Iverson prepared to sign with Knicks

Originally Posted by BangDak

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by BangDak

you know, i hope he goes to LA just for you CP.
i would love to see dude go off nh.
I already stated, I would need to take some time off from rooting for the Lakers for a bit. Artest + AI does not = CP.

I can handle one of them, but not both. No way.

Checkin thru the Knicks thread, people want in there really want TMac? Why?
his expiring is good money.
tmac rotting the bench is better then duhon, jefferies, nate, and lee taking up PT.
instead of them, hughes, douglas, darko, and hill can be getting those minutes.

So lemme get this straight, you want to move 3 guys with expiring contracts just to get rid of the 7 mil that Jeffries makes?

.......eh, maybe I could understand that I guess. That leaves you with only Curry as a bad contract, but damn, I mean Lee and Nate are at least two viableplayers. TMac is not. And you need to have bodies next season for whoever you try to get. Gotta have somebody out there.

If you could do Curry, Lee and Duhon, then maybe I could see a deal. But 4 for TMac is too much. Especially since you still have Curry. I mean if Houston isgonna take on the 7 mil of Jefferies, then at least make them take an extra 4 to take on Curry. Maybe they'll throw another player your way to make iteven out or something.
From 3 days ago, in the 'Iverson on waivers' thread:
The Wizard:
Bring him to NY.

he'll have a starting spot & free reign to shoot
If there is a basketball god, THIS will happen.

He is a PERFECT fit right now for NY. Which probably means the Knicks will blunder everything and not sign him.

Somewhere, SHUGES is buying a lottery ticket, confident that today belongs to him.
Somewhere, ska is thinking 'Hmph, SHUGES was right' while SHUGES is going 'About the wrong thing, a-hole!'
Originally Posted by CP1708

So lemme get this straight, you want to move 3 guys with expiring contracts just to get rid of the 7 mil that Jeffries makes?

.......eh, maybe I could understand that I guess. That leaves you with only Curry as a bad contract, but damn, I mean Lee and Nate are at least two viable players. TMac is not. And you need to have bodies next season for whoever you try to get. Gotta have somebody out there.

If you could do Curry, Lee and Duhon, then maybe I could see a deal. But 4 for TMac is too much. Especially since you still have Curry. I mean if Houston is gonna take on the 7 mil of Jefferies, then at least make them take an extra 4 to take on Curry. Maybe they'll throw another player your way to make it even out or something.
ill take back battier but i dont see them giving him up.

nates been playing horrendous, and douglas can easily replace him (sole purpose of drafting him in the first place)
lee has been mr. butter fingers all season long (dont let his numbers fool you) and hill can easily replace him as well (same explanation as above)

chandler, al, hill, curry, landry off the bench. young and experienced, but they'll play well.
and of course you have tmac rotting the bench.
He needs to just retire or go to the Celtics and come off the bench... No one wants him to start he will give you points but will mess up the team chemistry
Walsh explains...
GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- Allen Iverson will not be the answer for the New York Knicks, who decided bringing the four-time NBA scoring champion aboard would be at odds with the franchise's long-term rebuilding plans.

The decision was reached late Thursday night after discussions among team president Donnie Walsh, coach Mike D'Antoni and owner James Dolan.

"It did get interesting for a while because Allen's a great player and has always been a great player," Walsh said Friday. "You're 1-9 and you're thinking, 'We've got to get some help in here.' But when we rethought it and I talked to Mike and he talked to me, we feel that could hurt our development of the future, and so we want to go the way we're going.

Sounds like Walsh was going to give it the green light and Mike D said HELL NO

And who are these players that the Knicks are developing?
Mike D'Anphony is a coach with a huge ego problem. First Marbury (Allen's arch enemy) and now AI, two guards that could push the rock and flourish inD'Anphony's system are shot down before considering how they can help. Hey but this is the same guy that gave the green light for Jordan Hill.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Mike D'Anphony is a coach with a huge ego problem. First Marbury (Allen's arch enemy) and now AI, two guards that could push the rock and flourish in D'Anphony's system are shot down before considering how they can help. Hey but this is the same guy that gave the green light for Jordan Hill.
Hey these are the same guys who didn't select Brandon Jennings
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Mike D'Anphony is a coach with a huge ego problem. First Marbury (Allen's arch enemy) and now AI, two guards that could push the rock and flourish in D'Anphony's system are shot down before considering how they can help. Hey but this is the same guy that gave the green light for Jordan Hill.
Hey these are the same guys who didn't select Brandon Jennings

Not that it matters, but last year in preseason Steph was playing great in D'Antoni's system even when he came off the bench...
I'm more mad at myself than at James Ho-lan, Donnie, Mike...

I'm mad at myself because I actually thought this was gonna happen. I'm a pessimistic person by nature. I know how much this franchise has %$#@++around the last few years, not giving two %%*+% about the fans. I knew all that, yet for whatever reason...I actually thought this was gonna get done.

Shame on me.

And this is all after I bought into him coming here, after being on the fence about it for a day or two.

#$*+!+% tease, that's what's it always about with this team. If these mother @##!!** do nothing in the offseason, I'm sending Ho-lan some anthrax.

They better not win that lottery, I swear...
at the knicks fiasco.

I think the Cavs need someone like AI. Thats IF AI can come in and know he is the second best player on the team. Detroit didn't work because he thought hewas better than Rip and Stuckey Memphis didn't work because he thought he was better then OJ and Mike. Stepping into Cle. he might understand that he isNOT the best player on his team and it might work. Their backcourt would be relatively small but that gives Lebron what he needs. A scoring 2guard who cancreate for himself and for others. I think AI to the Cavs would work.

Give him a 1 year contract. If it don't work. Cut him.
the knicks are a joke ... hope they rot in basketball hell for the next 50 years ... he doesnt "fit" your rebuilding process huh man ... what the#*%* are you building? you have 12 scrubs on your roster who will never amount to anything in the league ... yet youre rebuilding ... ... ... lmao
AI didn't work in Detroit b/c he had a bum in his 1st yr coaching and Memphis same situation. AI dumbed his game down just to fit in w/my Pistons...Rip andStuckey can't tie his shoes...and he still avg a respectable 17 ppg...New York is dumb AI was the perfect for their uptempo style and he can selltix...Walsh dumba$% says Iverson will stunt growth of their slaw a$5 young players smh! New York is 2-9 and dropped the ball bigtime!
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by grittyman20

And who are these players that the Knicks are developing?

too bad the warriors are like the west coast version of the knicks
Maybe similar in that the management is a joke, but at least the Warriors have talent.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

nawlinsjunkie wrote:
Originally Posted by grittyman20

And who are these players that the Knicks are developing?


too bad the warriors are like the west coast version of the knicks
Maybe similar in that the management is a joke, but at least the Warriors have talent.

yep thats what i meant, management always giving the excuse that we're "rebuilding"
Originally Posted by Los Yankees

Why the hell would Dolan be hesistant to sign Iverson but sign Isaiah Thomas, trade for Jared Jeffries, Eddy Curry, and other scrubs?

because he prolly had a meeting with iverson and found out what a big !%%# he was... Iverson prolly gave him a set amount of minutes, starting position, andrules they had to oblige with...before he would sign.

sorry ai fans but iverson is half ******ed...
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