Jehova's Witnesses Knocking On Your Door on a Beautiful Saturday Morning

%+!+ THEM!!!! i'm going to disable my doorbell from now on. had bout less than 5 hrs sleep (on Fri), walked our dogs, then went back to sleep. just when i fell asleep 20 min in, i heard the doorbell ring. Didn't answer it immediately knowing it could be JW or solicitor, but just went to the door....maybe a package? NO. A pamphlet stuck on the screen door. %+!+!

Originally Posted by NewZ05

my uncle answers the door in just his underwear...needless to say they dont stay very long to chat
im glad they dont knock on my door...but I get these college kids constantly knocking on my door. trying to get me to purchase some magazines so that they can accumulate some points and quite possibly win a trip to Amsterdam,Bermuda, or some other place...
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

i remember one day I had JUST finished fappin and opened the door and there they was.

I shook both of their hand.
i couldnt have been the only one laughing at this
Originally Posted by imINchucks5

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

i remember one day I had JUST finished fappin and opened the door and there they was.

I shook both of their hand.
i couldnt have been the only one laughing at this
Originally Posted by imINchucks5

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

i remember one day I had JUST finished fappin and opened the door and there they was.

I shook both of their hand.
i couldnt have been the only one laughing at this
Ultimate hustlers.
Before, they PURPOSELY sent the oldest white ladies to sent the pamphlet through your door.

It could be the coldest day, and they would still go out door to door.

Anyways, a personal experience-  looking through the window, you can see they're old ladies and really can't help but to, at the very least, 

just listen...

so you open the door, accept the pamphlet and listen for a couple of minutes...

but they always come back. 

I know better now. 
Word I was walking out my door today, heading to the gym when I saw one. As I opened the door to leave there he was.
He tried schooling me but I shot down everything he had to say. He had no good rebuttal for anything I said.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

i remember one day I had JUST finished fappin and opened the door and there they was.

I shook both of their hand.


Thats hella filthy.
A sister tried to turn me into a Mormon about 2 Saturdays ago.

its not bad when they come to your door. here is a situation that was pretty disgusting to say the least. my grandmother died a few years ago, and me and family go to her grave site to take her some flowers and make sure everything is in order. Last year we went on Christmas day to place some flowers on her grave, and as we are doing this, these 2 women come up and completely interrupt what we are doing to kick some Jehovah game to us. Me and my sister stood there in shock and listened to these women talk about my grandmother coming back from the dead one day to eat with our family and some other stuff. Then after 5mins of them talking they handed my mom a pamphlet and went to go bother another couple that was in the same area as us.
it was one of the most awkward moments in my life, like why would you bother people when they are visiting there family members. needless to say I lost a lot of respect for their community that day. (sorry for the long story)

Cliff notes

  1. went to take flowers to my grandmothers grave
  2. got ambushed by Jehovah witnesses
  3. they tried to convert us while we were putting flowers on my grandmothers grave
  4. apparently they had been inside the graveyard all day trying to persuade people to come into their religion
  5. lost all respect for these people after that.
Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

Originally Posted by Joe Cool23

Fell asleep on the living room couch. At about 9am the doorbell rings. I look through the peephole, and it's this huge African woman, and A VERY elderly white lady. Naturally, I assume these are just two dudes trying to catch people slipping, so I'm just staring at them through the peephole waiting for them to leave. About seven minutes later, they're still standing at the door, and I'm still staring at them through the peephole (now I'm really shook). Then all of the sudden, the old white lady (with walker) moves very slowly to open my screen door. Now I'm thinking they're about to break in, so I get in my Bruce Lee stance. Then the white lady slides a watchtower through my door so slowly, I mean takes about a good minute to fully slide the damn thing through, and the finally leave. Needless to say since then, I've been scared of Jehovah Witnesses.
I hate the Jehovah's Witnesses

I'm cool with mormons though
like 30-40% of my friends in HS were mormon. So whenever I encounter a missionary I just flip it on them and talk about their mission, where they're from, and talk about my friends
works 85% of the time and we end up having a pretty neat convo without all their stupid mormon bs
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

i remember one day I had JUST finished fappin and opened the door and there they was.

I shook both of their hand.


last encounter i had with jehova's witnesses was hysterical. first off, my grandma, who is 73 years old, literally ran to the door when she heard the doorbell ring. don't know why. nobody comes by to see her. anyway, she comes and wakes me up out of my sleep and tells me to go speak with whoever it is. i'm already pissed because i'm being awakened out of my sleep so damn early. so i go to the door and these 2 jehova's witnesses are standing there and the one of them is holding the screen door wide open with his dirty *$! moccasins. i yelled "aye n****! move your foot! you're letting all of the cold air out and mosquitos in our house!" so i'm standing on the porch and these n***** are throwing pamphlets at me talking about the afterlife and living in prosperity or something like that. it was too early in the morning and i was still halfway asleep, so i said "look, it's too early for this s***. i'm going back to sleep." i went back in the house and closed the door on them. they left a bundle of pamphlets and books on the porch. weeks later 2 new jehova's witnesses came to our home. the bundle of pamphlets and books left by the last 2 jehova's witnesses were sitting in the living room by the door. when i opened the door, i handed the bundle to the 2 new ones, who were white, and yelled "i told those other 2 n***** i didn't want this s*** and i'm telling y'all n***** the same!" and slammed the door.
Yea, I didn't know they even still did that. I have some friend who were Jehovah's Witnesses that I hoop with and none of them do.
i had one that came week after week after we spoke about religion in general the first time. even told her i was an atheist. didn't phase her.

then one day she came by and I told her that I'd rather she not come and talk anymore. told her she was never gonna convert me. then she never came back. seemed very respectful, smart, and devoted. wasn't radical or anything.
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