Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

You stay there while looking for something else cause a job is a job.
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What to do when you're not happy at your job????
- Lose the job and only source of income

- Spend 9 months unemployed, sitting in your basement and sending out networking emails with no job leads at all

- Wonder how to pay bills when savings + unemployment benefits run out

That's what I did
- Lose the job and only source of income

- Spend 9 months unemployed, sitting in your basement and sending out networking emails with no job leads at all

- Wonder how to pay bills when savings + unemployment benefits run out

That's what I did
Have you found a gig yet?
I have a Skype interview later on today for an USDA position in Seattle. Had a quick phone screening on Thursday to setup everything for today.

I would need to see how flexible the salary is and if relocation assistance is available. Redguardless this would be a good move in my career.
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I have a Skype interview later on today for an USDA position in Seattle. Had a quick phone screening on Thursday to setup everything for today.

I would need to see how flexible the salary is and if relocation assistance is available. Redguardless this would be a good move in my career.
Congrats and good luck!
I have a Skype interview later on today for an USDA position in Seattle. Had a quick phone screening on Thursday to setup everything for today.

I would need to see how flexible the salary is and if relocation assistance is available. Redguardless this would be a good move in my career.
Oh snap! Good luck!
honestly what's the average time for new grads to have to go through unemployed? I just graduated and I'm officially on my third month searching for a job. I haven't been this antsy for so long :smh: I've spent the last four years of my life hitting the ground running and this feeling of waking up everyday and looking for a job is taking its toll man
I have a skyp interview for an internship Monday. Before the interview was set up they asked if I was open to taking the semester off for the internship. This is my senior year and an internship is required for us to enroll for our senior thesis course which are two classes but I still have another 4 classes to get out the way. I'm kinda in a sticky situation because I'm currently enrolled in12 units this semester and our last day to drop courses is Tuesday, however my interview is Monday. What should I expect from a Skype interview? I never used Skype before. And should I tell them about my school's drop course date?
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honestly what's the average time for new grads to have to go through unemployed? I just graduated and I'm officially on my third month searching for a job. I haven't been this antsy for so long :smh: I've spent the last four years of my life hitting the ground running and this feeling of waking up everyday and looking for a job is taking its toll man
Three months is not a big deal man no need to panic. This is a long term endeavor.
honestly what's the average time for new grads to have to go through unemployed? I just graduated and I'm officially on my third month searching for a job. I haven't been this antsy for so long
I've spent the last four years of my life hitting the ground running and this feeling of waking up everyday and looking for a job is taking its toll man
when i graduated (from undergrad) I planned for 90 days of the recession and a still tepid labor market I probably would expect a 120-day unemployment span. to put it into perspective I went to grad school during the recession and finished in 2012 and on average my classmates all with solid resumes spent on average 6-months looking for work post program. I know the inactivity after having a very structured and outwardly productive 4 years can drive you crazy but its actually a good time to start looking and working (through an internship) at some of things/skills you will need for when you finely land that gig to be successful (and get the promotion needed to payback Uncle Sam). 
honestly what's the average time for new grads to have to go through unemployed? I just graduated and I'm officially on my third month searching for a job. I haven't been this antsy for so long
I've spent the last four years of my life hitting the ground running and this feeling of waking up everyday and looking for a job is taking its toll man
Were you networking/recruiting when you were still in college?

How is your resume looking? Any good work experiences?
honestly what's the average time for new grads to have to go through unemployed? I just graduated and I'm officially on my third month searching for a job. I haven't been this antsy for so long :smh: I've spent the last four years of my life hitting the ground running and this feeling of waking up everyday and looking for a job is taking its toll man

Were you networking/recruiting when you were still in college?

How is your resume looking? Any good work experiences?

slighted slighted

I guess where I suffer most is the length of my time commitments to all of my internships. My longest work experience was almost 3 years working retail to pay off school :lol:
But I did a bit of everything including:

Working in business development for our school's re-opening of its art museum
Congressional Intern
Moved to DC for a semester to work in diversity for a medical school
Creative strategist for a new POC magazine overseeing 3 issues
SAT Prep teacher for Oakland unified
Became co-director for that same sat prep org, overseeing the recruitment and development of our student teachers as well as partnerships with more established non-profits

The networking came along with all of this of course and my network has provided me with great opportunities post-grad in the form of interview and stuff but im getting beat out by people with more experience (im 22). I earned a degree in ethnic studies and right now I'm trying to steer my career to landing a diversity job in tech. so going from all of that to just waking up and applying has been a whirl forsure :smh:

antidope antidope hiphopsays hiphopsays

thank ya'll two for the words. I don't usually vent on here but i've been in a rut and just got cut after a final step interview
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Finished up my first week at the new gig. Graduated three years ago and FiINALLY got my first full time gig at one of the top media conglomerates out there. Also got a pre employment screening with the NYC MTA for a train conductor pos I had taken a test for back in 2008. I'm not sure if I want to go that route but I will follow through with the process just in case. It's been rough and I just want you guys to know that your opportunity will come one day through PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE..
it took 8 years to get an update on an MTA position?
what do you guys use as your go to when your asked about your weaknesses / strengths ? always interested in what different people use 
weaknesses- i get bored easily.
Strengths- i enjoy helping people

But this is from a retail point of view.

Man i really don't like collecting unemployment. I still haven't landed a job and I've been searching since June.
Originally Posted by bxbadboy90 View Post

Finished up my first week at the new gig. Graduated three years ago and FiINALLY got my first full time gig at one of the top media conglomerates out there. Also got a pre employment screening with the NYC MTA for a train conductor pos I had taken a test for back in 2008. I'm not sure if I want to go that route but I will follow through with the process just in case. It's been rough and I just want you guys to know that your opportunity will come one day through PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE..

it took 8 years to get an update on an MTA position?

Depends on how long the list is for that particular test. I'm assuming that may have been a very popular test or the person didn't score that high and they are just now coming around to his number. A few possibilities can come into play as far as the timing is concerned.
weaknesses- i get bored easily.
Strengths- i enjoy helping people

But this is from a retail point of view.

Man i really don't like collecting unemployment. I still haven't landed a job and I've been searching since June.
Thats a weakness of mine too!i get bored too fast
I had an interview 2 Fridays ago after applying to a job on indeed. They took down the job posting after i applied

Its in my field and it's only 20 mins away. They sent me an email after the interview and it had a postcard in there that i had to redesign (it's for a graphic designer job)

Sent it about 4 days later but my interviewer was on vacation until today. Just hope she sees it and calls me back in Soon for the 2nd interview. She already said she likes my style of design

This job would be perfect for the kid
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