Originally Posted by the PGA tour

But on the real I need someone here to really tell me what Pac was because he definitely cant make a "Meet The Parents" or a "Nas Rewind"

brenda's got a baby, me & my girlfriend.

Ding, ding ding! *Gives PGA tour a point.

And what about Me & My Girlfriend?

Pac >>> Big

big was always overrated...

Says the guy with the Lil' Wayne avatar..

You've lost credibility.

cuz he's of different species. he wrote in his head.
I'm also convinced the man is of different speciestoo.

that's like saying Tony Parker isn't a basketball player because he doesn't play like Kobe.
Good point.

Ok. Go ahead and say Pac is lyrical and he an MC. I still think his flow is lame and annoying. Ok he 'spittin' the truth but just like some ofya'll say ya'll can't listen to Lupe because he's boring I found Pac this way.

Don't get me wrong I dig a lot of Pac tracks like Against All Odds, 2 Of Americaz Most Wanted, Hail Mary, etc.

Oh yeah, and his best song Changes is deep. Dear Mama was deep too.

Like come on now the man is NOT an emcee.

Ok I'll stop.
IMO he wasn't a MC/Lyricist/Rapper/Poet... because you couldn't categorize him. I think that's what seperates guys like Eminem, B.I.G., Jay-Z, and2Pac from the crowd. He and the others I named brought all these elements (except for MCing) to the table.

(BTW, anybody who doesn't think Em isn't a top 10 hip-hop/rap artist is a fool)
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

IMO he wasn't a MC/Lyricist/Rapper/Poet... because you couldn't categorize him. I think that's what seperates guys like Eminem, B.I.G., Jay-Z, and 2Pac from the crowd. He and the others I named brought all these elements (except for MCing) to the table.

(BTW, anybody who doesn't think Em isn't a top 10 hip-hop/rap artist is a fool)
Thank you sir.

At the end of the day Pac even said himself he wasn't that lyrical. People just like Pac for what he was about.
SLR $!#%

you backtrackin and agreein then turning around and disagreeing again $!#%

Shut the hell up
Originally Posted by thagreatj

SLR $!#%

you backtrackin and agreein then turning around and disagreeing again $!#%

Shut the hell up

Not at all.
Good songs.

Not an emcee is my arguement. Please get mad.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but the general accepted difference between a Rapper and an Emcee (since you choose to use that word) is that a rapper is focusedmore on the Rap aspects of the art (wordplay, lyricism, etc.) and an Emcee is more focused on the musical aspect (emotion, sound, message).

That's how i've always heard/seen it.

That would put Pac wayyy above the rest as an Emcee.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Correct me if i'm wrong, but the general accepted difference between a Rapper and an Emcee (since you choose to use that word) is that a rapper is focused more on the Rap aspects of the art (wordplay, lyricism, etc.) and an Emcee is more focused on the musical aspect (emotion, sound, message).

That's how i've always heard/seen it.

That would put Pac wayyy above the rest as an Emcee.
but the problem is the threadstarter has no clue....like dude took the wrong turn and said F!!! it ima ride it out.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Correct me if i'm wrong, but the general accepted difference between a Rapper and an Emcee (since you choose to use that word) is that a rapper is focused more on the Rap aspects of the art (wordplay, lyricism, etc.) and an Emcee is more focused on the musical aspect (emotion, sound, message).

That's how i've always heard/seen it.

That would put Pac wayyy above the rest as an Emcee.
Emcee/Lyricist/Rapper.. same difference. = Nas, Lupe, Andre 3000, Ghostface, Hov, Em, etc.

Pac = Poet.

But whatever, if ya'll see him as a lyricst and want to put him in the same category as the above mentioned, do it.

And I can't say I like Pac tracks and say he ain't a lyricist?
Says the guy with the Lil' Wayne avatar..

You've lost credibility.
thats all you got homie ?

and lord knows your gonna be that dude jumpin all over waynes %!% when his album comes out like a rapper bandwagoner.

stick to the argument and dont be lookin at my avatar if you got a problem with it.
SLRS, you dont even have a strong argument.

OK, so Pac had a different style than your favorite emcee's. Now tell us something we didn't know.

A definition of a LYRICIST
1. a person who writes the lyrics for songs.
2. a lyric poet.

Definition of LYRICS

1. (of poetry) having the form and musical quality of a song, and esp. the character of a songlike outpouring of the poet's own thoughts and feelings, asdistinguished from epic and dramatic poetry.
2. pertaining to or writing lyric poetry: a lyric poet.
3. characterized by or expressing spontaneous, direct feeling: a lyric song; lyric writing.
4. pertaining to, rendered by, or employing singing.
5. (of a voice) relatively light of volume and modest in range: a lyric soprano.
6. pertaining, adapted, or sung to the lyre, or composing poems to be sung to the lyre: ancient Greek lyric odes.

Now tell me what Pac is.
Originally Posted by SLRS

I understand this topic is made every hour on the hour on some ol Jay-Z's premiering a new video for his single type shh.. But the discussion was brought up today after exams/finals when I made the statement that Pac wasn't a lyricist and that B.I.G. > Pac (which I assumed was common knowledge to anyone that listens to hiphop at least.) and he wasn't in my top 5 all time lyricist list.

My list currently stands at:

But on the real I need someone here to really tell me what Pac was because he definitely cant make a "Meet The Parents" or a "Nas Rewind" And cats really had the nerve to say that Pac had a "flow"
I guess Im missing somthing cause I honestly hear the same flow on every Pac track.

P.S. I dont own any Pac tracks on my comp.
Ive heard majority of his stuff (ok i'm lying. dude got 76657865 albums and probably more to come) and IMO his best work is Me Against The World. I just dont see anything "lyrical" about Pac.

And what is your definition of a lyricist? I've never seen you post, but have heard the same logic from numerous people in my years and it seems toalmost always stem from an immature/narrow understanding of music - often arising from a fanaticism towards a particular artist or style. I know it simplybecause I was spittin' the same argument back when I was a youngster in HS. Lyricism isn't limited to complex wordplay, double-entendres, delivery,etc. It should be self-evident in the fact that you can't apply the same rule to any of the artists you listed.
pac was above average to me...that about it, i'm old enuff to remember that dude's personal outside music is what kept him high in demand.
I own probably every pac cd that has ever been released, even the b.s. that they are still putting out these days, with that said i am a huge fan of pac, iconsider him to be a poet that had a great collection of songs with great messages, i respect him, but he will never make it to the top of my list, in myopinion he has always been a little bit overrated, but again a great artist.
Pac was so much more than people give him credit. He was a movement yes i said it a movement. i can remember when i was growing up and who ever pac said not tolisten to i didnt, you have to a power in you to sway a persons musical taste. i did listen to big, jay z, or others pac disliked till after he died. jay-z isin my top 5 biggie is not (and thats not due to a bias i have both biggie cds). the man was a movement simple as that name another rapper that people are indenial over their being dead. if it wasnt for pac influence on music it would still be boom bap hippity hippity (i like the old school flavor every now andagain but come on). pac painted the most beautiful pictures with his words with no use of confusing lyrics, double meanings, or metaphors. if ya ask me hedidnt have to trick you into thinking the picture he was painting was beautiful, the counterparts had to trick the listener into believing the picture was morebeautiful than it was. imo the pac and big argument needs to be dead'ed they are two totally different flavors of an artist so ofcourse ones gonna be overrated to one and not to the other. i think the thread starter is looking for shock value well heres some jay-z > biggie. good day
I have to say this, nt is the only place that we can have this subject if this was in the street a couple of people will be shot. But yea pac was a little bitoverrated
Originally Posted by Strawberry Milkshakes

the fact that dude was neither an "mc" or "lyricist" yet is in all of your favorite rappers favorite rappers top 5 lists should obviously tell you something about what he brought to the rap game will probably never be re-created EVER. He was bigger than just rap, do your homework homie.


a lyricist is someone who writes lyrics...something pac was pretty good at...

he wasnt a lyricist, but he was a poet? doesnt make sense imo

poet, mc, lyricist...he was all of that. the defenition of what they are.
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