Jay HOVA Settin more trends!!

Originally Posted by Breezy1one


Old Pic but still got me

Hov used to have N's on smash back in the day... Don't how many dudes wanna wear that

Did you go on Google Images to look for pictures of Jay-z out of boredom?
Lol at son saying he just tryna impress jumpoffs. First off u shouldn't have to go out your way to impress a jump, that's like spitting game to aprostitute. Hoodrats are easily impressed anyways.... what more effort needs to be put in?
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

So you would wear gym shoes, hoody and baggy jeans to meet Bill Gates?
uh if thats what I rock hell yeah, I aint tryna impress nobody except jumpoffs

@ Son getting fresh to impress jumpoffs...

I could be infront of a jumpoff with a shimmery FUBU jersey, Willie Esco Jeans and a fresh pair of Dadas on and wouldnt feel an once of embarrassment.
I dont really understand wat going on iether. Anyway that is a nice suit he has on.
So you would wear gym shoes, hoody and baggy jeans to meet Bill Gates?
You could wear that to meet Bill Gates. When Gates started Microsoft, that was one of the reason why the big companys like IBM hated that theyneeded him. Gates and his crew of Nerds were dressed in jeans, sneakers at work.(Hell they barely took showers, which is disgusting but just to further thepoint.)
Originally Posted by KIXrUS16

I dont really understand wat going on iether. Anyway that is a nice suit he has on.
So you would wear gym shoes, hoody and baggy jeans to meet Bill Gates?
You could wear that to meet Bill Gates. When Gates started Microsoft, that was one of the reason why the big companys like IBM hated that they needed him. Gates and his crew of Nerds were dressed in jeans, sneakers at work.(Hell they barely took showers, which is disgusting but just to further the point.)
And thats OK?...
Originally Posted by BenFranklinAve

Lol at son saying he just tryna impress jumpoffs. First off u shouldn't have to go out your way to impress a jump, that's like spitting game to a prostitute. Hoodrats are easily impressed anyways.... what more effort needs to be put in?

Nsneed to really take heed to that and really think about that. How you look tryin to bag a pro
awww man NT got some straight up characters remindin me of lames in HS how you say thatlike its a good thing, impress n jumpoff dont go together unless she impresed you with her dome skills. Type a N_ to give a jump money [Hell rell]STOOOPID![Hell Rell]

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