January Wrestling Thread 2022 | Brock All Up In The Videos like Diddy

Happy 70th Birthday to Good Ol' J.R., Jim Ross.

3 INSANE El Generico Matches in ROH! | ROH 18th Anniversary Collection

OLÉ! In celebration of Ring of Honor's 18th Anniversary, relive three loco El Generico matches from ROH history!

00:00 - El Generico vs Kota Ibushi (Return Engagement, 4/19/08)
16:36 - Fight Without Honor: Kevin Steen vs El Generico (Final Battle 2010, 12/18/10)
55:22 - World Television Championship: Christopher Daniels (c) vs El Generico (Best in the World, 6/26/11)

Hope there is some kind of swerve ahead with the Heyman/Brock pairing. Would be kinda wack if they’re just all back to normal.

Also hope Brock gets to keep talking.
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