ive found one, how do I relay that these are my intentions?
Exam block next week
if you can teach me hematology and antibiotics that would be swell.
Exam block next week
if you can teach me hematology and antibiotics that would be swell.
Originally Posted by VietStar
I was going to ask him to solve an undecidable problem too. Specifically one of the Millennium Prize Problems on some can a four dimensional topological sphere have two or more inequivalent smooth structures?
Originally Posted by VietStar
I was going to ask him to solve an undecidable problem too. Specifically one of the Millennium Prize Problems on some can a four dimensional topological sphere have two or more inequivalent smooth structures?
Are humans, who are so flawed, able to reach a state of moral perfection? or Is the best way for humans only trying our best?

We both know perfection is a myth.

even if WE see it in someone else, it is highly unlikely that they see it the same way.

In many ways, we are our own worst enemies as well as our own barricade to the ideal life that we feel we deserve

y² = x³ - 432
Find all ordered pairs (x,y) so that x and y are integers.


So im in college and while I smashed a few broads last semester, im trying to do NUMBERS this semester..How do I find the skeezers who are ready to dome/smash with no strings attached?? and when I think Ive found one, how do I relay that these are my intentions?

do you live in a dorm or off-campus? Regardless, going to parties and being up-front about your intentions will do just fine.

its college, they know the deal just as much as we do. If you're handsome, you'll be just fine. Trust me.

why is this guy knuckles Ashy club?

It is obvious this fella forgot to apply his Cocoa butter prior to leaving his residence.

Exam block next week
if you can teach me hematology and antibiotics that would be swell.

unfortunately, this is not something I can assist you with but sincerely wish you the best of luck on your upcoming tests

why don't squares get the box?

you tell us

Why does my iPad constantly disconnect from thw wifi at my house.

check your DNS server.

you also may be in a hotspot, where the connection is shoddy
Are humans, who are so flawed, able to reach a state of moral perfection? or Is the best way for humans only trying our best?

We both know perfection is a myth.

even if WE see it in someone else, it is highly unlikely that they see it the same way.

In many ways, we are our own worst enemies as well as our own barricade to the ideal life that we feel we deserve

y² = x³ - 432
Find all ordered pairs (x,y) so that x and y are integers.


So im in college and while I smashed a few broads last semester, im trying to do NUMBERS this semester..How do I find the skeezers who are ready to dome/smash with no strings attached?? and when I think Ive found one, how do I relay that these are my intentions?

do you live in a dorm or off-campus? Regardless, going to parties and being up-front about your intentions will do just fine.

its college, they know the deal just as much as we do. If you're handsome, you'll be just fine. Trust me.

why is this guy knuckles Ashy club?

It is obvious this fella forgot to apply his Cocoa butter prior to leaving his residence.

Exam block next week
if you can teach me hematology and antibiotics that would be swell.

unfortunately, this is not something I can assist you with but sincerely wish you the best of luck on your upcoming tests

why don't squares get the box?

you tell us

Why does my iPad constantly disconnect from thw wifi at my house.

check your DNS server.

you also may be in a hotspot, where the connection is shoddy
I'm addicted to going fast. I can be in a car, on a bike, running, whatever, I need to go as fast as possible. I don't have my license yet (need to finish Driver's Ed). How do I solve this desire to go fast?
I'm addicted to going fast. I can be in a car, on a bike, running, whatever, I need to go as fast as possible. I don't have my license yet (need to finish Driver's Ed). How do I solve this desire to go fast?
should i keep my baby girl from my other 2 baby mommas finding out ?(with the fear of them takin my boys away) or should i just tell them and roll with the punches?
should i keep my baby girl from my other 2 baby mommas finding out ?(with the fear of them takin my boys away) or should i just tell them and roll with the punches?
Originally Posted by scshift

I'm addicted to going fast. I can be in a car, on a bike, running, whatever, I need to go as fast as possible. I don't have my license yet (need to finish Driver's Ed). How do I solve this desire to go fast?

Once you crash you should be straight for a couple years then you need to crash again
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