
some of y'all have no ****ing respect. do you even know what kind of impact pac had on society and hip-hop? what he did for the people? the messages heportrayed in his songs?

it's cool if you don't like his music, it's your opinion, but have some respect.

stop being ignorant. listen to him for yourself and speak for yourself.
Does y'all listen to music skim threw it?

Pac overrated?

wow, listen to "changes" and i don't mean listen i mean LISTEN!!
In my opinion, Pac didn't have a super flow but he was lyrical. Lyrical in a way that whoever heard him(whether white, black, young, or old) couldunderstand it and picture it in their mind. I think that's why corporate America didn't like him. He had passion is his voice. I don't think thatJigga could make "Dear Mama" and he's my favorite. I wasn't really into Pac but it is what it is. Any real music lover would tell you thatPac had way more of an impact than Biggie. Like it or not. Biggie didn't touch the people like Pac. Pac had so much diversity.

How can you not give him his credit?
lyr·i·cist -noun

1. a person who writes the lyrics for songs.
2. a lyric poet

If Pac wasn't a lyricist than who the hell wrote all of his lyrics? If he's not a lyricist than what did he do? I thought this idiotic thinkingand ignorance was played out back in 1999. I really have no problem if you like or dislike Pac's music, doesn't really matter to me. The problem I haveis that you're basically stating that Pac wasn't even a musician, he's not a lyricist, he's not a rapper. Which is obviously false. If youdon't like the guy or his music, then just say you dislike the guy's music. But don't sit up here and make fool of yourself stating a completefalsification of the facts.
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