ITT: You tell me one problem you're currently facing and I try and help you solve it

Originally Posted by scshift

I'm addicted to going fast. I can be in a car, on a bike, running, whatever, I need to go as fast as possible. I don't have my license yet (need to finish Driver's Ed). How do I solve this desire to go fast?

Once you crash you should be straight for a couple years then you need to crash again
Just copped some new glasses after breaking my old ones. Not really feeling them so far, but I'm getting contacts soon. Should I keep wearing these to get used to my new look?
Just copped some new glasses after breaking my old ones. Not really feeling them so far, but I'm getting contacts soon. Should I keep wearing these to get used to my new look?
i hate working.

i want to work on my own. get into some type of internet marketing, working for myself.

but i would have to work 4 times as hard, PLUS the work im already doing at work, which is taking a toll on me in itself. Cause i cant quit without steady income.

havent done anything about it yet. but i truly believe that i can make money not working under someone.
i hate working.

i want to work on my own. get into some type of internet marketing, working for myself.

but i would have to work 4 times as hard, PLUS the work im already doing at work, which is taking a toll on me in itself. Cause i cant quit without steady income.

havent done anything about it yet. but i truly believe that i can make money not working under someone.
I'm addicted to going fast. I can be in a car, on a bike, running, whatever, I need to go as fast as possible. I don't have my license yet (need to finish Driver's Ed). How do I solve this desire to go fast?
unfortunately, life goes by particularly fast.

faster then you know it.

its then that you'll wish things were just a little bit slower.

Food for thought
NY or cali???


should i keep my baby girl from my other 2 baby mommas finding out ?(with the fear of them takin my boys away) or should i just tell them and roll with the punches?

  Would you mind elaborating more on this issue? Im genuinely interested

Just copped some new glasses after breaking my old ones. Not really feeling them so far, but I'm getting contacts soon. Should I keep wearing these to get used to my new look?

if by "soon" you mean a couple of weeks, stick it out with the glasses.

if its a few months from now before you get contacts, switch your glasses style!

Why deal with something you dont like if you dont have to?

i hate working.

i want to work on my own. get into some type of internet marketing, working for myself.

but i would have to work 4 times as hard, PLUS the work im already doing at work, which is taking a toll on me in itself. Cause i cant quit without steady income.

havent done anything about it yet. but i truly believe that i can make money not working under someone.

Try writing down the things you feel that you are legitimately good at.

As well as things you feel you need to work on.

Find a niche in the market with what you feel you are good at, and try and evolve and improve on the things you are not.

I think if you really put your cortex to it, you'll find something worth doing that makes you happy.

Now you just have to pursue it. It may take a while but life is not about destination, but the journey itself.
I'm addicted to going fast. I can be in a car, on a bike, running, whatever, I need to go as fast as possible. I don't have my license yet (need to finish Driver's Ed). How do I solve this desire to go fast?
unfortunately, life goes by particularly fast.

faster then you know it.

its then that you'll wish things were just a little bit slower.

Food for thought
NY or cali???


should i keep my baby girl from my other 2 baby mommas finding out ?(with the fear of them takin my boys away) or should i just tell them and roll with the punches?

  Would you mind elaborating more on this issue? Im genuinely interested

Just copped some new glasses after breaking my old ones. Not really feeling them so far, but I'm getting contacts soon. Should I keep wearing these to get used to my new look?

if by "soon" you mean a couple of weeks, stick it out with the glasses.

if its a few months from now before you get contacts, switch your glasses style!

Why deal with something you dont like if you dont have to?

i hate working.

i want to work on my own. get into some type of internet marketing, working for myself.

but i would have to work 4 times as hard, PLUS the work im already doing at work, which is taking a toll on me in itself. Cause i cant quit without steady income.

havent done anything about it yet. but i truly believe that i can make money not working under someone.

Try writing down the things you feel that you are legitimately good at.

As well as things you feel you need to work on.

Find a niche in the market with what you feel you are good at, and try and evolve and improve on the things you are not.

I think if you really put your cortex to it, you'll find something worth doing that makes you happy.

Now you just have to pursue it. It may take a while but life is not about destination, but the journey itself.
dude i tried hot or not and some chix wanna meet what the hell do i do now?
dude i tried hot or not and some chix wanna meet what the hell do i do now?
If a possibly sentient computer begs you not to turn it off, should you listen?
If a possibly sentient computer begs you not to turn it off, should you listen?
Good thread idea.

I was in line at coat check after a long night of drinking. Actually, I was the only person in line, other than the girl in front of me. I think she's an angel. So beautiful...
That's correct, the only two people at coat check. Except for my buddy - who was off to the right hand side.

He thought it'd be funny to grab her *%! - wait no... BLATANTLY VIOLATE this female. Grabbed her whole underside cooch taint everything.
She turned around, of course to the left hand side to see nothing but my face.

DONT !%+#@%# TOUCH ME YOU !%+#@%# PERVERT.

To reiterate, she yelled at me a few more times outside after the fact.

Well... this girl is on my campus. I see her every day... at least a few times a day.
I'm absolutely the last person to touch a girl I didnt know... or do anything like that. I actually respect girls. This girl can't walk through the caf without every damn dude whistling at her. I'M DIFFERENT THAN THEM.

So yeah, blew my chances with her.
..but the problem is seeing her at school tomorrow. I'm not sure if she's gonna start a scene, tell all her hot friends I'm a creepy psycho, or even remember my face.

Club.... speak the truth my man. what do I do. How can I flip this into a chivalrous achievement of smashing proportions.
Good thread idea.

I was in line at coat check after a long night of drinking. Actually, I was the only person in line, other than the girl in front of me. I think she's an angel. So beautiful...
That's correct, the only two people at coat check. Except for my buddy - who was off to the right hand side.

He thought it'd be funny to grab her *%! - wait no... BLATANTLY VIOLATE this female. Grabbed her whole underside cooch taint everything.
She turned around, of course to the left hand side to see nothing but my face.

DONT !%+#@%# TOUCH ME YOU !%+#@%# PERVERT.

To reiterate, she yelled at me a few more times outside after the fact.

Well... this girl is on my campus. I see her every day... at least a few times a day.
I'm absolutely the last person to touch a girl I didnt know... or do anything like that. I actually respect girls. This girl can't walk through the caf without every damn dude whistling at her. I'M DIFFERENT THAN THEM.

So yeah, blew my chances with her.
..but the problem is seeing her at school tomorrow. I'm not sure if she's gonna start a scene, tell all her hot friends I'm a creepy psycho, or even remember my face.

Club.... speak the truth my man. what do I do. How can I flip this into a chivalrous achievement of smashing proportions.
dude i tried hot or not and some chix wanna meet what the hell do i do now?
message them to meet up for coffee. Nothing more. Profit!

my man, I know you think you're being humorous with these silly questions but you are trying way too hard to get a laugh out of....well, anyone

Good thread idea.

I was in line at coat check after a long night of drinking. Actually, I was the only person in line, other than the girl in front of me. I think she's an angel. So beautiful...
That's correct, the only two people at coat check. Except for my buddy - who was off to the right hand side.

He thought it'd be funny to grab her *%! - wait no... BLATANTLY VIOLATE this female. Grabbed her whole underside cooch taint everything.
She turned around, of course to the left hand side to see nothing but my face.

DONT !%+#@%# TOUCH ME YOU !%+#@%# PERVERT.

To reiterate, she yelled at me a few more times outside after the fact.

Well... this girl is on my campus. I see her every day... at least a few times a day.
I'm absolutely the last person to touch a girl I didnt know... or do anything like that. I actually respect girls. This girl can't walk through the caf without every damn dude whistling at her. I'M DIFFERENT THAN THEM.

So yeah, blew my chances with her.
..but the problem is seeing her at school tomorrow. I'm not sure if she's gonna start a scene, tell all her hot friends I'm a creepy psycho, or even remember my face.

Club.... speak the truth my man. what do I do. How can I flip this into a chivalrous achievement of smashing proportions.
Brett, Brett..........

you're my dude but....damn, why would you do something like that?

if she doesnt remember you, dont even TRY and jar her memory! You'll be lucky if she completely forgot (which i highly doubt she would)

If she tries to make a scene and make you look bad, just deny til you die.

Try and work on your "I think you got the wrong person..." face.

Dont overdo it with the facial expressions or tone in your voice. Subtlety is key.
dude i tried hot or not and some chix wanna meet what the hell do i do now?
message them to meet up for coffee. Nothing more. Profit!

my man, I know you think you're being humorous with these silly questions but you are trying way too hard to get a laugh out of....well, anyone

Good thread idea.

I was in line at coat check after a long night of drinking. Actually, I was the only person in line, other than the girl in front of me. I think she's an angel. So beautiful...
That's correct, the only two people at coat check. Except for my buddy - who was off to the right hand side.

He thought it'd be funny to grab her *%! - wait no... BLATANTLY VIOLATE this female. Grabbed her whole underside cooch taint everything.
She turned around, of course to the left hand side to see nothing but my face.

DONT !%+#@%# TOUCH ME YOU !%+#@%# PERVERT.

To reiterate, she yelled at me a few more times outside after the fact.

Well... this girl is on my campus. I see her every day... at least a few times a day.
I'm absolutely the last person to touch a girl I didnt know... or do anything like that. I actually respect girls. This girl can't walk through the caf without every damn dude whistling at her. I'M DIFFERENT THAN THEM.

So yeah, blew my chances with her.
..but the problem is seeing her at school tomorrow. I'm not sure if she's gonna start a scene, tell all her hot friends I'm a creepy psycho, or even remember my face.

Club.... speak the truth my man. what do I do. How can I flip this into a chivalrous achievement of smashing proportions.
Brett, Brett..........

you're my dude but....damn, why would you do something like that?

if she doesnt remember you, dont even TRY and jar her memory! You'll be lucky if she completely forgot (which i highly doubt she would)

If she tries to make a scene and make you look bad, just deny til you die.

Try and work on your "I think you got the wrong person..." face.

Dont overdo it with the facial expressions or tone in your voice. Subtlety is key.
Originally Posted by Club29

Brett, Brett..........

you're my dude but....damn, why would you do something like that?

if she doesnt remember you, dont even TRY and jar her memory! You'll be lucky if she completely forgot (which i highly doubt she would)

If she tries to make a scene and make you look bad, just deny til you die.

Try and work on your "I think you got the wrong person..." face.

Dont overdo it with the facial expressions or tone in your voice. Subtlety is key.

That's the thing... I didn't do anything! 

Such an awkward situation to be in... I've never been in this situation before. Being accused of something horrible that I had zero involvement with.

I'm really just placing my bets on her not remembering, and NOT hitting on her acquaintances. 
Originally Posted by Club29

Brett, Brett..........

you're my dude but....damn, why would you do something like that?

if she doesnt remember you, dont even TRY and jar her memory! You'll be lucky if she completely forgot (which i highly doubt she would)

If she tries to make a scene and make you look bad, just deny til you die.

Try and work on your "I think you got the wrong person..." face.

Dont overdo it with the facial expressions or tone in your voice. Subtlety is key.

That's the thing... I didn't do anything! 

Such an awkward situation to be in... I've never been in this situation before. Being accused of something horrible that I had zero involvement with.

I'm really just placing my bets on her not remembering, and NOT hitting on her acquaintances. 
i have a family member who keeps sending me texts every damn day. they are inspirational like have a good day think positive blah blah blah etc! and i HATE them. I hate chain e-mail/text forwarding all that and i have no problem telling people to lose my number if they cant refrain from sending that crap. but i dont want to come off as a jerk to her because we arent least in my eyes but she really wants to feel related to me. how do i get this madness to stop!!!!!!! i delete and ignore all of them now but this is killing me.
i have a family member who keeps sending me texts every damn day. they are inspirational like have a good day think positive blah blah blah etc! and i HATE them. I hate chain e-mail/text forwarding all that and i have no problem telling people to lose my number if they cant refrain from sending that crap. but i dont want to come off as a jerk to her because we arent least in my eyes but she really wants to feel related to me. how do i get this madness to stop!!!!!!! i delete and ignore all of them now but this is killing me.
What, after all, is the medium of poetry? If it is language, how is this distinct from the medium of prose fiction? Is the distinction really a distinction in medium or genre?

If a man born blind and able to distinguish by touch between a cube and a globe, were made to see, could he now tell by sight which was the cube and which the globe, before he touched them?

Is a bale of hay still a bale of hay if you remove one straw? If so, is it still a bale of hay if you remove another straw? If you continue this way, you will eventually deplete the entire bale of hay. At what point is it no longer a bale of hay?

Does inductive reasoning lead to knowledge?
What, after all, is the medium of poetry? If it is language, how is this distinct from the medium of prose fiction? Is the distinction really a distinction in medium or genre?

If a man born blind and able to distinguish by touch between a cube and a globe, were made to see, could he now tell by sight which was the cube and which the globe, before he touched them?

Is a bale of hay still a bale of hay if you remove one straw? If so, is it still a bale of hay if you remove another straw? If you continue this way, you will eventually deplete the entire bale of hay. At what point is it no longer a bale of hay?

Does inductive reasoning lead to knowledge?
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