Damn. Congrats on that. Wish my spots restocked or even had some of those in stock still.
You let the parents just jump in? Thats your fault. Have me out there since 8p the night before, we would have had some words.
Those of us that saw it did have some words. The shady as **** Paul Blart mall cop that was standing right there claimed "he didn't see anything". We didn't want it to come to fisticuffs for fear the mall cop would turn on us. Plus I figured there would still be enough pairs. But I was wrong, they only got 9 pairs and the beast family got 7 of them. SMDH
Check your spots again. Went to get my brother in law an 11 in the Knicks and ended up picking up another 9.5 in the Breds Apparently they just got a small restock. Also they were pulling gammas 11s out of a box

Here's a wall pic
Where is that ?
Check your spots again. Went to get my brother in law an 11 in the Knicks and ended up picking up another 9.5 in the Breds Apparently they just got a small restock. Also they were pulling gammas 11s out of a box :pimp:.

Here's a wall pic View media item 719413

You also have grapes, olives, playoffs and steels :lol:

Where do you stay, because I don't think your location applies to most places.
Check your spots again. Went to get my brother in law an 11 in the Knicks and ended up picking up another 9.5 in the Breds Apparently they just got a small restock. Also they were pulling gammas 11s out of a box

Here's a wall pic 
this has to be another country or a mom and pop store
whelp, CaliRoots cancelled my 11. expected. hasn't answered me whether or not my pair got confirmation email though. anyone else experience this?

Stop asking Queens. This was discussed last night. You're contributing to the 50 Americans that are harassing them asking "is my order ok?" Cut it out.

I'm pretty sure the majority of the Queens orders were from Americans, which is why they are restocking only in-store. Can't blame them
Gonna laugh when they stop shipping to the US. Social media is a blessing and a curse.
I have never ever ever worn a pair of shoes for the sake of getting some ***. At the same time, I can't think of a time where some heat got me laid. I've also never let the exclusiveness of a shoe dictate if I wear it or not. When I look at that analytically, everything about that post was just crazy.

Nice, Ready for a road trip. This thread and refreshing has me on a mission for retail price.
None taken. It's just who I am. Ironically, I don't want to look mass produced like the same Jordans I see 10 other people wearing - it's just not my style. I'm just used to when I was young and I'd be one of the only cats wearing Jays everywhere. I'm passed the, "I collect Jays for Jordan's legacy" especially with all of these re retros.

More often than not, if I wear some heat on any given night, I'm out to bring girls home - and nothing makes you seem more interesting than her homies salivating over your shoes. Please don't tell me I'm the only one that thinks like this?

Would've liked your input on the strategy though!
Sorry for delayed response.. Im stationed in germany.. this is a spot called snipes.. they do have a website, but they hardly ever list new releases

:smh: copped that 9.5 for a member, now he's not responding.. would have never copped as its not even my size... last time i take someones word...
man i had 4 friends plus myself get tickets for the breds, no love.  they never tell you when or what the release is gonna be, i have never won a raffle there, i think they are shady as hell.

I'm willing to believe that every House of Hoops in the country is shady like Brazilian amazon. Word to King of Prussia (which is about 20 mins from me).

But when i was there, I saw the manager throw some reseller dude out of line because he returns whatever he can't sell and they wasn't having that anymore. Worked out for me because my girl got the last pair, which would have been his pair
Sorry for delayed response.. Im stationed in germany.. this is a spot called snipes.. they do have a website, but they hardly ever list new releases

:smh: copped that 9.5 for a member, now he's not responding.. would have never copped as its not even my size... last time i take someones word...

just pm'd you
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