That really sucks man. Now you gotta be thinking which one of your friends you can't trust. I'd get on Craigslist and hopefully you can do a good old fashioned set up. It's the worst not knowing who did it. Sorry to hear bro.
I was robbed once in my college apartment only lost $50 though but it's still money could've done a lot with it. I guess you live & you learn but damn you suffered a major loss sorry about that. Hope it all works out in the end
1st - report it the authorities so it's in the system if not done already

2nd - visit every pawn shop in a 15-20 mile radius consistently and be on the search for your items, they need money and pretty sure they cant flip it all on the streets and will eventually turn to the pawn shops for fast cash.

3rd - consistently check craigslist for your items eventually one of your items will pop up if its from the actual thief or someone that the thief sold it to

4th - be on the hunt, dont know how hood you are but if you know any hood friends you can trust just tell them to keep there ears open on people selling stuff

Long story short, something like this happened to me found a piece at a local pawn shop MONTHS after the incident happened, told the pawn shop they called the authorities and they went to pawners house and he bought the piece from someone finally found the thief and they locked him up for grand theft and he had to pay back EVERYTHING back but in these cases you dont really care about money at this point you really just want him to suffer.

Hope that helps and just be consistent and persistent- no need to be down God dont like ugly and will repay you x3 back.
Audi, you are trippin hard man with the things you do. Smarten up my man.

That boy must be going through some ****. And that's rough pabs i know the feeling of getting your personal space violated like that, feels worse than getting got in the streets, homes supposed to be your safe Haven away from all that.
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i know i guess its stupid i admit

no other way to put it

i leave the back open to my spot all the time too no dambs given

guess i should change before i get got

im not good with keys or wallet thats why i do these things
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Sorry OP 

If they took everything and known when you'd be gone, it deff sounds like an inside job tho...
damn sucks to hear that op

but they're just material things at the end of the day

at least no one was injured. look at the positives and keep your head up
A security system is pretty cheap. All you need are some cheap webcams and security software for your computer. I have one where I can check real time video and audio from my phone. Software has motion detection as well
Info on webcams bruh?
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