Jordan III REIMAGINED “White Cement” -March 11th 2023

SMH @ bron haters.

He's the goat for a reason. It doesn't matter how many championships you have, just look at Bill Russell.

MJ has his own shoe line, but so does Lebron. They even offered Lebron a lifetime deal.

And if you're bringing vaccines into this, us pure bloods don't have to worry about getting myocarditis or future cancers and diseases unlike you vaccinated people drinking that government koolaid
Oh NT-Gotta luv it! I see us working...we're trying ...but we have a long way to go before reaching legendary L&F thread status. :lol: L&F Thread =GOAT
You definitely don't know the NBA if you're saying everyone in the East got old, the only team that really fits that criteria is the Celtics but they didn't even get that old by 1991. They had career-ending injuries.

I've seen you in here using the standard tropes that have been debunked years ago.:lol:
This is what I’m saying. I have no doubts that plenty of the East teams from back then would smoke todays teams easily. Not just the Bulls, but others as well. The 97’ Knicks and Heat would be teaching todays kids how to be men. Not to mention the 90’ Pistons, 92’ Cavs, 98’ Pacers, 92’ and 93’ Knicks, 95’ and 96’ Magic etc. Todays players play in a little girls league where you get a foul called for hitting an elbow with your pinky. It’s a joke.

So let’s just settle it this way: for todays Girl Scouts league, Bron is the GOAT. For the REAL NBA league that’s been gone for at least 12 years, MJ is GOAT.
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Anyways....s/o to the real Chicago legend that is the reason these will sell out in the year 2023.

Yeah you’re right without Jordan the Bulls were still a playoff team. Without Bron his teams are literally picking in the lottery. That’s the difference. Jordan doesn’t have any Finals losses cause he couldn’t get out the East before everyone aged out and it wasn’t any competition left. He never beat Boston, had to wait until Detroit and the Lakers got old.

You’re bringing up TEAM accomplishments to justify who’s the better player. By your logic Bill Russell is better than MJ and so is Robert Horry. MJ was the best player on the 2nd best team ever assembled.
No one analyst, has ever used this aging ridiculousness you call reasoning, as an argument against Jordan. Never even heard of this before lol

Jordan beat the back to back Champ Detroit Pistons which was a fully healthy team. Hello? McFly? They were the champs. Then he went on to beat Magic for his first chip. Magic was only 30/31 years old. Same for the rest of the Lakers as most players were in their early 30’s. Hardly aged out. Also, Magic and the lakers went to 12 straight finals appearances. Stop acting like that team wasn’t good. And I could go on and on about the other teams he’s beat to win his championships.

Jordan couldn’t get out of the east? What? He played 13 seasons with the Bulls and NEVER asked for a trade or tried to get any one player to play with him like Lebrick has done and look how that’s worked out for Lebrick. It’s hasn’t lol Your stating a false equivalent not understanding that Mj being with the Bulls for 13 years only strengthens his argument for greatness. And that has a lot to do with who other other players and analysts consider the greatest and why and staying with one team is part of other players criteria. Kevin Durant will never be in the conversation for goat because of his moving to other teams there were already pretty great instead of staying and making those around him better. That ain’t KD and sure ain’t Lebrick

Michael also only played with 1 other all star. That being Scottie Pippen.

Lebrick has played with 7 all stars. Those being Anthony Davis, Dwayne Wade, Kyrie Irving, Kevin Love, Chris Bosh, Zydrunas Ilgauskas, and Mo Williams.

I mean really? Really? Your incoherent, attempted argument makes ZERO SENSE. LIKE ZERO
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