Jordan 6 Rings - Actual Pic

Originally Posted by Chandu69

Originally Posted by mr delorean

Originally Posted by Kickmatic23

Originally Posted by sickickz23

Like I said in the other forum.

This release whoever buys it and not buys it, will seperate the older shoe-heads from the new-age youngster shoe-heads that probably never saw MJ play live in 90's.

And if anyone buys these or likes them, you're a hypebeast, plain and simple. I don't care about what the responses will be: "you just hating cuz you can't afford em, it's too expensive, they're starting to grow on me, they're not that bad, I buy what I like," (which is the most overused statement and cop-out used from hypebeasts).

Give me a break, you all are hypebeasts that like this hideous shoe, or a person age 12-16. Either way, I don't see anyone in their right mind liking this shoe or thinking that this is a beautifully created, masterpiece shoe.

i saw mj play in the 90's, im not a hypebeast, therefore im not allowed to like a shoe? you people are pathetic.. they're shoes.. either you like em or you don't

the problem is that defense doesnt really jive when it comes to the air jordan phenomenon. in this "hobby", or whatever you want to call it, there is a clear line drawn in the sand. what sickickz posted is fairly accurate, and to say this is merely about someone liking them or not is oversimplifying it.

but jesus h christ....seriously.....+*@ is wrong with the people running this brand? it appears that i am most likely done for the year with the black/stealth xx3, because only a couple of the countdown packs were even worthwhile picking up and im too busy with a real life to fight off re-seller clowns to even attempt to buy those couple of packs. this brand cant go in the crapper fast enough for me....something needs to bring them back to reality.

This elitist attitude that some of you "og sneakerheads" have is getting out of hand. Are you telling me that by simply liking a pair of nike shoes that you have deemed "bad" makes you a hypebeast? So if I just disregarded the fact that there a pair of jordans and I like them simply because I think there a nice pair of shoes...that makes me a hypebeast??? What happened to buying shoes because you think they look attractive? Isn't that what started the sneakergame in the first place?
The true problem here is that some of you older sneakerheads are too caught up reminiscing and trying to relive your childhoods that you won't give anything else a chance (that's not an og model or c/w).

And how can you say that by using the "I buy what I like" argument you're "oversimplifying" the matter. The honest truth is...if that's not your sole motivation for buying shoes...YOU are a hypebeast.Is someone getting caught up in the og hype here...?

And this isn't even coming from someone who personally likes the shoe..I just think your approach is a little bit overboard.

drop the elitist attitude diatribe. the old guys arent the ones demanding the brand to release as many blasphemous abominations as they can in limitedproduction runs so that we can wear them to school with our big ego claiming to be the only one in town with a pair. theres definitely an attitude, but youresniffing down the wrong trail.
^ Co-sign.

It's funny, I make a comment about hypebeasts, then people in here are getting all emotional. Why? You might've hit the nail on the head. Ego.
these will be copped by all those who copped the fusions, spizikes, dubs, etc. i bet the price point will be in the 175s too. interesting concept but wow itsdefinitely a Frankenstein of a show....nevertheless it would be interesting to see them in person.
Originally Posted by sickickz23

^ Co-sign.

It's funny, I make a comment about hypebeasts, then people in here are getting all emotional. Why? You might've hit the nail on the head. Ego.

Hypocrite, maybe?

Were not your comments based on feelings, beliefs, emotions that you have? This whole argument is stupid! No! To state, "I buy what Ilike" is not oversimplifying the situation. If deep down inside that is how I truly feel, then how are my feelings oversimplified? What I don't getare people like you that try to tell other people how they really feel or how they should feel. If you don't like something, then good for you. Butdon't try to label or berate someone else because they don't share the same belief as you. Heck, isn't that what Adolf Hitler, the Klu Klux Klan,Benito Mussolini, and host of others did?

When will people learn that their opinion on something is not the be all, end all?

Then there is the Ego comment...

Were not you motivated by Ego to retort? Just my humble opinion here, but those that seek to ridicule/label those that don't share their opinion do so tohelp themselves feel better and feel more secure about themselves. If you are truly confident in yourself and your stance, then why do you need to ridiculeothers? Sounds like you're the one feeding an ego.

This goes to you and the rest of you that like to label and name call others on this site. Get off your dag gum high horse!!! If you don't likesomething, then good for you. Don't hate me because I don't share your opinion. Heck there is a lot of stuff that I don't like, but thedifference between me and you is I respect everyone's opinion and I don't go labeling someone because they don't share myopinion.
while the arguing continues on, the shoe looks as if it needs some coloring on the toe of the sole. other than that, not bad i suppose.

Yeah, my comments were off topic, but that whole labeling/name calling crap is really getting old and a big pet peeve of mine. On topic, I'm kinda on thefence with these. Leaning more towards like than dislike.


I think these are a fall release.
Nah, I don't get emotional on here, except, when somebody calls out Kobe being better than MJ, or something else of that nature, being sports-related,bandwagon, etc. Having said that, this is a public shoe forum, where people get post their opinions and thoughts. In no way was I emotional saying that this isa hypebeast shoe. Which it is imo. That's my opinion and I wanted to state that in a public shoe forum. Nothing wrong with that. And nothing wrong with allthe other people on here stating their displeasure for the shoe(which if you'd call me a hypocrite, you might as well call the other people who dislikethis shoe). Same goes for the people on here liking the shoe. Am I quoting the people(who didn't quote my original post first) who likes the shoe bybashing them? Of course not. It's their opinion. But when people quotes my post and gets all emotional, trying to tell me my opinion is wrong, then whatwould you call that?
I think it's more than themselves only statingopinion, isn't it?

But that's all I think/you think. Fine. If you think I'm a hypocrite, and that would help you sleep better at night, then so be it. I'll justgladly disagree and know that I'm not. Your opinion vs mine. And I only listen to myself.

And, it's not serious, Adolf Hitler, KKK, Mussolini?
You need somefresh air, or some time away from the computer.
Originally Posted by ShoesBcRack

What do they just pull a random number generator and which ever numbers I-XXIII
get pulled thats the shoe the make? How do these people sleep at night.
Originally Posted by PackersGotMe

Ok so if those are it then where did we get this from??

I know they are edited pictures because FLIGHTCLUB is slanted but it still doesnt explain it

I seriously
when I saw these. Come on JB these are shoes?! These?!I can't wait until they put out JB poop on a stick a stick a jumpman to it and make it limited, I'm sure everyone will go and pick it up.
Honestly, these aren't too bad. The ONLY thing I would change is the patent leather. On the sides they just come up TOO much. If they were on point likethe XI's, then they'd be beautiful. I'll still more than likely cop, considering it's hard to find a LEGIT pair of XI's (any colorway) at agood price.
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