Jehova's Witnesses Knocking On Your Door on a Beautiful Saturday Morning

Originally Posted by Flocka

Anyone ever had their friend let mormons into your house? Awhile ago me and a couple of my friends were kickin it at my house playing guitar hero and the doorbell rings. One of my friends said that he'd get the door because I was in the middle of a song. The next thing I know this dude is walking up the stairs and I look over and there's 2 mormons behind him with their bike helmets still on
I'm just shocked because my friend sits down with them and sets up an appointment to come back to my house a week later. I didn't stop him because it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

I forget about it and a week later someone knocks on my door and I look out the peephole and outside my door are the same 2 kids who came a week ago and this tall @#% man in a suit looking like G-Man from half-life. Needless to say I didnt open up and these guys were standing outside in the rain for atleast 5 mins waiting for me to open up.
one time I answered the door to them, and my cousin was sitting in the living room couch. My cousin yells " Is he cute? Let him in if hes cute!" I couldnt help but to start laughing in front of the jehovas. My cousins not #*%@ by the way.
These mofos are mad annoying...they knock on my door on a Saturday morning, I smile at the girl and politely tell her I'm not interested and as I'm about to close the door she goes "Are you not interested in the word of God?"

Da he.ll kind of question is that?
These bammas be banging on the door like they the goddamn police. Got me paranoid peeking thru blinds and s:smh:

I usually look disinterested and they end up handing me a pamphlet which immediately goes in the trash.

Never stood there long enough to determine if they are Jehova's witness or Mormon.
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