January Wrestling Thread 2022 | Brock All Up In The Videos like Diddy


Once I saw that image on Big-E ig I knew he was toasted. WWE never looked at him seriously
He spent the last 10 years or so playing a basement dweeb, throwing pancakes, riding unicorns and dressing in vibrant glittery colors. What is there to take seriously?
then you would only have one title for two "brands"

roman has enough of the spotlight. you just gonna have him take the other shows title too?

We can agree that WWE has too many titles, right?

You read about it on here and everywhere else how there should only be 1 world/wwe belt, 1 tag and 1 women's.

If they have only 1 of those, doesn't it make it more prestigious?

Besides, name a better heel in recent memory than Reigns.

Then whoever takes that belt off him becomes a big babyface.

Big E, Drew, etc.

Of course this is assuming that they will go this route.
So if Roman and Brock had the match last night, how do you all think that would have turned out?
Granted I didn’t watch a lot of Raw during E’s title reign, but what I did watch it just seemed they changed his character too quickly. Went from goofy as y’all said it too 100% serious. Didn’t seem organic if that makes sense.
They gotta turn E after this. Tried to please the fans blah blah blah, no one takes me seriously etc time for an attitude change.
No one is going to take a goofy comedy guy seriously as the WWE Champ. That's not on him but he'll get blamed for not drawing. He has to get the scent of unicorns and pancakes off of him. And he can imo but the thing is when Vince sees you one way it's damn near impossible for him to change his mind and the writers prefer writing goofy comedy anyway to appeal to him anyway.
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