Jobless and Frustrated NTers check in VOL. WE NOT-WORKIN!!!

Just when I thought I was about to land a job at a place I have a real passion for, I get this e-mail:

Hi sauuceking,

Thanks for your follow-up. Initially, when I talked to you, our hiring needs for this position were immediate – now it appear they are less so. However, this likely just means a delay in the near-term. I'd rather let you know this so you don't think your application isn't of interest to us. It is of interest but the timing needs to be right. Thanks for your patience. Upon XXXX's return, I will discuss the role with him and our CEO who approves each position hire. If you don't hear from me this week, please feel free to follow-up next week.

Thanks again,

Mrs. HR

Why do they play with my emotions...
Originally Posted by env

Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Ideally I would like to work within the sports industry but I'm really looking for a foot in the door anywhere.  But yeah I can see what you're saying because there was a lot of turn over in the 49ers front office as all of my superiors are new this year.

You with the 9ers? I know a girl there, you probably know her since you have something in common (from your avy).
Who is it?
I have an interview with Appleone tomorrow, anyone have any experiences with places like that?  I'm not really sure what to expect.
Hang in their my NT friends, I got picked up by a Security Firm and I start training on the 13th. $16 an hr starting, I can't complain.
Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Originally Posted by env

Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Ideally I would like to work within the sports industry but I'm really looking for a foot in the door anywhere.  But yeah I can see what you're saying because there was a lot of turn over in the 49ers front office as all of my superiors are new this year.

You with the 9ers? I know a girl there, you probably know her since you have something in common (from your avy).
Who is it?
I have an interview with Appleone tomorrow, anyone have any experiences with places like that?  I'm not really sure what to expect.
I might be wrong, but Appleone is a job agency right? Because Appleone lists quite a few engineering jobs on Indeed (so I avoid them because I never apply to jobs from agencies)
got an interview for a entry level sales job for a software company. i dont have a background in sales as far as cold-calling how should i approach this lack of experience?
Originally Posted by DMan14

got an interview for a entry level sales job for a software company. i dont have a background in sales as far as cold-calling how should i approach this lack of experience?
Just try to somehow tie in the experience you do have in and make it seem similar to sales. 
For example, I waited tables and tended bar a while back, so when I apply to sales jobs, especially when they ask about quotas, I try to tie in my serving experience, and talk about upselling and #*#+ like that.

If you can make it sound like it's similar, a lot of the time it'll fly.

My question to you guys is are you having any success with online applications and resume submission? I feel like I'm wasting my time with them.
Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Originally Posted by env

Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Ideally I would like to work within the sports industry but I'm really looking for a foot in the door anywhere.  But yeah I can see what you're saying because there was a lot of turn over in the 49ers front office as all of my superiors are new this year.

You with the 9ers? I know a girl there, you probably know her since you have something in common (from your avy).
Who is it?
I have an interview with Appleone tomorrow, anyone have any experiences with places like that?  I'm not really sure what to expect.

You in marketing?  

AppleOne is a job agency, basically you will take a test to make sure you are right for the job. It basically tests your Microsoft Office experience and typing.
Yeah, Appleone is a hiring agency but I have heard both positive and negative reviews about it, usually depending on the person.  I Figured I'd give it a try to see if it helps.
Thanks for your responses and I'll let you know how it went.
appleone is a piece of %$%!. it was a waste of time for me. they didn't try to help at all.
the lady even doubted how many words i typed per min, lol. i told her to get out of her seat and let me sit there and show her if its like that.
Originally Posted by debs 168

appleone is a piece of %$%!. it was a waste of time for me. they didn't try to help at all.
the lady even doubted how many words i typed per min, lol. i told her to get out of her seat and let me sit there and show her if its like that.
See what I mean? 

I've also heard it really depends on your interviewer as well. 
Real talk.

All temp staff agency's suck period !

All of the recruiters are like used car sales people. They don't care about you and only care about their stats & meeting their own quotas so that they can keep their own jobs.
Not unemployed but desperately need a new gig. Anyone ever take a test for a communications tech/911 (emergency) dispatcher? Im taking one at the end of the month but don't know what to expect.
^ it should be fairly easy. use your best judgement and you have to be quick on your feet (thinking wise) is this for wmata?
smh man... unemployed n goin to school, just bought some books today man im broke
I need some loans lol, but man how yall surviving out here in these streets mayne?
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by AG 47

Congrats! If I'm not mistaken, you're Civil correct? What company if you don't mind me asking? Nonetheless, great job! I think I'm close behind you.
I'm a Mechanical Engineer....right now I won't disclose the name since I'm still deciding on it, but it's a small company doing biotech stuff. I have a tough decision ahead over whether or not to take the job, since I have a lot of other interviews on the table and some jobs I really like.

Whoops, my mistake. Good luck bro. I had a buddy graduate Mechanical a few years back, got a job with Union Pacific and is loving life right now so I'm sure career happiness is right around the corner for you.

How have your interviews been? Super technical or general type info? From my experiences, interviews have lasted around 3-3.5hrs filled with technical/general/personality tests.
Thanks, good luck to you too.

Really depends on the company. I've had some super technical interviews (like one at HP last year), and some very general career/behavior like interviews, and some that were in-between. Yeah, usually they were roughly 3 hours for me as well....I had one that was 30 minutes long (super informal, the hiring managers didn't really care) and even one that was 5.5 hours.

congrats bro. i'm trying to make this EE degree i just got work; been applying like there was no tomorrow. How long did the biotech company give you to decide? sometimes they can hit you with a week limit..
so i have an appointment to get this marine corps OCS ball rolling. wish me luck.
basically, i want more out of life and i've had thoughts about the marine corps for years but have been putting it off. i feel like now is the time to go for it.
Originally Posted by debs 168

so i have an appointment to get this marine corps OCS ball rolling. wish me luck.
basically, i want more out of life and i've had thoughts about the marine corps for years but have been putting it off. i feel like now is the time to go for it.
Joining the military is a good move and big life decision.
But if I were you I'd try joining the Navy or Air Force instead.
Just had the interview with Appleone...
She was really nice which is all I could really ask for.  I'm not expecting anything but I made sure to note I was only interested in temp-to-hire and direct hire jobs.

Now back on the hunt.
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