Justice League vs Avengers vol. pretty sure this has been debated before

Originally Posted by solarius49

Quicksilver could do NOTHING to the Flash, they arent even the same class of speed. I mean I guess its the closest matchup, but Pietro loses badly

I left it open ended for people to judge who would win the match-ups. Some match-ups will certainly have a certain outcome while others are highly debatable. 
Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by Rolaholic

Then why make that statement in this thread? Sure TDK thrust Batman back into the general public's eye but Batman was already a well established cultural icon for decades before and Comic book heads have known wassup forever. 
That's like saying that no one gave a +$!$ about Spiderman or X-Men before Spiderman 1 and X1.

Maybe he was just trying to aggravate someone (worked)

I dunno.

It's a public forum. The guy can say whatever he wants.

Of course he can 
,just that everyone in this thread knows their comics so need to dismiss discussion about Batman just because he's popular right now. The Batman being discussed has nothing to do with the movie.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by RFX45

Ok, lets take just the original, the most popular and core members of each group. If this is a sport, these guys will be starting and everyone else will be benched.

Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter
Green Lantern

Green Arrow
Black Canary

Captain America


 Black Panther
Scarlet Witch

That seems fair?

As for battles, one=-on-one and to keep it fair.

Superman vs. Thor/Hulk
WW vs. Hulk/Thor
GL vs. IM
MM vs. Vision
Batman vs. Capt. America
Flash vs. Quiksilver
Aquaman vs. Hercules
Atom vs. Ant-Man
Hawkman vs. Black Panther
Zatanna vs. Scarlet Witch
Black Canary vs. Wasp
Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye

Black Panther backup?  He's the sleeper simply because he don't have the popularity.  Dude is more skilled at combat and strategy than anyone on the Avengers.  That is without Panther God power (read about his time in Hells Kitchen written by David Liss). 
I did say the most famous and the core members first. I just included the back-up because some of them are notables that needs to be mentioned. I gave him credit by putting him up against Hawkman who is no slouch and can be considered in the starting line-up for the JLA too. 

I would put Black Panther in place of Ant-Man or Wasp but really, those two are founders and actually a bit more recognized. That really is the only reasoning on where they fall on the list, not based on their abilities or powers and strengths.
Yeah I see where you was going.  I don't know much about Wasp or Ant-Man but like you said they are founders.  So many characters that could factor in this battle and a lot of people have no clue.  I am selective with what I read due to lack of good stories and wanting to buy them so I'm out the loop with a lot of characters.

I love threads like this because I had no clue about Sundipped Superman.
  But when it gets ridiculous like that I have no interest. 

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Black Panther backup?  He's the sleeper simply because he don't have the popularity.  Dude is more skilled at combat and strategy than anyone on the Avengers.  That is without Panther God power (read about his time in Hells Kitchen written by David Liss). 
I did say the most famous and the core members first. I just included the back-up because some of them are notables that needs to be mentioned. I gave him credit by putting him up against Hawkman who is no slouch and can be considered in the starting line-up for the JLA too. 

I would put Black Panther in place of Ant-Man or Wasp but really, those two are founders and actually a bit more recognized. That really is the only reasoning on where they fall on the list, not based on their abilities or powers and strengths.
Yeah I see where you was going.  I don't know much about Wasp or Ant-Man but like you said they are founders.  So many characters that could factor in this battle and a lot of people have no clue.  I am selective with what I read due to lack of good stories and wanting to buy them so I'm out the loop with a lot of characters.

I love threads like this because I had no clue about Sundipped Superman.
  But when it gets ridiculous like that I have no interest. 

This.  I like reading about stuff like that on Wikipedia, but I def dont want to read a book with a bunch of godlike characters.  I love the human factor in comics.  I love seeing my favorite heros get beat senseless, and then overcome to defeat their enemy.
Originally Posted by jbone2308

I love threads like this because I had no clue about Sundipped Superman.
  But when it gets ridiculous like that I have no interest. 

To be fair, it was like one-issue and dude was just a beast. He did chill inside the heart of a yellow sun for 15,000 years, I mean we've seen what Superman can do when he goes in there for minutes. Some screen caps:
Spoiler [+]
Solaris pretty much pawning everyone then Supes comes out the sun and just squashes him like nothing. 


Originally Posted by solarius49

Quicksilver could do NOTHING to the Flash, they arent even the same class of speed. I mean I guess its the closest matchup, but Pietro loses badly

How do you think The Vision would fare?
Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by solarius49

Quicksilver could do NOTHING to the Flash, they arent even the same class of speed. I mean I guess its the closest matchup, but Pietro loses badly

How do you think The Vision would fare?
That would be an interesting matchup, because the Flash would have to reach into the upper echlons of his power to touch him.  Speed def isnt the way to beat the Flash, bc you arent going to match him in that area, but the Vision creates so many matchup problems himself.
Flash would destroy Vision
that speed is too deadly. he wouldn't have time to activate his powers.

I can't think of many people outside of cosmic beings that can handle Flash. if you can't alter gravity or time you don't have much of a chance. hell even freezing dude isn't 100% effective.
I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject, so don't rip my head off....

But if Batman could come up with methods to kill the JL, wouldn't Stark and Banner have the intelligence to do so as well?
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject, so don't rip my head off....

But if Batman could come up with methods to kill the JL, wouldn't Stark and Banner have the intelligence to do so as well?

Stark and Banner are geniuses, but Stark isnt half the tactician that Batman is, and Banner isnt a tactician at all.  I literally cant think of a single "plan" that Bruce Banner has ever executed
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject, so don't rip my head off....

But if Batman could come up with methods to kill the JL, wouldn't Stark and Banner have the intelligence to do so as well?
Yes they would. Seeing Stark handle himself after the Civil War when he was top cop running things and Banner owning anybody who came after him when he couldn't become the Hulk lets me know they'd come up with all types of ways to defeat, capture, or kill them. That's why I mentioned writers getting it right if they were to write a story for another crossover. There's so many strengths and weaknesses you can work with to make it good and believable given their power sets, skills, intelligence, and other abilities.

As for this Flash thing, like he's unbeatable, let a Scarlet Witch during a mental breakdown face him. We know w/e version of Flash isn't going for the kill but Wanda will. Hell, if most of the JL don't act fast and with lethal force she'd finish them all by saying a few words.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject, so don't rip my head off....

But if Batman could come up with methods to kill the JL, wouldn't Stark and Banner have the intelligence to do so as well?
Yes they would. Seeing Stark handle himself after the Civil War when he was top cop running things and Banner owning anybody who came after him when he couldn't become the Hulk lets me know they'd come up with all types of ways to defeat, capture, or kill them.

As for this Flash thing, like he's unbeatable, let a Scarlet Witch during a mental breakdown face him. We know w/e version of Flash isn't going for the kill but Wanda will. Hell, if most of the JL don't act fast and with lethal force she'd finish them all by saying a few words.
She is just at likely to kill all of her allies too.  I mean this is the same person who depowered the entire planet's mutant population except for 198 people.  But the Flash could take Wanda out of the fight before she even begins the fight
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject, so don't rip my head off....

But if Batman could come up with methods to kill the JL, wouldn't Stark and Banner have the intelligence to do so as well?

Outside of Nick Fury and Black Panther no one has plans like Batman in Marvel you. 
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

I'm not too knowledgeable on the subject, so don't rip my head off....

But if Batman could come up with methods to kill the JL, wouldn't Stark and Banner have the intelligence to do so as well?
Yes they would. Seeing Stark handle himself after the Civil War when he was top cop running things and Banner owning anybody who came after him when he couldn't become the Hulk lets me know they'd come up with all types of ways to defeat, capture, or kill them.

As for this Flash thing, like he's unbeatable, let a Scarlet Witch during a mental breakdown face him. We know w/e version of Flash isn't going for the kill but Wanda will. Hell, if most of the JL don't act fast and with lethal force she'd finish them all by saying a few words.
She is just at likely to kill all of her allies too.  I mean this is the same person who depowered the entire planet's mutant population except for 198 people.  But the Flash could take Wanda out of the fight before she even begins the fight
Unless he finds her and puts his fist through her skull I don't even see why she would make herself seen when she disperses his body in to a million molecules. Also I don't know why her other allies would be around, I'm thinking one on one but even if they are so what, if she's the last person standing, Avengers win.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Yes they would. Seeing Stark handle himself after the Civil War when he was top cop running things and Banner owning anybody who came after him when he couldn't become the Hulk lets me know they'd come up with all types of ways to defeat, capture, or kill them.

As for this Flash thing, like he's unbeatable, let a Scarlet Witch during a mental breakdown face him. We know w/e version of Flash isn't going for the kill but Wanda will. Hell, if most of the JL don't act fast and with lethal force she'd finish them all by saying a few words.
She is just at likely to kill all of her allies too.  I mean this is the same person who depowered the entire planet's mutant population except for 198 people.  But the Flash could take Wanda out of the fight before she even begins the fight
Unless he finds her and puts his fist through her skull I don't even see why she would make herself seen when she dispersed body in to a million molecules. Also I don't know why her other allies would be around, I'm thinking one on one but even if they are so what, if she's the last person standing, Avengers win.
Hey, lol i like that you're thinking.  In comics anything is possible including Wanda spazzing out and killing everyone.  I remember the Flash from the Kingdom Come series was capable of being in all places at once.  I def think Wanda is the wildcard in this fight, because her powers fluctuate all over the map...but at her upper limits she is a monster
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by blacklion23

Originally Posted by ricky409

i heard a Tariq Podcast about White People and superheros...

this proves it.

I'm black. I've yet to post in here but have been lurking this thread hard. I love comics.
Im black and i think I posted in here more than anybody else

if y'all get yambs, I retract my statement
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by blacklion23

I'm black. I've yet to post in here but have been lurking this thread hard. I love comics.
Im black and i think I posted in here more than anybody else

if y'all get yambs, I retract my statement

I get them bad decision yambs that you regret the next day smhI shoulda pulled out
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

 And as for Rune King Thor, Superman Prime would destroy him....AND Superman Prime has a GL ring

I think Rune King Thor with Odinsforce would beat Superman Prime but against Superman Prime One Million, then Rune King Thor will likely lose.
See thats the ++** I don't like. As soon as you find a weakness for one Superman, theres always another upgraded version to follow 

Damn you DC comics

Why are Dragonball Z characters being brought up? Get those lames outta here.

To stay on topic Avengers would own. 

Enough with Batman if Dark Knight never came out half of y'all wouldnt care about him.

You only say that because you know no matter what, the Z warriors can and will defeat anyone put in their way. 

Goku alone has more power than anyone from any series. This dude has died less times than Superman. 

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by PLVN

Originally Posted by bruce negro

Give Batman five days to prepare. Five days. He solos the Avengers.

Only if Tony Stark is allotted the same time.
Tony Stark is a genius, not a strategist or a tactician.  Oh yeah, did we forget that Batman beat Superman?  Batman + prep time is unparalleled  

Don't get it twisted though. Batman CAN be killed... Prep time means nothing. World War Hulk would destroy Bats. There's no such thing as Prep time for a walking time bomb. If Bats ever crossed paths with WWH without knowing who he was, prep time wouldn't exist. Bats wouldn't survive to regroup. He'd be killed on the spot. 

Batman gets prep time because he is allowed prep time. Hulk doesn't allow such. 

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by blacklion23

I'm black. I've yet to post in here but have been lurking this thread hard. I love comics.
Im black and i think I posted in here more than anybody else

if y'all get yambs, I retract my statement
I get yambs on the daily fam. I just got some today as a matta fact. Being wifed up pays off
None of them are messing with the flash.......and to whoever said he wouldnt kill earlier, hes actually one of the few superheroes who has killed villians when it needed to be done
PRIME wrote:

Why are Dragonball Z characters being brought up? Get those lames outta here.

You only say that because you know no matter what, the Z warriors can and will defeat anyone put in their way. 

Originally Posted by PRIME

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by solarius49

I think Rune King Thor with Odinsforce would beat Superman Prime but against Superman Prime One Million, then Rune King Thor will likely lose.
See thats the ++** I don't like. As soon as you find a weakness for one Superman, theres always another upgraded version to follow 

Damn you DC comics

Why are Dragonball Z characters being brought up? Get those lames outta here.

To stay on topic Avengers would own. 

Enough with Batman if Dark Knight never came out half of y'all wouldnt care about him.
Goku alone has more power than anyone from any series. This dude has died less times than Superman. 

Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by PLVN

Only if Tony Stark is allotted the same time.
Tony Stark is a genius, not a strategist or a tactician.  Oh yeah, did we forget that Batman beat Superman?  Batman + prep time is unparalleled  

Don't get it twisted though. Batman CAN be killed... Prep time means nothing. World War Hulk would destroy Bats. There's no such thing as Prep time for a walking time bomb. If Bats ever crossed paths with WWH without knowing who he was, prep time wouldn't exist. Bats wouldn't survive to regroup. He'd be killed on the spot. 

Batman gets prep time because he is allowed prep time. Hulk doesn't allow such. 

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by solarius49

Im black and i think I posted in here more than anybody else

if y'all get yambs, I retract my statement
I get yambs on the daily fam. I just got some today as a matta fact. Being wifed up pays off

Except World War Hulk was an enemy of the Avengers
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

None of them are messing with the flash.......and to whoever said he wouldnt kill earlier, hes actually one of the few superheroes who has killed villians when it needed to be done
We aint talking about killing villains though. It's one thing with these topics ppl don't make it clear if it's a fight to the death or until someone is unconscious/admits they lost. I don't see any of the 3 or guys that have been the Flash killing their opponent at the start of a fight, especially a woman.

Scarlet Witch can be in the next room while she has you fighting an invasion force from Apokolips and Darkseid that she created
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