Jay-Z / FreeMason

Just watched all of the videos.

This guy spent a lot of time on this and everything he is saying seems on point.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Just watched all of the videos.

This guy spent a lot of time on this and everything he is saying seems on point.
but i did nt like how he didnt spend a lot of time connecting it to jay.

through coming across these threads, theres a lot of coincidences....too many for it to be by accident. Personally i think its kinda cool. someone post therocawear clothing thing, i really liiked that one and made me want to buy it...never did tho.
things need order. people who are against order or a new order will demonize that which opposes what they stand for. in the end, the world we live in today hasbeen shaped by several different orders with different plans to shape that order.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

so whats the big deal if he even was a mason?

They think we're they're evil because the forefathers of the fraternity adopted a couple occult symbols. Nobody is checking Alpha Phi Alpha for using Anabis or Delta Sigma Theta for using the same triangle that the masons use. And everyone knows those chicks are evil
Shut up stupid. Omega Psi Phi uses Anubis.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Just watched all of the videos.

This guy spent a lot of time on this and everything he is saying seems on point.
but i did nt like how he didnt spend a lot of time connecting it to jay.

through coming across these threads, theres a lot of coincidences....too many for it to be by accident. Personally i think its kinda cool. someone post the rocawear clothing thing, i really liiked that one and made me want to buy it...never did tho.
Why not though? Jay-Z is a big influence on the "you-tube generation". I mean if all of these coincidences like you said aren't byaccident , Jay had to figure someone would connect the dots sooner or later.

Has anybody ever confronted Jay-Z about him being a Freemason and the hidden symbolism he uses as well as the messages in his music???
Those shirts are fire.

My father is a mason. I will talk to him about it tonight if I can.....
Can yall give me insight on what exactly there beliefs are? I am a self-proclaimed/made buddhist. What does being a free mason really mean?
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

so whats the big deal if he even was a mason?

They think we're they're evil because the forefathers of the fraternity adopted a couple occult symbols. Nobody is checking Alpha Phi Alpha for using Anabis or Delta Sigma Theta for using the same triangle that the masons use. And everyone knows those chicks are evil

Yeah, um wrong, and wrong... Omega Psi Phi is accused of using Anubis, though thats only in theory. And there is a difference between the Delta sign and theRoc symbol, one is a Diamond, and one is a Triangle meant to symbolize a pyramid...
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

Can yall give me insight on what exactly there beliefs are? I am a self-proclaimed/made buddhist. What does being a free mason really mean?
Probably won't find/get an answer.

Those who know won't tell, and those who don't know use youtube.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

Can yall give me insight on what exactly there beliefs are? I am a self-proclaimed/made buddhist. What does being a free mason really mean?
Probably won't find/get an answer.

Those who know won't tell, and those who don't know use youtube.


Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

Can yall give me insight on what exactly there beliefs are? I am a self-proclaimed/made buddhist. What does being a free mason really mean?

"It's a secret society, all we ask is trust..."

anybody still in denial about jayz being a mason really just doesn't want to believe it. i was telling cats this on xxlmag.com over a year ago and theyroasted me. some of them same dudes wound up hitting me up later on myspace giving me props cause they realized the truth.

nas is also a mason.
Please lock this thread.

These cats dont even know where to start.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

anybody still in denial about jayz being a mason really just doesn't want to believe it. i was telling cats this on xxlmag.com over a year ago and they roasted me. some of them same dudes wound up hitting me up later on myspace giving me props cause they realized the truth.

nas is also a mason.
Nah, no mason would be taking so many L's in life
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