January Wrestling Thread/NTWT Jobber Of The Week D Fly

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no love for The Viper Piper Niven?
watching the Mae Yung Classic there were so many people that stood out. i'd throw in Teagan even though we haven't seen too much of her work since joining the E
Women on WWE payroll who are better than Sasha in the ring (in no specific order):
Shane Battier
Thunder Storm
Rhea Pearlman
Bark at the Ember Moon
Box Chevy
Nicki Cross-Eyed Chicken Wing
Reuben Riots
Candace "Lash" LaRue
Kyrie Sane
Mia Yim
Xia Li

These are all people who I find to put on better matches and are more enjoyable to watch than Sasha..
Who are you referring to as Shane Battier? :lol:
Yes Sasha been awkward as hell both in the ring and on the mic on the main roster , We all know Charlotte is head and shoulders above every other female on that roster
I keep seeing this line about Sasha having 4 title reigns and no successful title defenses..But didn't she have to lose a couple of those titles cause she got hurt after botching a move and required time off?..So didn't WWE kinda have no choice, a time or two, but to take the belt from her?..

And some of y'all need to calm down..Y'all really are acting like this chick was the 2nd coming of Flair or HBK or Angle..She was Honky Tonk Man at best..
These #CrybabyBoyz don’t want to hear IT.
Just need bayley to be super heel and wear some booty shorts. Maybe a mask too.
Yes Sasha been awkward as hell both in the ring and on the mic on the main roster , We all know Charlotte is head and shoulders above every other female on that roster

in her book, charlotte said her and sasha use to be really close. seem like sasha got butt hurt when chuck got chosen to face nattie for the title at nxt
You can’t count NXT people right now, because once they move to the main roster with miscast roles and limited move sets, they won’t be as entertaining either.

Sasha was allowed to flourish as a heel in NXT and had all her character traits stripped away on the main roster. She at least needs a chance to show Boss Sasha on the main roster before it’s too late to turn her for people to care like Bobert Roode
You can’t count NXT people right now, because once they move to the main roster with miscast roles and limited move sets, they won’t be as entertaining either.

Sasha was allowed to flourish as a heel in NXT and had all her character traits stripped away on the main roster. She at least needs a chance to show Boss Sasha on the main roster before it’s too late to turn her for people to care like Bobbert Roode
Nah man she’s been straight trash there’s no excuses , if you got it you got it ! , she botches at least 3 moves EVERY match , body movements are awkward as hell. she was just way more fluid in the ring in nxt and main roster has nothing to do with that , and her on the mic is BAD , maybe turning heel would help with promos but I haven’t seen anything good from her in the ring ..but this is just my opinion
You can’t count NXT people right now, because once they move to the main roster with miscast roles and limited move sets, they won’t be as entertaining either.

Sasha was allowed to flourish as a heel in NXT and had all her character traits stripped away on the main roster. She at least needs a chance to show Boss Sasha on the main roster before it’s too late to turn her for people to care like Bobert Roode

It's my list and I can count who ever I want..Sasha's matches, with the exception of a couple, weren't anything that great while she was in NXT..Her character work was far superior to her in ring ability..

And why can't I count people in NXT..Becky is better..Charlotte is better..Asuka is better..Etc etc etc..All better than Sasha on the main roster and all were in NXT..
It's my list and I can count who ever I want..Sasha's matches, with the exception of a couple, weren't anything that great while she was in NXT..Her character work was far superior to her in ring ability..

And why can't I count people in NXT..Becky is better..Charlotte is better..Asuka is better..Etc etc etc..All better than Sasha on the main roster and all were in NXT..
I don’t mean WERE in NXT, I mean people currently in NXT. Obviously an NXT Io where they’re allowed to show off more will be better than a main roster face Sasha
Becky is marginal at best in the ring and y’all get wet anytime she does anything. Not to mention you can’t understand her and I’m still waiting for someone to post a good Bliss match
Nah man she’s been straight trash there’s no excuses , if you got it you got it ! , she botches at least 3 moves EVERY match , body movements are awkward as hell. she was just way more fluid in the ring in nxt and main roster has nothing to do with that , and her on the mic is BAD , maybe turning heel would help with promos but I haven’t seen anything good from her in the ring ..but this is just my opinion
Thank you Big BEANS.
I’m not saying Sasha needs to be champ tomorrow, just don’t book her like a total loser. This is what WWE booking does. They’ll book someone terribly making them not important so that they’re replaceable and have people like “See they were never that good anyway.”
I don’t mean WERE in NXT, I mean people currently in NXT. Obviously an NXT Io where they’re allowed to show off more will be better than a main roster face Sasha

I can absolutely add current NXT members..That's why I gave you examples of women who were in NXT and are now on the main roster who are still putting on solid matches..Sasha has no excuse for her crappy ring work and constant botches..Asuka, Charlotte, and Becky did really good work in NXT and have continued to do so..And I'd argue that Charlotte and Becky have gotten even better since their call ups..Can't really say that about Asuka cause she was already the best female wrestler in the company..But Sasha hasn't improved not 1 bit since the call up..And you can't blame that on being a face or a heel..Truly solid workers, and especially elite level workers, can put on great matches while working as either a face or a heel..
Becky is marginal at best in the ring and y’all get wet anytime she does anything. Not to mention you can’t understand her and I’m still waiting for someone to post a good Bliss match

I don't think Becky is all that..She's better and more consistent than Sasha..And unlike old Whale Head Banks, she's actually gotten better since her call up..But she still ain't that great and I wouldn't have had her in the first women's main event match at Mania..
I’m not saying Sasha needs to be champ tomorrow, just don’t book her like a total loser. This is what WWE booking does. They’ll book someone terribly making them not important so that they’re replaceable and have people like “See they were never that good anyway.”

They have no choice but to book her like crap cause she's crap in the ring..She's a walking injury waiting to happen..She's not safe in the ring and her matches look like shyte..That's on her and nobody else..
I’m not saying Sasha needs to be champ tomorrow, just don’t book her like a total loser. This is what WWE booking does. They’ll book someone terribly making them not important so that they’re replaceable and have people like “See they were never that good anyway.”

This is all

A lot of #LowIQ
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