Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

Kanye's life is a glimpse into what its like living with a mental disorder and how the general public react to people affected.

sorry to hear about your personal situation, not something i could imagine

how do you think/feel the general public is reacting to ye?
it’s biZarre to see Ye running the EXACT Trump playbook. Anytime someone has anything SLIGHTLY negative to say about him, he lashes out and resorts to petty childish insults online. Anybody not rooting for him is “controlled by the leftist elite.” Uses faith as a gimmick to shame others. Runs for president with nonsensical agenda. Amasses cult like followers who don’t listen to reason and often threaten violence against all with opposing views. Both share the same views on racism and slavery.

His mental state took a drastic turn when his mom passed. He needs someone to look after and raise him and he’ll never get that again.

I also noticed this.. and he's doing it when it comes to how much he's worth too. Just like Trump went from being a billionaire to 4-5-6 billion now. And don't get me wrong I'm sure kanyes a billionaire but not much more then 1. He just said in one interview not long ago he's worth 6! I don't think so..
I also noticed this.. and he's doing it when it comes to how much he's worth too. Just like Trump went from being a billionaire to 4-5-6 billion now. And don't get me wrong I'm sure kanyes a billionaire but not much more then 1. He just said in one interview not long ago he's worth 6! I don't think so..
Wasn't he saying he was broke and asking celebrities for money like a year before being a billionaire?
Wasn't he saying he was broke and asking celebrities for money like a year before being a billionaire?
Yah I was going to say that too but wasn't 100% sure.. and now once Forbes said he was a billionaire its all he says when talking about his wealth and everything he says it's a little more then he said in the last interview. And he's said he's the richest black dude in America now?! 🤣 idk about that either.. that's the trumpisms coming through.. say it enough to make it true even when it's not, people will eventually repeat it as fact.
I need to sort through all the past "services" to see the other songs they hit.

What are some things that @SoleCousin has said about the whole experience? (No disrespect)
Honestly didn’t talk much about it. We caught up briefly when they played at Howard a year or two ago. But just the pay. They sing back up for other performers so we kinda just discussed always being on the road. And they wanted to see my kids lol
sorry to hear about your personal situation, not something i could imagine

how do you think/feel the general public is reacting to ye?

Lack of understanding mainly. It’s easy to quickly come to a conclusion about him if you don’t know what it’s like dealing with somebody with bipolar disorder. People think he’s crazy, obsessive, abusive. Not that it isn’t true but there a root to those issues.
My brother used to become obsessive over certain things and it would drive him crazy and sometimes violent. It would always cause him to always be on the extreme sides of the spectrum of what you would consider somebodies personality.
I remember as a you g teen he came into my room and started accusing me about a certain situation he had been obsessing over and choked me against a wall (I had nothing to do with it).
Living him with him was a wild ride. My favorite memories and worst memories growing up involve him.
When he was on his meds he was somewhat OK but he was a completely different person that not only subdued his bad side but also his good side. He was a shell of who he was, absent of everything good I loved about him. Almost like a zomby. He hated it. So he stopped taking it and became very extreme on his religious views due to his disorder.
I stopped listening to Kanye after MBDTF thinking he was just an egotistical bastard but after watching his documentary I got so
many flashbacks of my brother because I see so much of him in Kanye.
Sorry if I’m just blabbering I’m drunk. Have a great night.
Could be wrong but wasn't kanye more or less always like this?
Depends on what you mean by like this. If you're talking about being obsessive over something, absolutely. It's how hes gotten the success he has so far in the fields he has entered.
Could be wrong but wasn't kanye more or less always like this?

gf (nurse), also a kanye fan, watched the doc with me. i asked her that same question and she said you can't just develop biopolar disorder as far as she knows...that probably was always there undiagnosed. but, he was in a different mindset back when he was younger, on the come up and his mom was in his life.

*psyc isn't her nursing speciality, this is based off school. but it confirmed my suspicion. but kanye also, to me, is kind of depressed. never really gave himself a chance to grieve...and it kind of went downhill from there...
Kanye is basic cut and dry bipolar. Always has been and has been untreated for a long time and has progressed. He has always been labile and grandiose. It’s just past the entertaining productive phase and is now in the problematic phase.
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