Jordan XI Jubilee Holiday 2020

Aren’t you guys on a stay at home order? :lol: maybe it’s a trap.

we sure are! i've been trying to call them asking if they're gonna get the neon 95s next week, but they haven't been answering. probably because they don't want to deal with all the callers for the 11s. man i'll be so bummed if they're not open tomorrow or next thursday haha.
I keep checking over and over

This is sad lol
Still WL on FTL

For all the whipper-snappers that didn’t hit my heart goes out to you. However to cheer you up let’s celebrate five years of the 72-10. Anyone ever smoke a Cuban Partagás Lusitania (Michael’s favorite) in these?

If anyone is in a generous mood spoonmanofthehour, JumpmanATL7, and myself don’t have a pair.
For all the whipper-snappers that didn’t hit my heart goes out to you. However to cheer you up let’s celebrate five years of the 72-10. Anyone ever smoke a Cuban Partagás Lusitania (Michael’s favorite) in these?

If anyone is in a generous mood spoonmanofthehour, JumpmanATL7, and myself don’t have a pair.
For all the whipper-snappers that didn’t hit my heart goes out to you. However to cheer you up let’s celebrate five years of the 72-10. Anyone ever smoke a Cuban Partagás Lusitania (Michael’s favorite) in these?

If anyone is in a generous mood spoonmanofthehour, JumpmanATL7, and myself don’t have a pair.

Highest quality Jordan XI's released so far. We shall see about the Jubilees.
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