Jordan Retro 6 "Sport Blue" 8.30.14 - (NO BUYING, SELLING, TRADING, or OOPS)

It was $185 though right?

I realized yesterday when I was listing the shoes Id bought this year for a TTS post that I was @25 pair. That's 25x200
I spent 5k on sneakers man, this is J's only.
I'm not liking the sound of that so much my dudes
this is exactly why I've stopped. I don't usually go as OD as you did but I used to cop roughly 10-15 pairs a year. looking back I can't believe I threw 2k+ a year to JB for a bunch of cardboard and plastic. They've got us wrapped around their little finger. "hey here's something that resembles a jordan 9, it may look like a banana and have the jumpmans facing the wrong way, it may also be made of plastic... but please give us a hundred and eightyfive dollars for it." and us idiots line up to do so
. it's really not as hard as I thought to pass on releases, especially at this ridiculous price. For a normal company that would be bad business to steer away loyal customers like this, but for nike it's a different story
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