Jordan Retro 1 High “Laser” aka Custom Lasers Thread

Mine don't come in till weds? Does anyone get theirs before? Got me all paranoid ha
The whole reason why I bought a villa pair was cause I wantet to compare them thinking if they were good I'd return the villa pair .but guess which one I'm returning now :lol
Someone should compare several retail pairs from different stores (footlocker, ndc, fnl, etc) to see if it isn't possible JBs quality control or whatever. One pair could have been made in the earlier part of the production run and the other in the later so the shades of blue differ. And the laser print looks more spaced out on one pair compared to the other possibly giving the illusion that one print is darker

Maybe just a QC issue from JB.. these pair can't be all identical. next look is to compare production dates. doubt we would see fakes on these this early.
I'm laughing because I was one that wasn't worried but deep down inside I was :lol
Production dates on Ks pair 9/10/14. - 10/27/14
Villa pair 9/10/14 -11/6/14
You guys don't understand.....

They LITERALLY receive their pairs from a giant retailer!!!

Maybe the second time it will sink in while you guys attempt to slander them and sobesoles....
The only reason I'm skeptical of fakes on these is cus the demand wasn't high and it seems like these were available in abundance
I'm just pointing out the differences they just sent me an email saying they get them from champs,footlocker etc
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