Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

I’m laughing at Kanyes little rants how he goes out his way to type SKETE in all caps.

That said. I want to see material on SNL mocking Kanye, and it’ll be entertaining to see when it happens.
Is Kanye the first black person to get banned from IG for calling another black person a slur??
Is Kanye the first black person to get banned from IG for calling another black person a slur??
So Umar doesn't use IG huh?

I agreed with a lot of what Trevor Noah said about the situation and agree with the overall sentiment. The part about it being okay for Eminem to do it cuz that's his shtick was side eye worthy though. Completely contradicts just about everything he was trying to say.
That question was a mix of serious and sarcasm. I dont think Umar uses IG but I dont actually know as I dont use IG.

But i know he uses that word.
you see what kanye posted on IG in response? i can't post it but trevor clearly struck a nerve. kanye looking ultra foolish nowadays. his stans co-signing this nonsense looking even worse.

:lol: Yall keep saying this but who has co-signed any of what Kanye is/has doing/done.

I come in peace.
Curious why she hasn’t issued a cease and desist order.
probably cause it makes her look more favorable to the public eye
kim is a lot of things but she's also been a shrewd business woman.
people always bring up the sex tape, which is more than fair, but i don't see paris hilton or pamela anderson anywhere near as successful as she is....or anyone for that matter.
it doesn't make sense to me for a woman with no perceived talent to be as popular and successful as she is.
probably cause it makes her look more favorable to the public eye
kim is a lot of things but she's also been a shrewd business woman.
people always bring up the sex tape, which is more than fair, but i don't see paris hilton or pamela anderson anywhere near as successful as she is....or anyone for that matter.
it doesn't make sense to me for a woman with no perceived talent to be as popular and successful as she is.
Kim came up on social media and she was way badder than those women in her prime. She had the black community as well.
Kanye needs to let his ego go.

1. He chose the wrong woman to be his wife. He has to admit that mistake.

2. He needs to let her go. All this antics make him look emotional and weak. Man the eff up.

3. He is free. He can get any girl he wants after. Life goes on.

This is turning up to be OJ pre killing. Ron Goldman (Nicole Brown Simpson's partner who was also killed) was known to drive around OJ's Ferrari.

Somewhere, Kris Humphries dodged a major bullet.
Kanye needs to let his ego go.

1. He chose the wrong woman to be his wife. He has to admit that mistake.

2. He needs to let her go. All this antics make him look emotional and weak. Man the eff up.

3. He is free. He can get any girl he wants after. Life goes on.

This is turning up to be OJ pre killing. Ron Goldman (Nicole Brown Simpson's partner who was also killed) was known to drive around OJ's Ferrari.

Somewhere, Kris Humphries dodged a major bullet.

On the contrary, at least for me. Ive bought 4 yeezys so far since dec. I never was interested in buying it until recently due to the IG rants and ****.
Kim doesn't want Kanye to stop. I think she's actually baiting more of this behavior on.
Nothing is more profitable than being a victim.

Quote this in 6 months - a year when Kim is doing something for domestic abuse and getting a bag for it.
it’s biZarre to see Ye running the EXACT Trump playbook. Anytime someone has anything SLIGHTLY negative to say about him, he lashes out and resorts to petty childish insults online. Anybody not rooting for him is “controlled by the leftist elite.” Uses faith as a gimmick to shame others. Runs for president with nonsensical agenda. Amasses cult like followers who don’t listen to reason and often threaten violence against all with opposing views. Both share the same views on racism and slavery.

His mental state took a drastic turn when his mom passed. He needs someone to look after and raise him and he’ll never get that again.
Kanye needs to let his ego go.

1. He chose the wrong woman to be his wife. He has to admit that mistake.

2. He needs to let her go. All this antics make him look emotional and weak. Man the eff up.

3. He is free. He can get any girl he wants after. Life goes on.

This is turning up to be OJ pre killing. Ron Goldman (Nicole Brown Simpson's partner who was also killed) was known to drive around OJ's Ferrari.

Somewhere, Kris Humphries dodged a major bullet.
As someone who has a brother whos diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it has nothing to do with ego or being emotional or weak. I see a lot of my brothers behaviors in Kanye and it's sad more than anything.

Kanye's life is a glimpse into what its like living with a mental disorder and how the general public react to people affected.

I just hope this doesn't turn violent as it did with my brother. My brother almost killed my mom and has also tried to kill himself.
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