Kanye West: King of the Sunken Place, "Watch the Throne"

I am so tired of this **** being on my timelines every damn day.
I did notice though when Skete told Kanye to pull up and run the fade, Kanye got quiet... ***** made
I try to be a very understanding and I hope I actually am

But all I really ask of anyone that’s my girl or legit my friend, have enough respect for me to pull me aside and have certain conversations in private before you decide shh needs to happen publicly

But shh like this, I just feel for them kids

Driving kids to school shouldn't count as time. That's a ****in chore.
I feel bad for those kids involved in the mix of all this. Yeah they’ve grown up rich with a luxurious lifestyle and all that which I’m sure is cool. But from a mental perspective, especially for young children who are growing up, that’s not the end all be all. And having your parents go through a divorce and splitting up. Doesn’t matter if you’re rich or not, that has to suck for any young kid.

But having your parents dirty laundry and drama all over tv, news, and social media, largely in part because both your parents are attention craving narcissists. I don’t feel bad for either of the parents. But I feel for the kids.
Just like in war, the real victims are always the innocent bystanders. 'Paying for the sins of our fathers'.

Just finished the Netflix documentary. Pretty good. As a mid 2000s hip hop fan that early footage was amazing especially him grinding to get the College Dropout finished and released.

:emoji_laughing:when Kayne played a song for Carline and she gave zero dambs.

By the end of the doc I really grew to hate Coodie's voice and fluctuations.
Had no idea that happened to Trevor Noah's mom. Wow.

Noah makes a great point here

My girlfriend is a former social worker, now a therapist. She has worked with a ton of domestic violence victims

She hates Kim K as a person

She is also terrified for her, and to some degree those kids.

And she thinks that if this was happening to a regular family, it would have probably turned violent already
Ye ain't gonna do nothing to Skete or Trim. He'd prolly turn and run if he ran into Skete at night someplace.
Not gonna front if a 6 foot 4 looking druggie approached me at night I'm prolly going the other way too. Pete be looking like he out for his next fix.

Ye prolly hasn't had to develop that old man strength since the world seems to kiss his ***.
What would you call her?

What would a scantron call her?

What would a census call her?

She's white. From Armenia.
US concept of race is funny. I don't expect you to understand since the education system doesn't teach basic geography

Armenians are Arabs living further north. If she is white, then these Russian speaking Kazakhs are white too...


They are clearly Arabs

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