Jordans in Movies...

I work at a movie theater, and I just saw the trailer for the new STAR TREK movie.


It starts with a kid driving a sports car, and there's a quick shot of the bottom of his shoes as he switches pedals. I thought to myself, "That treadpattern looks like a fingerprint. Could it be... nah." A short while later, the kid gets thrown from the car, and lands with his feet up in the air. Sureenough, they were XX3's. But that's not the best part. Then a cop comes over, and says, "Hey kid, what's your name?" And the kidresponds, "James Tiberius Kirk!"

So in other words Captain Kirk wears XX3's. How tremendously cool is that?
Originally Posted by mumbles3k

I work at a movie theater, and I just saw the trailer for the new STAR TREK movie.


It starts with a kid driving a sports car, and there's a quick shot of the bottom of his shoes as he switches pedals. I thought to myself, "That tread pattern looks like a fingerprint. Could it be... nah." A short while later, the kid gets thrown from the car, and lands with his feet up in the air. Sure enough, they were XX3's. But that's not the best part. Then a cop comes over, and says, "Hey kid, what's your name?" And the kid responds, "James Tiberius Kirk!"

So in other words Captain Kirk wears XX3's. How tremendously cool is that?
thats made my day
jack black wearing some 2s when jim carrey jumps off his back to dunk. sorry no pics
Yeah I just saw that yesterday in the Star Trek trailer. And if you watch the trailer and pause it on the shoes they look like some wear test samples of the23's. Which would make sense because I'm sure they were filming that movie last year way before the 23's even had a legitimate picture out.
Originally Posted by mikeposite

I have to correct that those black gold 1's are from 2003 and if you notice in the pic they are only mids and not highs which in 1985 they didnt make mids 1's only highs and lows.

but either way nice pic and collection.

Dude, those are not mids from 03. it may look smaller than the other 1s in the pic but you can clearly see that they are highs. there is no dip on thesock-liner like all mids, it's straight like all og highs. plus, you can clearly see they have white mid soles like the other pics posted a few pages back.the 03 mids have an all black mid sole.

here's the pic again


here are the 03, there's a dip on the sock-liner area.

I love to see movies and books with Js in them. It just shows how much Js have changed the shoe culture!
I dont know about movies but Jerry Seinfeld is notorious for wearing j's in his personal life and on his show. He always had on J's well before theycam out I remember watching seinfeld just to see the new j's.
I was watching the little rascals the other day, dont ask why, and the little punk kid had on some OG 9's, they were clean
i couldn't find the pic. but jerry in sinfield wore i think they were vi or vii in 2 episodes but i was going nuts when i saw it on tv.. wish i had tivo
I was watching 30 rock season 2 dvd the other day, and tina fey's boyfriend is wearin mili's in an episode...
I like watchin fresh prince just to see if i can spot what jordan will had on. he wore em alot. i was just watchin the old episode, the one where he tricks thegirl into marrying him just so they can have sex. lol. he had on a pair of cardnial VII's in that episode. i was like oh !!*$!! da cardnials da cardnials!!!
sensaciondelbloque wrote:
martin buys himself a pair of XIIs in this episode and later on give them to a homeless boy

oooh snaaapp! I had these?in mind to post. This was my favorite shoe back in the day. Damn, now I now feel old.
Thanks for posting the actual clip!
Will Smith is always rocking jordan's. I think there were some production photo's from one of his recent movies where he is wearing the retro 1 blacktoes.
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