Jordan 6 Rings - Actual Pic

I'm actually not mad. Go and buy it. Just remember this:

If JB never made these hideous shoes, and you saw the same shoe on ebay or in public, then would you still like them?

So if JB makes a collabo, it's considered ok cuz they're legit shoes and not fake.

Supporting JB's direction for hybrids is like saying, "I don't care what JB brings out, I'll still support them no matter what."

There isn't any originality in this shoe. None. You actually think combining 6 shoes into 1 is a great, ingenious idea?

So if the Air Max line decided to collabo the 87-90-93-95-97-360, and whatever in between, and call it the Air Max 4-ever, would that be a great idea?

As stupid as that idea sounds, would it still sound so stupid if Nike actually thought of the idea before I did?

I guess some people just don't think outside the box. All they care about is "what they like."
Originally Posted by sickickz23

I'm actually not mad. Go and buy it. Just remember this:

If JB never made these hideous shoes, and you saw the same shoe on ebay or in public, then would you still like them?

So if JB makes a collabo, it's considered ok cuz they're legit shoes and not fake.

Supporting JB's direction for hybrids is like saying, "I don't care what JB brings out, I'll still support them no matter what."

There isn't any originality in this shoe. None. You actually think combining 6 shoes into 1 is a great, ingenious idea?

So if the Air Max line decided to collabo the 87-90-93-95-97-360, and whatever in between, and call it the Air Max 4-ever, would that be a great idea?

I guess some people just don't think outside the box. All they care about is "what they like."

So, what's the thing got to do with the "hypebeast" or "child between 12-16"?

I mean, only children or the thing you called "hypebeast" are allowed to like the shoes collaborations?

What's the problem with JB losing ideas? It's a tribute shoes. Spiz'ikes = Brand Jordan is lacking of ideas?

I'm pretty sure they can change Spiz'ikes tongue (courtesy of VIs) into III's or IV's or V's tongue. Or even change the elephant printinto flame stripes or cement.

Now seriously, what is Jordan shoes without inspiration from the signature line? I mean, every Jordan team shoes are always inspired by at least onesignature shoes.

Well, if you love the signature shoes so much, then so be it.
If JB never made these hideous shoes, and you saw the same shoe on ebay or in public, then would you still like them?
Too bad, JB's designers are professionals. No matter how messed up the design is, it's still way better than the fakes'collaborations.
It's sad that some of their designs are ridiculous, but I can't deny the fact that they are way better than fakes' fusions.
If you're indeed an "old collector", I'm pretty sure you kind of have an idea which shoes are probably the original JB designers'product.

Supporting JB's direction for hybrids is like saying, "I don't care what JB brings out, I'll still support them no matter what."

So, it's not okay if people support the brand no matter what, but it's okay if someone says "I supported Timberwolves because KG played for them,now I'm supporting the Celtics"?
It's the same concept. I'm not saying I'm one of them. But just take a moment and think about what you "want" us to follow.


^^ Stupid idea to you because it is "SAN ANTONIO SPURS 4-EVER"?
What I'm saying is why can't JB just retro.....actual reproductions or close to it, of OG's? Or re-retro? All general releases and stop it withthese LS QS SOS whatever. The retro+colorways are ok. But when you slap a $400 tag with some jeans and a shirt, it turns into ridicolous hypebeast material.

Which is why this product will sell. It will be limited. Could you imagine the responses would be if these were actually a GR?

Combining 6 shoes is not the best way to have a tribute or celebrate Michael Jordan's 6 rings. A dvd with his highlights is the best way.

Oh and the KG comment. I'm not a player fan so i wouldn't know. The team comes before the player. Always. Michael Jordan is the GOAT imo, but when hewas a Wizard I didn't cheer for him when they played the Bulls. Why? Cuz I'm a Chicago Bulls fan and Chicago sports fan first. That's what you calla die-hard fan. Usually a fan of the player, b4 the team, turns out to be a stan anyways. Look at the Kobe vs Jordan talk.
i wont get them too much on my plate already, but they arent bad (better than spizikes)
I can't believe this reached 10 pages. This shoe is an embarrassment to the Brand imo. Hopefully no one buys.
Originally Posted by sickickz23

What I'm saying is why can't JB just retro.....actual reproductions or close to it, of OG's? Or re-retro? All general releases and stop it with these LS QS SOS whatever. The retro+colorways are ok. But when you slap a $400 tag with some jeans and a shirt, it turns into ridicolous hypebeast material.

Which is why this product will sell. It will be limited. Could you imagine the responses would be if these were actually a GR?

Combining 6 shoes is not the best way to have a tribute or celebrate Michael Jordan's 6 rings. A dvd with his highlights is the best way.

Oh and the KG comment. I'm not a player fan so i wouldn't know. The team comes before the player. Always. Michael Jordan is the GOAT imo, but when he was a Wizard I didn't cheer for him when they played the Bulls. Why? Cuz I'm a Chicago Bulls fan and Chicago sports fan first. That's what you call a die-hard fan. Usually a fan of the player, b4 the team, turns out to be a stan anyways. Look at the Kobe vs Jordan talk.

The brand is not selling the retros, it's their policy now. It's the same thing when Finishline stopped the pre-sale Jordan shoes.
Finishline will get early income, doesn't affect anything, probably more quantity. But why did they stopped the pre-sale? Because it's their policynow.
JB is a company which have their own executives, not by customer's election.
Well, if I were the executive, I would do the same thing, I will stop releasing retros. That will cause customers to value the retros more.

And a DVD? A set of DVD about Jordan's 6 championships seasons? I have that.
Think about it, a shoe company selling DVD? It makes sense if shoe companies sell shoe lace, lace locks, shoe brush, etc.
But a shoe company selling DVD?

Of course it's going to more to limited release shoes rather than limited release DVD; and actually you've got your wish granted by the brand. RememberDMP?
Seriously, I don't know what to say to you if you don't get this simple common sense.
Alright, you're not so much a player fan. It's stillthe same concept.
I don't care what JB brings out, I'll still support them no matter what.

Apparently, for you, "I don't care how suck the Bulls are, I'll still support them no matter what".
Wow!!!!! It's almost like every frankenstein creation gets worse, and worse: Dub Crapo's ~~~~> Spiz'trash ~~~~> 6 pieces of shizzle in asneaker mold!!!!!!!

When will it end? Are they running out of that many ideas at JB? They should assasinate Gentry, and give Tinker his spot, and just let him run the whole ship.You gotta admit, at least he's still got it.
Originally Posted by sickickz23

I'm actually not mad. Go and buy it. Just remember this:

If JB never made these hideous shoes, and you saw the same shoe on ebay or in public, then would you still like them?

So if JB makes a collabo, it's considered ok cuz they're legit shoes and not fake.

Supporting JB's direction for hybrids is like saying, "I don't care what JB brings out, I'll still support them no matter what."

There isn't any originality in this shoe. None. You actually think combining 6 shoes into 1 is a great, ingenious idea?

So if the Air Max line decided to collabo the 87-90-93-95-97-360, and whatever in between, and call it the Air Max 4-ever, would that be a great idea?

As stupid as that idea sounds, would it still sound so stupid if Nike actually thought of the idea before I did?

I guess some people just don't think outside the box. All they care about is "what they like."

No one said that they'd support JB no matter what they release. You're somehow assuming that there isn't a single human being who actuallylikes these shoes for what they are, and anyone who does like them is just trying to support JB. And we can't argue about weather or not this is anoriginal idea, because that's all a matter of opinion. And if nike did decide to make an air max hybrid, and it combined every possible air max, and it wasa decent looking shoe, the answer is YES, I would purchase them. And you shouldn't have to "think outside the box" when buying shoes...

Like I said before, your sole reason for buying shoes should be because you like them. If not, you're just as bad as a hypebeast who buys them because ofthere availability, rarity, or any other reason not directly relating to what the shoe looks like.
IF JB just kept giving us every retro or OG shoe that we all want, then every guy who's been holding on to there OG's, keeping them packaged right(some people have even gone as far as humidifying a room) to keep there J's fresh would have there OG's devalued. What if some guy built a house downthe street just like your and sold it for 140 when yours is worth (by current market standards) 400. JB has to preserve the collectabilty of the OG retros. Ifthey came out with a XI Cool Grey every 6 years they wouldn't be as valuable. Just my take from a business aspect.
jordan ''6 reasons'' they should be called. heres the 6 reasons you shouldnt buy:
1] they suck
2] they arent a nice looking sneaker, at all.
3] if we keep supporting ''fusions'' we will never get the og's we want. [unless we pay $310 for a pack]
4] why the strap on the side??

5] they suck
6] the price will be rediculous.
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