Jordan Retro 3Lab5 Black/Metallic Silver DEC 31ST

Transaction could not be authorized on FNL and I now have that bs pending charge on my card -_-

Anyone know how long that lasts?
got through o fnl 
wow i failed but as a consolidation prize my local store just tweeted they are having the black/red 1s in stores today.  Guess they just got them
My advice would be, get ready to fail... You have less than10% chance of getting these w/o a bot or SOME sort of assistance. Not trying to be negative, just keeping it 100.

And being bot-free doesn't mean anything. There is a saying "There is no honor amongst thieves..." Any advantage you can get, you better take it or else you will find yourself striking out on GRs these days...

Just got one off FNL without a bot. Could've placed a second order too but passed. Guess I must be that 10% you're talmbout.

"No honor among thieves" - haha wtf we on some Ali Baba ish now? Sneakers addicts and thieves are hardly the same thing. Resellers on the other hand...
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Yea,I think its alot more and not many people want these like that.

No bot was remotely even close to being needed for these.

I never have issues with FNL but it seems like it gives so many people issues.Its a gift and a curse.
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First time I've bought something from FNL in a long time.  Got lucky with the early link and took awhile to get through checkout but it finally went through.  My credit card has five total transactions from Finishline but four of them have already been reversed.  Pretty stoked.
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