Jordan XI '72-10' Release Date: 12/12/15

this the last im gonna say on this....

youre trying to be slick by saying u believe people should help others. but in your paragraphs, you get very specific on how u think they need to be helping others.

youre preaching HARD about people who have secured pairs in hand ooping strangers with no pairs like its nothing. just do it, dont think about it. thats a guaranteed pair. thats the way it should be end of story. youre preaching that SO hard that it seems like youre almost shaming them if they arent willing to oop oh why not if u got extras blah blah. theres PLENTY of legit reasons why not.

but you already admitted u arent ever in the position to do the same as youre preaching. u wont ever b able to oop anyone a secured pair, because u dont secure multiples. the way u say u contribute instead is by posting release and restock links. nothing wrong with that but.....

back to my original point, that its easy for you to preach that others give up their extra pairs, because its comming from a person who 1) needs help securing pairs himself, and 2) only posting links for a CHANCE to cop the kicks. your links and info dont guarantee anybody any pairs. but what youre basically shaming others for not doing is to give up a secured guaranteed pair.

the way u contribute vs the way youre shaming others to contribute are on TOTALLY different spectrums.
1. People help me three times on shoes but the rest of my collection I secured on my own, including the Nike Air Cement 4s which I secured on 2. I post to share the information, if a person helps me secure that pair I shared information on then they were being a good person and wanted to help out. 3. I told you before it's my opinion and why does it matter if I'm in the position or not? The sneaker community is suppose to be a community and what does a community do? He others out, not be selfish and hoard things to themselves. Contributing is contributing as long as you do it you're helping out.
your collection aint that large tbh bro. i think u posted pics of it before. so those 3 times u got helped is a sizable chunk of your collection? now if u have like 50 pairs and only needed help with 3 then sure. but thats not the case, so there goes that argument.

the ones who are never in the position to legitimately help, are always the people who preaching HELP OTHERS B A GOOD PERSON. u lost already EARLY by saying "do the right thing....". who are u to tell people to do the right thing with their kicks? the right thing to do is whatever the person who earned those kicks do with em,

i would give up one of my extras, no problem. but it aint gonna be to a complete stranger for the reason of just because. i like to help others who i know will return the favor in kind. THATS how the sneaker community should be. the way u fantasize the sneaker community to be, youre gonna have a whole bunch of lazy dudes who will take advantage and just get their pairs from your legwork just because they know they can. on purpose. thats called taking advantage.

this world is mostly tit for tat. not rainbows and gumdrops and hugs all over for strangers like u want it to be. u want people to give out luxuries. r u nuts? id give money to anyone who truly needs it and is down on their luck with no problem. but people dont NEED jordans. im not in the business of handing out luxuries. thats not HELPING.
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your collection aint that large tbh bro. i think u posted pics of it before. so those 3 times u got helped is a sizable chunk of your collection? now if u have like 50 pairs and only needed help with 3 then sure. but thats not the case, so there goes that argument.

the ones who are never in the position to legitimately help, are always the people who preaching HELP OTHERS B A GOOD PERSON. u lost already EARLY by saying "do the right thing....". who are u to tell people to do the right thing with their kicks? the right thing to do is whatever the person who earned those kicks do with em,

i would give up one of my extras, no problem. but it aint gonna be to a complete stranger for the reason of just because. i like to help others who i know will return the favor in kind. THATS how the sneaker community should be. the way u fantasize the sneaker community to be, youre gonna have a whole bunch of lazy dudes who will take advantage and just get their pairs from your legwork just because they know they can. thats called taking advantage.

this world is mostly tit for tat. not rainbows and gumdrops and hugs all over for strangers like u want it to be. u want people to give out luxuries. r u nuts? id give money to anyone who truly needs it and is down on their luck with no problem. but people dont NEED shoes. im not in the business of handing out luxuries. thats not HELPING.
So basically sneaker collecting should be of the "Robin Hood" style taking from the haves to give to the have nots? I don't think so. Yeah it's nice to help others but that doesn't make someone a bad person for sitting on multiples or refusing to give an opportunity price to someone. As my grandma once said "business is business".

Also, seeing the word "secure" a pair strikes me as very odd.
your collection aint that large tbh bro. i think u posted pics of it before. so those 3 times u got helped is a sizable chunk of your collection? now if u have like 50 pairs and only needed help with 3 then sure. but thats not the case, so there goes that argument.

the ones who are never in the position to legitimately help, are always the people who preaching HELP OTHERS B A GOOD PERSON. u lost already EARLY by saying "do the right thing....". who are u to tell people to do the right thing with their kicks? the right thing to do is whatever the person who earned those kicks do with em,

i would give up one of my extras, no problem. but it aint gonna be to a complete stranger for the reason of just because. i like to help others who i know will return the favor in kind. THATS how the sneaker community should be. the way u fantasize the sneaker community to be, youre gonna have a whole bunch of lazy dudes who will take advantage and just get their pairs from your legwork just because they know they can. thats called taking advantage.

this world is mostly tit for tat. not rainbows and gumdrops and hugs all over for strangers like u want it to be. u want people to give out luxuries. r u nuts? id give money to anyone who truly needs it and is down on their luck with no problem. but people dont NEED shoes. im not in the business of handing out luxuries. thats not HELPING.
I also state before most of the shoes before 2011 I grew out of so why would I have 50 pair if I'm going to grow out of them my friend, I'm only 20. Also there is such thing as PayPal invoice so you would be secured if that person try anything. Also your attitude is not one of a sneaker enthusiast, it's of someone who doesn't want to help their community and is only in it for themselves, possibly to make money like Wall Street.
hes gotten help/oops on other pairs too if im not mistaken. its easy for him to pump all this "help and be a good member of the sneaker community" stuff when hes the one thats getting the help mostly :lol:

your collection aint that large tbh bro. i think u posted pics of it before. so those 3 times u got helped is a sizable chunk of your collection? now if u have like 50 pairs and only needed help with 3 then sure. but thats not the case, so there goes that argument.

the ones who are never in the position to legitimately help, are always the people who preaching HELP OTHERS B A GOOD PERSON. u lost already EARLY by saying "do the right thing....". who are u to tell people to do the right thing with their kicks? the right thing to do is whatever the person who earned those kicks do with em,

i would give up one of my extras, no problem. but it aint gonna be to a complete stranger for the reason of just because. i like to help others who i know will return the favor in kind. THATS how the sneaker community should be. the way u fantasize the sneaker community to be, youre gonna have a whole bunch of lazy dudes who will take advantage and just get their pairs from your legwork just because they know they can. thats called taking advantage.

this world is mostly tit for tat. not rainbows and gumdrops and hugs all over for strangers like u want it to be. u want people to give out luxuries. r u nuts? id give money to anyone who truly needs it and is down on their luck with no problem. but people dont NEED shoes. im not in the business of handing out luxuries. thats not HELPING.
I also state before most of the shoes before 2011 I grew out of so why would I have 50 pair if I'm going to grow out of them my friend, I'm only 20. Also there is such thing as PayPal invoice so you would be secured if that person try anything. Also your attitude is not one of a sneaker enthusiast, it's of someone who doesn't want to help their community and is only in it for themselves, possibly to make money like Wall Street.
nah, i have the attitude of somebody who lives in reality. you have the attitude of a sucker.

show me where i said i dont like helping people? didnt i specifically state that id help people who would help me in return? whats wrong with that? hows that only thinking of myself? if that was the case, i wouldnt help anybody, period. you sound dumb AF. youre a sucker, and not the brightest colored sucker in the candy store either.
wore these again today...the tumbled leather is
nah, i have the attitude of somebody who lives in reality. you have the attitude of a sucker.

show me where i said i dont like helping people? didnt i specifically state that id help people who would help me in return? whats wrong with that? hows that only thinking of myself? if that was the case, i wouldnt help anybody, period. you sound dumb AF. youre a sucker, and not the brightest colored sucker in the candy store either.
How am I being a sucker who wants others to help those who weren't able to secure a pair. Your attitude says it all if I'm not mistaking or we would never be having this debate. Usually the ones that were offended by what I said are the ones that it pertains to.
Sak do you own these or want to own them?

If no on both then why are you here?

I'm just wondering. You draw a lot of attention to yourself and much of it isn't positive. At least switch to normal text.
Fellas fellas I'm not tryna tell anyone what to do or anything your both grown men. But umm can we let this topic go? Agree to disagree? I mean really everyones gonna do what they want in the end.
nah, i have the attitude of somebody who lives in reality. you have the attitude of a sucker.

show me where i said i dont like helping people? didnt i specifically state that id help people who would help me in return? whats wrong with that? hows that only thinking of myself? if that was the case, i wouldnt help anybody, period. you sound dumb AF. youre a sucker, and not the brightest colored sucker in the candy store either.
How am I being a sucker who wants others to help those who weren't able to secure a pair. Your attitude says it all if I'm not mistaking or we would never be having this debate. Usually the ones that were offended by what I said are the ones that it pertains to.
these were fairly easy to obtain. large quantities. you could have gotten multiple pairs to help people who missed out. did u think or attempt that? nah. exactly.

its always the broke folks who cant fend for themselves moaning and groaning about make this sneaker community a better place, etc etc. for all that preaching, u aint doing too much on your part to help either.

miss me with that links and restock info BS. its ALL over twitter ig etc. more than half the people who clicked your link or went off your info probably struck out. u didnt help as many people as u think u did. BECAUSE THEYRE NOT GUARANTEED PAIRS lmfao. youre posting info and links that nike usually tweets out to the world, but youre shaming people for not giving up their guaranteed extras.

ROFL. OK guy.
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Sak do you own these or want to own them?

If no on both then why are you here?

I'm just wondering. You draw a lot of attention to yourself and much of it isn't positive. At least switch to normal text.
No I do not want to secure them and I'm here because I want to be here. I see people still looking for pairs and I see others with multiples that can help these people out but choose not to for some reason.
these were fairly easy to obtain. large quantities. you could have gotten multiple pairs to help people who missed out. did u think or attempt that? nah. exactly.

its always the broke folks who cant fend for themselves moaning and groaning about make this sneaker community a better place, etc etc. for all that preaching, u aint doing too much on your part to help either.

miss me with that links and restock info BS. its ALL over twitter ig etc. more than half the people who clicked your link or went off your info probably struck out. u didnt help as many people as u think u did. BECAUSE THEYRE NOT GUARANTEED PAIRS lmfao. youre posting info and links that nike usually tweets out to the world, but youre shaming people for not giving up their guaranteed extras.

ROFL. OK guy.
Didn't I say before they were released I didn't want to secure them and on the last page and currently.
Sak do you own these or want to own them?

If no on both then why are you here?

I'm just wondering. You draw a lot of attention to yourself and much of it isn't positive. At least switch to normal text.
No I do not want to secure them and I'm here because I want to be here. I see people still looking for pairs and I see others with multiples that can help these people out but choose not to for some reason.
and those reasons are none of your business at all and you have no right to speak on their reasons and say theyre not doing the right thing. u dont know them from a hole in the wall.

you need to chill out.
these were fairly easy to obtain. large quantities. you could have gotten multiple pairs to help people who missed out. did u think or attempt that? nah. exactly.

its always the broke folks who cant fend for themselves moaning and groaning about make this sneaker community a better place, etc etc. for all that preaching, u aint doing too much on your part to help either.

miss me with that links and restock info BS. its ALL over twitter ig etc. more than half the people who clicked your link or went off your info probably struck out. u didnt help as many people as u think u did. BECAUSE THEYRE NOT GUARANTEED PAIRS lmfao. youre posting info and links that nike usually tweets out to the world, but youre shaming people for not giving up their guaranteed extras.

ROFL. OK guy.
Didn't I say before they were released I didn't want to secure them and on the last page and currently.
why didnt you? you COULD have secured them right? and then helped others even tho u didnt want them right? thats what youre preaching. but u CHOSE not to secure any pairs, and thus not help anyone. so according to your logic, youre a scumbag because you consciously chose not to help. u know there are always people who miss out every release.

why didnt you? you COULD have secured them right? and then helped others even tho u didnt want them right? thats what youre preaching. but u CHOSE not to secure any pairs, and thus not help anyone. so according to your logic, youre a scumbag because you consciously chose not to help. u know there are always people who miss out every release.

You do realize that you can not be interested in releases and not try, right? Also I'm not a reseller.
But you're advocating for others to be resellers to "help the community"? Or you just want those with multiples to give free handouts?
My friend if they're looking to secure a pair they obviously have the money to purchase said pair if offered, that's common sense. Also why did they purchase 3 to 4 pairs for? Why not purchase 2?
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My friend if they're looking to secure a pair they obviously have the money to purchase said pair if offered, that's common sense. Also why did they purchase 3 to 4 pairs for? Why not purchase 2?

What do you care what people choose to do with their money? If they want 100 pairs and can manage to obtain that many then that is their prerogative.

The same argument can be made for why do any of us own the amount of shoes that we do? You can only wear one pair at a time.
What do you care what people choose to do with their money? If they want 100 pairs and can manage to obtain that many then that is their prerogative.

The same argument can be made for why do any of us own the amount of shoes that we do? You can only wear one pair at a time.
Here we go with that old, tired saying which people only bring out because they find themselves in a hole during the debate. Yes it's their money to do with them as they please but most have said they purchase multiples to sell or use as trade bait which is what some resellers do. While some others just want one pair to wear. Also there are different style of shoes/Jordans so your reason is flawed. Is it hurting the person who has 100 pairs to help someone out with one pair? They have 99 pairs left afterwards so...
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