Jordan Brand x Fakes/Variants: At it again **pics**

Good explanation for all of the ignorant NTers RockDeep

Those III's were and will always be fake...

Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you

Sorry for not using the official Quote tool.. BUT...

Your reading Comprehension needs ALOT of improvement. If you need Eyes to elaborate on his comments so be it.
Good explanation for all of the ignorant NTers RockDeep

Refer to seasoned vets post and my explanation and then make a foregone conclusion.
Los Angeles Dodgers​
6 World Series Championships​
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seriously who does product control at jb? are they that clueless over there to recognize fakes of their own products?
I know for a fact that MANY people registered ON NT and that visit here assist the Variant Market Directly and Indirectly...

I was NEVER going to make this publicly known...but I guess I'll just say it. About a year ago I received an unusual inbox. It was basically a job offer from a fake manufacturer offering to pay me a few hundred $ a month in exchange for telling them what design cues to alter, what colorways would be hot/actually releasing and other arrangements to help increase their business of producing variant footwear.

I didn't hesitate for a SECOND to reject this offer.

Sure, I'm in college working 20 hours a week, the money definitely would've helped, and I could have easily done what they were asking.

I just couldn't do it, and help the other side.

Now...are there other NTers out there who got the same email and indeed are still actively helping out them? Possibly. Probably. Profitably.

Just something I felt compelled to share after catching Rock's line....cause I can confirm to my knowledge that there's at the least been efforts by companies to use the knowledge and expertise of NTers to help themselves out.
WoW, I am Amazed at some of you guys and the conclusions you jump to.

When something is a made in "Error" or a "Blunder" of this magnitude, say for instance when a sports card is produced with the player " Giving the hidden middle finger " or say if his jersey # was incorrect....whatever the mistake may be:

Would you not want a piece of this " History " in a sense ?

I for one, would like to own something like this,showing what I believe is one of the biggest quality control/proofing/ Blunders in History of Brand Jordan

Each To his own..

But Shame on you for Judging members who are just trying to help the community - You should wait before jumping to conclusions or putting members on "blast"

Funny how
I buy what I like...and when something like this Shirt Fiasco happens.. I am merely disappointed, but I don't lose sleep. They are a business.
Thats why they are a business. Some will figure that out when they actually work for a living....and not to buy kicks.

I just don't understand it when someone like yourself (RockDeep) who Im sure has plenty of knowledge and experience in the shoe "game" can "not lose sleep" like you said over something like this.

That's what bothers me. Not the fact that Jordan Brand doesn't care about ME and US as consumers, but the fact that they don't care about AIR JORDANS. They have seemed to forget what AIR JORDANS used to stand for, what Michael used/will stand for.

How can I NOT "lose sleep" over something like this? AIR JORDANS mean a lot to me, and when the "legitimate" company that is responsible for them gives up (which is what they are doing right now) on their own products I have nothing else left to do but "lose sleep".

What does an AIR JORDAN stand for right now?

Because to me all it stands for is disrespect. Disrespect for Michael Jordan, disrespect for Tinker Hatfield, disrespect for us "true" fans, and most importantly disrespect for the Air Jordan shoes and what they to stand for.

For the Record:

I do condone fakes as well, just like the rest of you.

( I should not even have to say this - It should go without saying ! )


The almost nothing we can do about today as members of Niketalk by just "griping" about it on this board.One of the only things we can do & hope for is, To write your local government and request tighter Government Regulations etc...

Edit : Just ask Louis Vuitton or Gucci, how hard it is to stop Variant Makes/Factories from duplicating their products and to put a stop to the sales of fakes.

They have had fake products of their particular merchandise around for over 25 years.

Instead - Put your energy into the more important things in life. Such as your Family/Health Etc..

After all ~ It is just Clothing

This is what I said, quoting again...

Dude (Rockdeep) wears a fake shoe to test them and report all the time...

For the... special folks...

Why wear? To test it (comparing to exact authentic version).

Why test it? To report it.

Report to who? (Okay... people can't be this special... lol). Report to the companies making the authentic products, so they can be aware and educated, among numerous other things. JB had the "light message" on the XXIs for a reason...

Case closed...

Restoring order to the Shoe
Expect the Unexpected​
Oh man!!! :smh:
what's happening with JB!!! They have quality issues! They wrote the wrong date on the DMP box, And now using fakes to promote or sell? I don't know, but Jb has to do something about all this! I know they don't care and they probably noticed it, but they didn't do anything! THat's just wrong. I don't know how you guys take this, but I take it as an insult! I mean they sell crappy stuff and we buy it because at least it's original, but trying to sell something fake as real? It's like they think that we will buy whatever they sell even though it's fake! They must think that we are dumb and we don't know the difference!! I'm not an expert, but I have bought some fake shoes before(on ebay), and I know how to spot a fake now. :smh:
JB = :evil:
How can I NOT "lose sleep" over something like this?

Umm because hopefully there are plenty of more important things in your life to care about?

There are.

I didn't mean it literally. That's why I put quotation marks around the term.
Because to me all it stands for is disrespect. Disrespect for Michael Jordan, disrespect for Tinker Hatfield, disrespect for us "true" fans, and most importantly disrespect for the Air Jordan shoes and what they used to stand for.

Okay, now see youre just OD'ing right now. You're acting like someone came in and killed your family man. Come on. Yes, it is wack that JB is indirectly promoting fakes on their merchandise, yes it is bad that now "legit" JB customers have to wonder if they are buying real or memorex from the local Foot Locker, but come on, youre acting like MJ cares about you. We like the shoes, but we dont "love" the shoes like that now (some of y'all, I dont know, y'all ninjas be treating your Mikes better than a lot of parents treat their kids).

Seriously sit down and think to yourself...what exactly did the Air Jordan line used to stand for? Yes, the designs were groundbreaking, the colors were bold and at the time, considered "risque," but how many people could honestly afford Jordans back then. In the mid/late 80's, & early 90's when money was not as attainable as it is now, how many parents could honestly afford to buy their kids the Jordans they wanted. And, its not like they were affordable as a pair of Reeboks, or Elessee's, or whatever sneaker other kids were wearing back then. Jordans were at that time, "ridiculously expensive." Nowadays, $125 for a shoe aint nothing, but back then, how many people can honestly admit that their parents would jump up and say that they had 99 million better things to do with that $125 than make some guy who is already rich, even richer?

What did Jordans used to stand for? Turning on the 10 o'clock news hearing how some kid got murdered in cold blood wearing his new cement grey 4's? People getting shot for stepping on someones fire reds? Muggings left and right? Innocent young children getting mugged and jumped, just because some piece of trash could not afford to pay $125 for a sneaker? People had to scrimp, save, fight to get every last penny to buy them shoes. And a lot of time, barely had the money to cover the tax on them. Is that what Jordans used to stand for? Then when asked about the situation, all MJ could say is that it is a terrible tragedy.

How many people are "true" fans? Just because you been buying the shoes for a long time, and seen him bust the Knicks @#%$ everytime, a true fan it does not make you. How many people remember the media saying that at most he would be a top 25 player in the league. Not someone who changed the game, the stats sheets, not to mention the rules...forever. He changed the way the game was played. Or that the media pretty much cursed his name and dogged him for being "selfish" because he put up god - like numbers and his teams didn't amount to @#%$?

Yes, the counterfeit/variant game is quickly rising, at a very alarming pace, but the best way for us to fight it, is to not buy it. Before you buy something from that mom and pop shop, or from eBay, check it out throughly. It costs less to make a counterfeit shoe, than it does to make an actual one. So if you get taken for a ride on eBay where someone says they have "new DS retro Space Jams" for $350 and they look real, but are actually fake, that $350 can produce a whole back wall of fake Jordans at the Flight Club (those who been there know what I am talking about). Stop the finger pointing because it is useless. What will e-blaming someone do? The variant makers are laughing at us. We need to take concern about whether or not, the next pair of Jordans we pick up in Footaction is real or not...
I don't ever feel like I HAVE to explain myself... and BabyJ.. I knew what your intent was behind your remarks.. which is why I chimed in with the same...

How many times have we seen posts where something was different about a production Jordan..and many chime in.. "KEEP IT.. Its going to be worth something one day?"

Do you not think something like this won't? As for someone losing their job over this... I don't think that's going to happen... unless THAT person has a history of F ups like this before... This is huge.. but you must understand guys...

While NT probably represents the most diverse demographics known to the Sneaker Industry.. WE do not represent the Shoe Knowledge of the entire Consumer Shoe Industry.

This Blunder will go un-noticed by the casual Jordan fan.. the oblivious Jordan Fan who does not surf the Internet...or the Hard Core Hood Jordan fan who could care less.

If I have spoken in Riddles with others on here as some sort of Jedi Mind Trick I do I don't mean to belittle or look down or speak above ANYONE on this board. I didn't realize it...and I doubt Eyes thought I was sending him secret messages either.

Eye's comment wasn't an accusation.. it was merely a comment of fact having seen me AT WORK... so I do not think anyone stupid for their remarks.. or questions.. but would ask everyone NOT jump to conclusions from particular comments made. Hence.. I do respect that you asked at least to clarify..

As for:
I just don't understand it when someone like yourself (RockDeep) who Im sure has plenty of knowledge and experience in the shoe "game" can "not lose sleep" like you said over something like this.

LadyJ said it best. There are plenty of other things WAY more important in not just MY life but everyone's life than shoes. You as a person need to realize this.

I come from the same place many do on this board. I have been shot at.. seen people shot.. and lived in the HOOD. Not A HOOD. THE HOOD.

I live on a Country Club now. Not to brag.. but that is to say... I live my life for me and my family. Not for Brand Jordan. They don't feed me nor my kids. They may be the product of choice in my household.. but they surely don't affect my household.

My Child missing will make me lose sleep. Me not having work to provide for my family or my parents will make me lose sleep. Missing a Release date or a Foul Up in Portland will NEVER make me lose sleep.. Unless a friend of mine loses his job.

There are "fellow" NTers on here that OWN the same Fake Websites that sell Jordans and Nikes... There are NTers here who ARE part of the distribution Chain for Variants.

There have been ACTUAL Sellers and those in the Variant Nation who have tried to share VALUABLE information with NTers. What happens after they do? Hundreds PM them asking for their connections...

I have known since becoming involved with Fakes.. that they will never stop.. but because there has been no negative impact on them... they will continue to flourish...

They can be slown down, but realize this. The world works on checks and balances. There is Bad and Good. God and Satan. Real and Fake.

When you start to mess with people's money. They don't like it. I am not getting paid for the work I do.. I do it because I want to see those who design and market the shoes reap the rewards.. Not those stealing from them.

I alone will never be able to do it all.. just my part. This Post isn't to divide BabyJ from Billy Hoyle...they have both given alot to this board.

(See you guys at the Magic show..and maybe Vegas next year if you go....)

You all should throw the conspiracy theories about people getting paid out of the door.

Threads like this have kept folks like CEO Insane from coming back and countless others contributing valuable info. Too many challenging each other instead of appreciating and learning.

Jealousy and Envy killed many... It can also kill this board.
You know what Rolls Down Hill Don't You?
Who Will You Call When "They" Make More than You?
They wrote the wrong date on the DMP box

Just so everybody knows: The date was WRONG EVERYWHERE IN THE PACKAGE.

1. Wrong date on the DMP box
2. Wrong date on the XI dogtag
3. Wrong date on the booklet that came with it.

The just have no clue whatsoever. And it's ironic how they PREACH about being Authentic.


Now let's breathe.

At the end of the day it is just a blunder. All companies have them, none are perfect. Why? because they're run by man. Any company's goal is to lessen the frequency of said blunders leaking out to the public. 3 in the span of 8 or so months isn't the least bit cool or okay.

How do we stop all the muck from getting out into the open? Stop buying, stop supplying, and damnit stop relying.

Only until companies have a reason to fear loss of a core consumer base will they straighten up and fly right.

You can't can you? The dependence on Jordans and the co-existence of the man and the shoe, even after MJ's playing days mean only one thing: Buy at all cost, to hold onto a legacy that ended officially Wednesday, April 16, 2003.

...almost 3 years to the day, JB released a color, sure to go down as infamy one of the worst...Air Jordan VII Pearl White/Bright Ceramic-Pacific Blue...which also sold out.

Laughter is my anti-drug.
Just so everybody knows: The date was WRONG EVERYWHERE IN THE PACKAGE.

Forgot to mention those!!! thanks. My point is that JB is Is braking my heart and my bank!! I don't know If I should quit?? I have never thought about it!! Quitting uuuuummmmmmmmm!!!???? Nah! :D
Let Da Kid Eat

I agree with what you are saying, but it's not like that for me.

I'm not OD'ing. I couldn't care less about JB or Michael himself not caring about me.

We like the shoes, but we dont "love" the shoes like that now

That is the difference. There are people who like the shoes because of what they meant to them at some point in their lives, but there are others that love the shoes. They love the actual shoes, the designs, the inspirations, the marketing, the memories, everything.

I am not someone who buys every release to say i'm a "true collector". I'm not someone who buys into the hype. I'm not a reseller. I'm a person who appreciates the actual shoes, and has a deep love for footwear. I haven't bought an Air Jordan since the XIV's, and don't plan on doing it again anytime soon. I am just very dissapointed with this whole era of Jordan Brand, that's all.
RockDeep and B1lly Hoyle

Why won't you tell us who these people are?

I'm just aking. no hostility. :smile:

and the plastic tag holder (the little round wire) is different.
RockDeep and B1lly Hoyle

Why won't you tell us who these people are?

These people are never mentioned by Handle Name or real name.. merely that they are members of NT and that they will ask particular questions...

Just like Fake Site owners who ask stuff like:
Where can I find Jordan Boxes.. not meaning they all do, but questions like that.

Its not big groundbreaking name that's an insider..just t set that straight.

Is there any way to stop the advertising of fakes?

The problem with this is we live in a Capitalist Nation where everyone is free to Accept money and get paid. This is the sole (no punded intended) of the Magazine..and if Brand Jordan doesn't submit a cease and desist notice to SLAM.. they can still take the money.

By the way Gucci and LV bags have been faked Far longer than Jays have.. so they have their Market without having to Advertise. Women.
You know what Rolls Down Hill Don't You?
Who Will You Call When "They" Make More than You?
I understand that its near impossible to halt the production of fakes, just like LV bags and whatnot, but how about variant makers having pages of advertisements in magazines?
Is there anyway to stop those? i mean, i don't see any ads for fake LV and Gucci bags in any magazines, but yet i see fake Jordan ads? Even in SLAM magazine?
Is there any way to stop the advertising of fakes?
Fake shoe ads for Jordan's in general have gotten out of hand also. Even a Team Jordan member has fake shoe ads on his website. Countless times I have seen them in magazines such as SLAM and others. Tiring and annoying after awhile seeing the same thing. True, I have never seen one for a LV bag in a magazine so i don't think there really is a need for Jordans to be in ad's that are fake.

Everyone on this board has to understand fake Jordan's won't stop and will be around for a very long time. There isn't much we can do about it to stop them from being made and sold. Possibly slow it down but never get rid of it. As consumers and fans that is something we have to deal with and like it or not accept. Yes of course they have all gotten out of hand but there is not much we can do at all by now. Its too big of a task to complete. Advertising would help the situation but never solve it.

On the subject as well with the whole fake IV's on the shirt from Jordan Brand yes this is a big deal, yes its a careless mistake, and yes it has made NikeTalker's think about what is really going on but this is not something to "lose sleep over". Its serious but not that serious were its really to the point were that's all someone is thinking about and concentrating on it so much were there is sleep being lost over it, not that serious. A big deal, yes, something to have a discussion about, yes, but never something to affect you that way were there is lost sleep over it.

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