Jordan IV Black/Red Reimagined - February 17, 2024

Woops! There goes 100% of your credibility when it comes to this topic. You’re part of the problem bud. You see this and you’re like “looks fine, I’ll take 2”



Like I said, I don’t care about the slant of the toebox. I wear my shoes. I’m not going to sit around waiting for a 1:1 retro, because it’s probably not happening.
I don't think anyone is saying don't complain. I think what's being said is we should know what to expect with a company that's strictly for profit and been doing this with discrepancies for 25 some odd years now. Like I said earlier, you cut down the number of GR release retros/retro+ per month/year, quality probably sees an uptick.
This is exactly it. People have been complaining for years, and while they’ve made adjustments, for the most part, we have yet to see a 1:1 retro. I’m not waiting half a lifetime for them to get it right, because I doubt they ever will.

This whole idea that JB listens to this board is so overblown. How long have people asked for a retro of the Columbia XIs since 2016 when they brought back the higher cut of patent leather? If they truly valued of the opinion of this board, we wouldn’t have seen the White/Reds or Gratitude 11s these past 2 years. JB is gonna do JB things. Lol
This is exactly it. People have been complaining for years, and while they’ve made adjustments, for the most part, we have yet to see a 1:1 retro. I’m not waiting half a lifetime for them to get it right, because I doubt they ever will.

This whole idea that JB listens to this board is so overblown. How long have people asked for a retro of the Columbia XIs since 2016 when they brought back the higher cut of patent leather? If they truly valued of the opinion of this board, we wouldn’t have seen the White/Reds or Gratitude 11s these past 2 years. JB is gonna do JB things. Lol
take 16 years for cherry 12s. make endless renditions of of taxi 12s. lol
This is exactly it. People have been complaining for years, and while they’ve made adjustments, for the most part, we have yet to see a 1:1 retro. I’m not waiting half a lifetime for them to get it right, because I doubt they ever will.

Most people are not asking for a 1:1 remake though

The 99s were not 1:1, nor were the SBs

They are simply asking for better.

This whole idea that JB listens to this board is so overblown. How long have people asked for a retro of the Columbia XIs since 2016 when they brought back the higher cut of patent leather? If they truly valued of the opinion of this board, we wouldn’t have seen the White/Reds of Gratitude 11s these past 2 years. JB is gonna do JB things. Lol

What the hell are you even talking about? Honestly

Who is acting like messages on NT are gonna sway Nike, and that is motivating their post.

This is a sneaker forum. Meant to discuss shoes

And give both positive and negative opinions about them.

So people are using the board for what it was created for.

It is that simple
1) I don’t think anyone expects a LITERAL 1:1

2) what does wearing your shoes have to do with that ****ed up toebox they put out?

My feet are not shaped like this

To address your 2nd point - I wear my shoes. I can’t see the slant of the toebox when they’re on my feet. Imagine if I had waited for a proper retro…………I’d still be waiting. I’ve loved this shoe, particularly this colorway, since 1989, and the idea of waiting 31 years for a pair with Nike Air on the back is crazy to me. I enjoyed my pairs in 2006, 2012, and 2020. So if they get it right on the next one, that’s cool. But until then, I’ve enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy the prior pairs just fine.
1) I don’t think anyone expects a LITERAL 1:1

2) what does wearing your shoes have to do with that ****ed up toebox they put out?

My feet are not shaped like this

He is using strawman arguments to act like everyone he disagrees with is being unreasonable

Because his position is basically people are unreasonable for asking for better quality products.
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To address your 2nd point - I wear my shoes. I can’t see the slant of the toebox when they’re on my feet. Imagine if I had waited for a proper retro…………I’d still be waiting. I’ve loved this shoe, particularly this colorway, since 1989, and the idea of waiting 31 years for a pair with Nike Air on the back is crazy to me. I enjoyed my pairs in 2006, 2012, and 2020. So if they get it right on the next one, that’s cool. But until then, I’ve enjoyed, and will continue to enjoy the prior pairs just fine.

That’s cool bro, agree to disagree. It’s just a difference in opinion obviously. But I respect your right to purchase garbage just don’t tell me not to complain or to actually expect garbage because “jb gonna jb”
But they haven’t fixed much and when they do fix something, something else gets lost/“forgotten”. It is essentially an “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” mentality.

A. They’re they’re going to want the consumer to keep buying. So they’ll fix something to appease a small niche crowd but it’s not going to be perfect. It’ll get a niche group to want to buy.

B. We are 20 years out from Jordan last playing for the Wizards. 25 years years out from his last year with the Bulls. You could argue the demo that’s buying the majority of these pairs never saw, or barely have recollection of seeing Jordan play outside of highlights and YouTube. They are not going to fully care/appreciate the specs and details the way the late 30s-50 crowd does that got to witness him play and the original releases.

Do I want 1:1 retros? Absolutely. There’s no denying that. Do I thing it’s realistic? Possibly. But we’re talking about a company that’s been creating retros and doing what we’re claiming for over 20 years now.

And like ill4eva ill4eva mentioned earlier, we’re just not going to get 1:1 in some models. The company that held the patent and created and supplied Durabuck to Nike, The United States Shoe Corporation, cancelled the patent and stopped producing it in ‘98. So that pretty much stopped with the OG 14.
Bro they bought the company making durabuck and stopped making the material themselves. At least know the history if you’re gonna go to bat for corporate scum 🤣
That’s cool bro, agree to disagree. It’s just a difference in opinion obviously. But I respect your right to purchase garbage just don’t tell me not to complain or to actually expect garbage because “jb gonna jb”
I’m not telling people not to complain. I’m not telling people to buy garbage. What I’m telling people is stop expecting Jordan Brand to ever get it right. 24 years of retros and they always mess things up.
I’m not telling people not to complain. I’m not telling people to buy garbage. What I’m telling people is stop expecting Jordan Brand to ever get it right. 24 years of retros and they always mess things up.
They get it right ALL THE TIME though. Just never with 4s except for the one release that JB wasn’t responsible for. There have been some truly great retro releases in the last 5 years.
but I’m sure people in here will find something to whine about. Lol

Like I said, someone will always find something to whine about.

Clearly most of us are in such a small minority when it comes to sneakers, we have to come here to get our fill. If we were to attempt to have any of these conversations or opinions on sneakers with regular people, they’d look at us like we were crazy. That being said, what do you expect people in these forums to talk to about exactly? Conversations are had when there’s an exchange coming from both sides. It’s not supposed to be an echo chamber where we all agree. How boring would that be? And then what would the point be if we all agreed? We’d have nothing to talk about lol. You can come in here and say myself or others are whining but its really us just stating our preferences for the details we want/appreciate/dislike about a product we’re invested in, have bought, or are planning to buy. We’re all shoe nerds and we nerd out about ridiculous shoe chit
I think the disappointment is lessened if you think of these as a diff shoe. Realistically, these are a Retro+, they're NOT a replacement for the 2019s or any other retros of the OG, they're just not. The Reimagined 3s, in IMO, were a great retro and certainly a valid retro of that OG colorway; these, however, are not.

For those who like these, you should get them if you want, but not try to think of them as a compromised OG version (or improvement if you're in that camp); they're a Retro+ version.

I'm not mad at them, but just see no need for them in my collection. Even though the shape seems somewhat improved over that of the 2019s, I would never wear these in lieu of those. These would be good beaters as leather is more durable, but I have my black oreos for that, and happy to just keep those even though they're bricks on feet. They still look great. Not to mention the dozens of other leather shoes I could wear if I want something more resilient than my 2019s...heh.
Only the old and washed have experienced the greatness of the Jordan line. We ain't getting what the OGs got and the faster you accept that, the better off you'll be in life. Wear your retros and enjoy ya day.
And look at those OGs above. If JB released any retro 4 with those tongues there would be mayhem. I had the OG WCs in '89; the tongues sucked; they were horrible. So we want 1:1, but we don't...heh.

I agree, though, why so many molds if they're not getting closer to OGs? That's a lot of effort. Did they have an exclusive with the SB project to not re-use that mold?

Anyway, I'm enjoying all of my 4s from recent years. I hope for better versions with correct wing height, etc., however, I'm loving having these retros, and thrilled they have NA and no paint cracking.
Has the lower ankle collars and wing placement hurt Jordan 4 sales yet? For every person willing to walk away from buying a pair because of these discrepancies from the OG model, there are about 100 people who don’t care and will still buy the shoe.
That has nothing to do with what you originally said or what my response to it was.

If you cant understand what I was addressing then idk what to tell you.
Only the old and washed have experienced the greatness of the Jordan line. We ain't getting what the OGs got and the faster you accept that, the better off you'll be in life. Wear your retros and enjoy ya day.
That has nothing to do with what you originally said or what my response to it was.

If you cant understand what I was addressing then idk what to tell you.
i don’t think they have much incentive to make a perfect retro if the lesser versions continue to sell out. And even if they do tell you they’re making a pair true to the original, something will always be different.

i don’t think they have much incentive to make a perfect retro if the lesser versions continue to sell out. And even if they do tell you they’re making a pair true to the original, something will always be different.

100% makes sense...but how do we explain the work they did on the AM90 Infrared? The people buying all of the AM90s probably never even noticed the shape change, so why put in the effort? Someone's pet project probably?
100% makes sense...but how do we explain the work they did on the AM90 Infrared? The people buying all of the AM90s probably never even noticed the shape change, so why put in the effort? Someone's pet project probably?
AM1 Big Bubbles too. Or the WC3's. Or.... insert shoe here. The idea Nike isn't spending any time or money changing the molds is silly. They obviously do and have done so more in the past 5 years than the 20 before it.
Something to consider…someone in the department has very corny and poor taste ala gentry which is why we keep getting goofball drops like red taxis and red cements
My thinking is that part of this is the brand having a lineup and they plug color ways into them for the mix the marketing and product people want. The design team may not even getting their ideas recognized. Some of these colorways may have been collecting dust on a server for years.

I'm quite confident they have many great colorways from good designers that aren't seeing the light of day because they don't plug into the places the strategy calls for them.
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