Jordan 1 Biohack

They got rid of the giftcards?!
These dirty mf’ers!
These bastards knew that I was about to redeem my points for a giftcard!
Surprised that Nike finally let me use my first responder code on these as well. $136 before tax. I guess anything not released on a Saturday isn’t considered a “Launch” product
How do you get a first responder code? My brother may qualify.
I couldn't use my first responder code. They told me they would only accept military discounts for launch products
That sucks. It depends on who you talk to. I have good luck when I call. But on chat they dont know wth they are doing.
Look guy. I don’t have to explain anything to you or answer your silly questions. Nor the dude with the gif up top. Y’all the ones that are obviously lost and naive. I was actually being sarcastic (went over head not surprised) about them literally sending them directly to GOAT but since they ARE invested in Goat it’s not an entirely insane concept to believe. Why wouldn’t they? They now have a vested interest in the success of GOAT you genius (you’re so smart :rolleyes). GOAT’s business model thrives off volume so they can facilitate as many resell transactions as possible. So it’s no wonder bots are allowed to purchase huge chunks of inventory at a time on RD to be pushed into the resell market, i.e. GOAT. All while you can’t cart one pair. You think that’s a f’n coincidence?

And I’m not pulling the unclaimed pairs thing out of my ***. Since quarantine I’ve had two different managers at two different foot stores personally tell me and other patrons that they are not selling the unclaimed pairs of certain releases going forward and were ordered to send all the unclaimed pairs back to be sold online. That’s not a lie! Happened with flint 13s FTA galleria Houston and just yesterday at FTL Willowbrook so don’t try me. Straight from a mangers mouth. So stop quoting me like you know me with them goofy *** questions of yours.
It's possible but there's no confirmation of that but we can definitely confirm unclaimed pairs are sold at the stores.
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