Jehova's Witnesses Knocking On Your Door on a Beautiful Saturday Morning

does anyone know their success rate?

once they came over and they had a six year old kid in a suit as their prop. he was really shy, but he was the one handing out the flyer. i couldn't say no to him. worse mistake, they came back every saturdsay for a month
All yall trippin like its a game and a joke.  Tryin to save lives and enlighten yall and yall turning down an opportunity to know and love the real and true ONE god JEHOVAH.  Kids....  Look at the state of the world, read your bible and understand the time we are living in and see the prophecies that are being fulfilled today.  The world is getting worse and worse on all levels so the truth will prevail and you are turning your back on it.  Pretending to be gay?  Yall outta der!
- i gave them a wrong name once (a very generic chinese name) when they came by the house. afterwards, they'd come by asking for "me" and my grandpa would just tell them no one here goes by that name.

- the most recent time, i was on the phone and they just slid the papers through the mailbox slot ... in the shredder they went afterwards.

- my mom and grandma do not like them. if they catch me opening the door (door before the main, see-through one), they just start saying %%!# in cantonese and shut the door.
Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

My brother told some Jehovas the other day he didn't believe in God and the ladys stood their shocked in disgust
I want to do this so bad just for shock value.

Originally Posted by S0LE CANDY

- i gave them a wrong name once (a very generic chinese name) when they came by the house. afterwards, they'd come by asking for "me" and my grandpa would just tell them no one here goes by that name.

Originally Posted by Showydisplay

All yall trippin like its a game and a joke.  Tryin to save lives and enlighten yall and yall turning down an opportunity to know and love the real and true ONE god JEHOVAH.  Kids....  Look at the state of the world, read your bible and understand the time we are living in and see the prophecies that are being fulfilled today.  The world is getting worse and worse on all levels so the truth will prevail and you are turning your back on it.  Pretending to be gay?  Yall outta der!
Please remember that everyone doesn't need that in their lives to feel complete. Respect that man.
I hate when they come and you don't want to say anything but they still won't leave

Opening the door FTL
Originally Posted by Showydisplay

All yall trippin like its a game and a joke.  Tryin to save lives and enlighten yall and yall turning down an opportunity to know and love the real and true ONE god JEHOVAH. Kids.... Look at the state of the world, read your bible and understand the time we are living in and see the prophecies that are being fulfilled today. The world is getting worse and worse on all levels so the truth will prevail and you are turning your back on it. Pretending to be gay? Yall outta der!
It is a joke, barely any of em know what they're talking about, telling me I can be saved etc. Then next thing you know they're asking for donations, I'm like B I don't know you and I don't owe you a mother anything. Next time when they come I'ma put on Eminem The Way I am super loud.
Originally Posted by Showydisplay

All yall trippin like its a game and a joke.  Tryin to save lives and enlighten yall and yall turning down an opportunity to know and love the real and true ONE god JEHOVAH.  Kids....  Look at the state of the world, read your bible and understand the time we are living in and see the prophecies that are being fulfilled today.  The world is getting worse and worse on all levels so the truth will prevail and you are turning your back on it.  Pretending to be gay?  Yall outta der!

sit down
Originally Posted by Showydisplay

All yall trippin like its a game and a joke.  Tryin to save lives and enlighten yall and yall turning down an opportunity to know and love the real and true ONE god JEHOVAH.  Kids....  Look at the state of the world, read your bible and understand the time we are living in and see the prophecies that are being fulfilled today.  The world is getting worse and worse on all levels so the truth will prevail and you are turning your back on it.  Pretending to be gay?  Yall outta der!

I hate when these mofos wake me up on a sunday morning at 8 in the morning trying to read me some passage.

if thats not bad enough when I was on vacation in El Salvador, I was taking a nap when the door bell rings I thought it was my cuz so I open the door. What do I see? two white woman preaching the lords word. Asked me If i've been saved. 
Originally Posted by CWrite78

i open the door, and tell them i dont believe in any type of religion and they usually leave.

but when they don't, i tell them the devil looks over this house.

then they leave.

 OD Just don't answer the door.
They only ring once. 
Originally Posted by Hankzilla

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

 I just open the door and greet em with the
Don't have time for these clowns


Yeah, really. That was corny as #%%@.

Once I had some come to my door. Two dudes. I just told them my parents weren't home and then they asked if they could get a couple glasses of water. So I got them some water and they left. It was awkward but a nice thing to do.
I've had this happen to me. I opened the door and allowed the women to speak their peace. I mean I'm not gonna cut you off and be all rude for no reason when you are only following through in what you believe. We read a few verses, she handed my a few magazines and left. She did make it a routine to come back every week and bring a new member, at that point I let her know that I had no plans in converting or taking up being a Jehovah's witness. Simple, they didn't come back.

I have been told that if you ask them to step inside and pray with you, they'd refuse and never come back. But I felt no need to mock their way of life.
Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by CWrite78

i open the door, and tell them i dont believe in any type of religion and they usually leave.

but when they don't, i tell them the devil looks over this house.

then they leave.

 OD Just don't answer the door.
They only ring once. 

not the ones that i've encountered.

normally i'm polite with them, 'cause i understand what they are trying to do.

but some just don't understand or care. so i hit 'em with the devil line. one of these days it's going to backfire and they're going to bring the whole fam to save us
Originally Posted by Showydisplay

All yall trippin like its a game and a joke.  Tryin to save lives and enlighten yall and yall turning down an opportunity to know and love the real and true ONE god JEHOVAH.  Kids....  Look at the state of the world, read your bible and understand the time we are living in and see the prophecies that are being fulfilled today.  The world is getting worse and worse on all levels so the truth will prevail and you are turning your back on it.  Pretending to be gay?  Yall outta der!
You must be a Jehova's Witness and had a few doors slammed in your face huh

Originally Posted by Agthekid

Originally Posted by CWrite78

i open the door, and tell them i dont believe in any type of religion and they usually leave.

but when they don't, i tell them the devil looks over this house.

then they leave.

 OD Just don't answer the door.
They only ring once. 

Nah bruh... sometimes if they KNOW you're home they'll keep knockin. Atleast where i used to stay
Originally Posted by Showydisplay

All yall trippin like its a game and a joke.  Tryin to save lives and enlighten yall and yall turning down an opportunity to know and love the real and true ONE god JEHOVAH.  Kids....  Look at the state of the world, read your bible and understand the time we are living in and see the prophecies that are being fulfilled today.  The world is getting worse and worse on all levels so the truth will prevail and you are turning your back on it.  Pretending to be gay?  Yall outta der!
No thanks.

Keep living in your fantasy land, and I'll stay with what's real.
my uncle answers the door in just his underwear...needless to say they dont stay very long to chat
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