Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

CSS would have you up at the main register by yourself (depending on how big the store is) or right at the customer service desk by Geek Squad (which gets quite busy). I was hired on 5/28/15 and i showed up on my very last day on Black Friday of November '15. Needless to say it was a great last day and black friday experience working for one of the busiest stores in the black Friday industry lol. What i did before i clocked out that day would have all yall in disbelief. I wish my phone wasnt dead at the time smh!!!!
They seem to be leaning more towards having me at the customer service desk which is fine with me honestly, got the interview with the GM tomorrow.
Share that story when you can

3rd interview to work at Best Buy? Damn, it's hard out there while retail is dying a slow death.

Yup took me by surprise too!
Anything is better than being unemployed at this point.

Thats crazy. I hope Best Buy doesn't die out like circuit city etc

Same here even if I'm not working there, I just genuinely like the store lol
Always down to help. If there are any folks in the eastern region (Around the center PA/Harrisburgh PA area) looking for a contract Field Tech or Field Engineer position hit me up.

Buddy of mine is looking for folks asap.
Originally Posted by bxbadboy90 View Post

Finished up my first week at the new gig. Graduated three years ago and FiINALLY got my first full time gig at one of the top media conglomerates out there. Also got a pre employment screening with the NYC MTA for a train conductor pos I had taken a test for back in 2008. I'm not sure if I want to go that route but I will follow through with the process just in case. It's been rough and I just want you guys to know that your opportunity will come one day through PATIENCE and PERSISTENCE..

it took 8 years to get an update on an MTA position?

Depends on how long the list is for that particular test. I'm assuming that may have been a very popular test or the person didn't score that high and they are just now coming around to his number. A few possibilities can come into play as far as the timing is concerned.

This..When I took the test in 08 it was for the conductor position. Scored a 90 which was good for #7xxx on the list. I took the recent conductor exam this past spring and I score even higher. Just in case this career doesn't work out the opportunity will be there.
Where are you all applying at? I feel like Indeed is meh. Had a few interviews, but no luck. Trying my best to get out of retail. It's been 3 and a half years and I'm ready to catch bodies on a daily basis here.
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Anyone looking for work in the Louisville area hit me up. I have a couple horrible entry level jobs open in one of my buildings, but make it 3 months and life gets a lot more comfortable.
Has anyone had bad luck in consecutive work endeavors? Since being laid off I worked a social work job for 3 months and I just started working in my state's Probation department, which I can already tell was misrepresented in the job posting.

The job I had when I was laid off a year ago was perfect for me. I've heard they're trying to get the state budget right so I can come back, which I'm hoping is truly the case.

I'm in the school of thought where you shouldn't work someplace where you're unhappy (probably because I'm single w/ no kids).

Sorry for the incoherent rant, I've just been super disappointed lately. Maybe it's time to just switch fields?

I used to frequent this thread a lot back in 2013, just wanted to share my story / give an update on the progress and journey from 2013 until today.

I'm from Chicago. In 2011 I graduated with a BA in Communication. I'll be honest I only went to school (University of Dubuque in Iowa) to play baseball. I was recruited out of school to play at the D3 level. I could have went to any of the bigger schools in my state solely for schooling no athletics(UIC / Depaul / U of I) but I opted to go to a D3 and out of state cause I still had a passion for the sport. Communication was cool, It's a broad major, you get to dip your feet in a little bit of everything while not mastering one specific thing is how I look at it. I knew Comm jobs didn't pay as high but public speaking / speeches / was my thing in school.

Move back to the Chi in May of 2011 with no job. I had did an Internship at The American Red Cross my senior year and was offered a job but to stay in Iowa. I said respectfully no thank you, end of the day I'm a city mog and I can't do that Iowa country-esque type life. Didn't get my first job out of college until July 2011 and it was at Niketown in the Chi, did that from July - April 2012. Barely struggling to pay my $400 rent I was giving my grandma to let me rent out her basement apartment and keep gas in my tank. 

I ended up applying and getting hired at a third-party brokerage firm called Coyote Logistics in Feb 2012. They initially hired me at $28k a year to be a Customer Rep. I was literally 1 of 6 latinos in a company of 1000 people, predominately white. 2 weeks into my training the CEO of the company walked in on our training class and heard me speaking spanish to one of the customer reps over the phone. He demanded that I be promoted to a Carrier Rep instead and moved to a division in the company that deals with moving freight in southern states with a large population of Latino truck drivers. Boom, pay raise up to $45k. Work was going smooth, getting decent checks and able to stack and save. In June my *** goes out with my boys, gets super drunk and high and end up making a decision that would really change my life... I was at this club and my boy was the DJ, now I'm 22 at the time and hes only 19, he grew up in my hood and all and his pops used to bang with my dad so of course I'm out showing love to him. I'm outside the club talking to this chick trying to bring her back to my crib, I was dumb lit, and I see out the left side of my eye some dudes picking on shorty who was DJng. They start to move on him and it was my natural reaction to just jump in, I hop in steal off 2 dudes and then security grabs them. Me buying so lit I just decide to get out of there as quick as I can so I start walking to the car, I reach down into my pocket for my keys with my head down and all I hear is "YO WATCH OUT" I automatically cover my face but it was too late, some cat sucker punched me and broke my nose in 2 places and orbital bone. 

The surgeries + countless doctor apts and me missing time at work caused me to lose my job in September of 202. At will hire. From there I struggled to find a LEGIT job for 2 years man. It was rough. Staying at my grandmas, collecting unemployment, basically giving her all of that to pay the rent and help with food. I ended up getting into hustling, it was what it was, it was easy for me cause I was in that environment still. But I tell you, them times in my grandmas basement were the darkest of times it felt like. Felt so damn trapped and questioning why I even went to school if this was the outcome. During that time frame I started traveling a lot, I had the disposable income so it was whatever. Technically I had nowhere to be so there was nothing stopping me. I ended up coming down to Miami A LOT.. Like twice a month, at one point I was in Miami for an entire month and none of my family even knew. It was during those trips I told myself man, I've already done the out of state living thing for school why not make a relocation to another city to see if I like it? I ended up applying for all types of work down here. Corporate, Retail etc you name it I applied. In June of 2014 I got a call from Nordstroms out in Miami. I had used a chick who I had been smashing  address down there and ended up getting a bite. On my resume it had my Chicago address though so they mentioned it whatever, I told them I was transitioning from Chi to Miami. They ask if I can come in for an interview in a week, I said bet. 

Hopped on a flight killed the interview and was offered the job on the spot.  In the same day my mans ended up telling me he might know of a Apt for rent available through his boy. Check it out. Dude was leaving June 18th to LA for good, my work date was June 20th. Couldn't have worked out any better. I flew back to Chicago on the plane with more than I came with, I had took that risk and believed what I was doing would be a better move then sticking home doing the same stuff with my thumb up my ***, just waiting on a job to call  / liable to get caught up in some other stuff. Went home, packed up my stuff in 5 boxes and 3 suitcases, had my mom ship the boxes to me in Miami, brought the 3 suitcases with me and in a week relocated to from Chicago to Miami. With no family, no true friends, no nada. Just $3500 in cash , some shoes and clothes and a ps3.

Nordstrom sucked, but I used it as an outlet to just get my foot in the door in a new city and then bust my way through. I ended up quitting Nordstrom because I realized I wasn't making myself happy or the money I anticipated making. Through chance I met a kid from chicago who ended up running a Temp Agency in FL, he was able to find me a job as a Temp with the City of Miami Beach. $17 a hour, 40 hours a week, paid every friday via direct deposit. I started in that role last October and in July of this year was hired on Full Time by the city with full benefits / pension / salary / health insurance etc. Now all I do is deal with Production & Film companies / Special Events that take place on the beach. Piece of cake work, and I'm in a way better spot than I was 2 1/2 years ago. Sometimes you have to believe in yourself and just take that risk. Home will always be home. I go home once every 2 months now, but this was something I needed to do.

I love my job, but now I'm looking for part-time work, I have time on my hands and if there's money calling I'm willing to do whatever to get it if it coordinates with my schedule. The grind never stops. I would have never thought this would have been my life path, but there's so much out there. The money's already printed we just have to stay focused on getting it. Had that incident never happened outside the club I'd prolly still be in Chicago, and now I can honestly say I'm glad it happened to me. 
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^ interesting story. i'm glad everything worked out for you at the end.
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Story is crazy man and pretty damn good.i love reading things like that because it's inspiring. That's all apart of life
^ interesting story. i'm glad everything worked out for you at the end.
Thank you bro. Nowhere near where I want to be, but SUPER thankful and blessed of the journey.
Story is crazy man and pretty damn good.i love reading things like that because it's inspiring. That's all apart of life
Thanks bro I appreciate it. I'll be honest halfway through typing it I almost deleted it because I don't really like sharing personal info, but then I remembered what it was like to be in that basement and somewhere along the lines I received words of encouragement and someone put that battery in my back to make the move.


I have a beard, with 80% of my left arm Tatted, in a large majority of the jobs it matters to them, but also its all about how well you interview / work ethic put in. When I first came in my beard was trimmed down to a 1 and lined up, and I was in a suit. I mentioned the tattoo and they said they would prefer when dealing with clients I atleast had that covered up.

2 months into the job I stopped covering it because I seen everyone in here was tatted the **** up and they have never said anything to me about it. If you come in and work hard and represent your company / department whatever in a excellent manner jobs will accept it. Started off as a Temp receptionist and now I work directly with the heads of HBO/ESPN/Revolt/City Managers Office etc on coordinating events for them. Not bad for a tattooed Puerto Rican kid from the west side of Chicago. 

Whats most important is it motivated my little brother to follow the same trend, and now hes moved to NYC to pursue his career after college. He's struggling now but he's figuring it all out from my mistakes
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Got that call today while I was at work

Finley got that job
What'd I tell you, fam?
So im in the process of feeling out an application and I get to the questionnaire part and one of the questions is, "Do you have experience with such and such program" I have no experience in it but should I still say yes I do, or say no ?
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