Lamar Odom :lol:

How quickly people forget.. this dude can't handle the pressure as the #2 option of the team .. the amount of TO/Bad desicions he produced over the years pre-gasol trade :smh:

Don't even try and compare to Lebron's team back then .. Z, Varejao, Mo, West,etc.. are great role players
Bottom line about the Finals MVPs, without Shaq, Kobe wouldn't be the player he is today.

And seriously, a good case can be made for Tim Duncan.

But I still think at the end of the day, when LeBron retires, it won't even be debatable.

That's just how much I believe in LBJ though.
Without Pippen, Jordan wouldn't have the legacy he has today. Without Wade, Lebron wouldn't be a champion this year. You see where that logic leads? At the end of the day, everyone is aware of the amount Kobe contributed to each of his championships.

I feel you though. Shaq, Duncan, and possibly Lebron are all right there with Kobe. Personally, I think it's beyond stupid to name a player of the century only 12 years in :lol: God knows what kind of player may come 50 years from now and shock the world.
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The Sixers also posted a 56–26 record, the best in the Eastern Conference that season. People all the time try to put down the team to make Iverson greater. Thats not reality.
Yes, the East was weak, but don't act like they were trash. Defensive player, sixth man, great coach, #cmonson
Smush Parker, Kobe, Devean George, Odom, Kwame were the Lakers starting lineup one year as the 7th or 8th seed. Don't tell me the Sixers team wasn't 
that 76ers team was a great defensive team true statement but that team sucked they just hung there hat on defense and iverson was on a roll offensively. snow, iverson, lynch, tyrone hill, mutumbo  that  line-up was just as bad as kobes line-up of smush, kobe, caron butler, odom, & mihm
um lebron has always had solid role players big z may not have been dwight but he was serviceable for a nightly double double he was an all-star at one point. not to mention verajo, mo, delonte we all contributing heavy so dnt say lbj aint have no supporting class when he won mvp or ever just not good enough for a chip but good enough to be in the hunt.
Without Pippen, Jordan wouldn't have the legacy he has today. Without Wade, Lebron wouldn't be a champion this year. You see where that logic leads? At the end of the day, everyone is aware of the amount Kobe contributed to each of his championships.
I feel you though. Shaq, Duncan, and possibly Lebron are all right there with Kobe. Personally, I think it's beyond stupid to name a player of the century only 12 years in :lol: God knows what kind of player may come 50 years from now and shock the world.

Well your missing my point. Pippen wasn't THE guy. Jordan was. Wade wasn't THE guy last year. LeBron was. Kobe wasn't the guy for the first three. Shaq was.

You can go down the line on each championship that's made big plays, but what's most important is the guy who carried the team. That wasn't Kobe until his latter rings.
Without Pippen, Jordan wouldn't have the legacy he has today. Without Wade, Lebron wouldn't be a champion this year. You see where that logic leads? At the end of the day, everyone is aware of the amount Kobe contributed to each of his championships.
I feel you though. Shaq, Duncan, and possibly Lebron are all right there with Kobe. Personally, I think it's beyond stupid to name a player of the century only 12 years in
God knows what kind of player may come 50 years from now and shock the world.
every champion ship team has a top player a next best and the rest lol and you can argue a case for player of the century 12 years in bc no many players have the body of work kobe has in nba history so for him to have such an impressive one in that span and still be able to add to it makes it tough for the next 88 yrs worth of players lol
Well your missing my point. Pippen wasn't THE guy. Jordan was. Wade wasn't THE guy last year. LeBron was. Kobe wasn't the guy for the first three. Shaq was.
You can go down the line on each championship that's made big plays, but what's most important is the guy who carried the team. That wasn't Kobe until his latter rings.

I agree with all of this.

every champion ship team has a top player a next best and the rest lol and you can argue a case for player of the century 12 years in bc no many players have the body of work kobe has in nba history so for him to have such an impressive one in that span and still be able to add to it makes it tough for the next 88 yrs worth of players lol

It makes it tough, but not impossible and this is coming from a Kobe fan. I don't think you understand how long 88 years is :lol: The NBA has only existed for 66 years so far and look at the amount of legends that have come and gone.
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Lakers the past decade have done what Miami has with the "stacking teams" nonsense, Kobe was always put in a position to succeed his entire career and still lost several finals.

I'm as big a Kobe fan as there is but stop putting him in the same stratosphere as Jordan. Just cause he emulates him doesn't mean he is as good

Kobe's highest FG % in a season is nearly equal to MJ's lowest for a season, MJ shot over 50% 6 out of the 13 seasons with the Bulls, and two seasons with 49.5 %.

Jordan never lost in the Finals and was Finals MVP 6 times...never criticized for quitting on his team in a playoff game. He proved you didn't need a big man to win an NBA title.

Only big time FA the Bulls ever acquired during those Finals runs was Rodman and that was during the later stages of his career.

Only thing Kobe has ever done better than Jordan is shoot the 3-ball more effectively.
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Well your missing my point. Pippen wasn't THE guy. Jordan was. Wade wasn't THE guy last year. LeBron was. Kobe wasn't the guy for the first three. Shaq was.

You can go down the line on each championship that's made big plays, but what's most important is the guy who carried the team. That wasn't Kobe until his latter rings.

100% Truth.
Which century? This one just started and the last one was filled with greats, namely one who is undeniably better than the rest, especially Kobe, Michael Jordan.

Kobe just doesn't have that hype and greatness surrounding him like MJ. He struck at an opportune moment and captivated the world, Kobe not at all.
During a certain playoff only? LOL
This right here tell me that you either didn't watch any of the playoff series or just saying so due to the extreme jealousy lol
Please go back and watch all the series of Lakers vs Blazer, Kings, Spurs in those years. 2000-2002
It's so funny going back and forth with MJ stans. Insecurity got the best of them since 96 lol
MJ best opponent in the 90s was the Jazz lol. The team that couldnt win a damn ring for how many decades now? lol
MJ opponent during the 90s include the mediocre Knicks, Sonics and no rings Jazz while Kobe battle dynasty like Spurs, Celtics at the top of their game.
MJ last game at Staple was a firework show because Kobe lit his @% up for 55. Kobe had 40 by half time lol. MJ couldnt do nothing but tell Jerry Stackhouse to take all the beating for him. HHAHAH

Stop right there homes. All those teams' stars are hall of famers who never got rings cuz mj was playing. And they resent him for it. And dint even try to play 40 yr old midlife crisis Jordan, not entertaining it.
Something interesting I saw on another thread, kind of dispels the whole Kobe being "Robin" in at least 1 of his first 3 championships.

2001 First Round:

Lakers/Blazers 3-0

Shaq: 27 ppg, 15.7 rpg, 2.7 apg, 52.6% TS. (lgav 51.8%)
Kobe: 25 ppg, 4.3 rpg, 7.7 apg, 56.5% TS

Debatable who outplayed who there. Kobe definitely had a better series on offense, but Shaq grabbing nearly 16 boards per game was a big part of the Lakers outrebounding the Blazers by 11 boards per game over that series. And of course, because it was a 3-game sample, Shaq's piss-poor Game 1 FG% haunted him the whole series. He shot 7/21 from the field (but 10/15 from the line). In Games 2 and 3, he shot 14/24 (4/9 FT) and 9/17 (7/10 FT). Kobe, on the other hand, had a great game 1 (9/20, 9/12, 28 points), a hot game 2 (8/11, 8/10 for 25 points) and then kind of stank in game 3 as a scorer (9/23, 4/6, 22 points, but 9 assists).

They worked very well together, with both of them "on" in game 2 and one or the other "on" in the book-ends. I don't think it can be accurately stated that Kobe outplayed Shaq in that series.

Second Round:

Lakers/Kings 4-0

Shaq: 33.3 ppg, 17.3 rpg, 2.3 apg, 58.9% TS
Kobe: 35 ppg, 9 rpg, 4.3 apg, 58.8% TS

Just at first pass, again, I don't think you can say Kobe outplayed Shaq. Both of them were staggeringly dominant on offense. The Kings were basically helpless against the L.A. scoring duo. Kobe scored a bit more, but Shaq was stupid-dominant on the glass and equally efficient. Mind he shot just shy of 60% FG and his TS% bums out because he shot under 50% at the line, despite going to the line as many times as did Kobe.

Shaq's game one was a 44/21 performance in a romp, in which he definitely outplayed Kobe. Not that Bryant played poorly, but that was just an uber-dominant stomping of the Kings. 43/20 from the Diesel in game 2 was definitely better than Kobe's 27/9/5, though again Bryant played well. 21/18 on 13 shots in game 3, Shaq took it easy and Kobe had a great game, going for 36/7/4. Hard to say Kobe outplayed Shaq per se, since he both shot more and played more minutes, but that was a heck of a scoring performance. In game 4, Shaq went for 25/10 in 38 minutes, but Kobe played 48 and scored... 48 points. He also grabbed 16 boards. He definitely outplayed Shaq in that game, but that performance also skewed his series averages to where it looked like he was outplaying him despite the fact that Shaq opened the series with back-to-back 40/20s and then quieted down while Kobe got his in the back half of the sweep. It was a good mix of "you, now me" kind of stuff. They were insanely dominant together.


Lakers/Spurs 4-0

Shaq: 27 ppg, 13 rpg, 2.5 apg, 54.7% TS (minding that he was going up against Duncan and D-Rob)
Kobe: 33.3 ppg, 7 rpg, 7 apg, 57.1% TS

Fair to say Kobe had a better series here. He played 3 more minutes per game and scored more effectively. Shaq opened things up by his presence and still played rather well himself, but one of the best parts of the duo was that excessive defensive attention on one freed up the other, and they both did a good job of taking advantage of those matchups. Kobe ate San Antonio alive... and then Shaq did the same to Philly.

Kobe opened the series with a 45-point bomb. Shaq dropped 28/11 in the 14-point blowout, but Kobe was just everywhere. 19/35 shooting, on fire from just about every spot on the floor, not spamming 3s, he was just unstoppable and they couldn't keep him away from the rim. His J cooled in the second half, but he was still able to slither into the key at will. 19/14 but on rough shooting for Shaq in Game 2, Kobe carried the offense with a 28-point night. 35/17 from Shaq on 69.6% FG, 36/9/8 from Kobe on hot shooting from everywhere but the line... they both just exploded on the Spurs. 26/10 from Shaq in Game 4, 24 points and 11 assists from Kobe... but you want to hear the funny part? DEREK FISHER had 28 points that game. Yeah. 6/7 from 3, 11/13 FG overall, absolute lulz. San Antonio was basically face-palming the entire game.

And that leaves the Finals:

Lakers/Sixers 4-1

Shaq: 33 ppg, 15.8 rpg, 4.8 apg, 57.5% TS
Kobe: 24.6 ppg, 7.8 rpg, 5.8 apg, 50.1% TS

Little else needs to be said here, Kobe had it rough and Shaq went insane. Again though, it's emblematic of how those two played before the personal conflict started to really heat up: Shaq was the foundation from which everything started, by design, but Kobe was insanely effective at picking up the slack when Shaq was swarmed. I don't think it's really accurate to say Kobe outplayed him over the first three rounds at all, though.
Something interesting I saw on another thread, kind of dispels the whole Kobe being "Robin" in at least 1 of his first 3 championships.

Beandip having no finals MVP during the shaq 3peat means he was Robin.

They don't give out western conference playoffs MVP so stop bringing up them stats.

shaq left kobe was nobody till jerry west and the girzz bail him out with the gasol trade.
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^with that profile picture, I guess nobody thought you were going to agree with this magazine
Beandip having no finals MVP during the shaq 3peat means he was Robin.
They don't give out western conference playoffs MVP so stop bringing up them stats.
shaq left kobe was nobody till jerry west and the girzz bail him out with the gasol trade.

^with that profile picture, I guess nobody thought you were going to agree with this magazine
Beandip having no finals MVP during the shaq 3peat means he was Robin.
They don't give out western conference playoffs MVP so stop bringing up them stats.
shaq left kobe was nobody till jerry west and the girzz bail him out with the gasol trade.
exactly, how is anybody gona argue otherwise when shaq diesel was doing this in the finals:

2000 = 38 points per game, 16.7 rebounds, 2.7 blocks

2001=33 ppg, 15.8 reb, 3.4 blocks

2002=36.3ppg, 12.3 reb, 2.8 blocks

i dont think anybody's had those kind of numbers since. from 2000 to now i cant remember anyone dominating like that. 

literally nobody alive playing in those years was good enough to make shaq a 'sidekick'... it was shaq > league. look at those numbers. that's why shaq got 3 straight finals mvp's and why kobe was his jealous SIDEKICK. 
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One stan wants this thread lock.

The other stan hasn't posted since the truth bombs drop in here.

I love it :rofl:
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One stan wants this thread lock.
The other stan hasn't posted since the truth bombs drop in here.
I love it :rofl:

playing with one of the most unstoppable forces in the paint in their prime

it's understandable that Shaq would outplay him

I'm not saying Kobe blows everyone out of the water for player of the century

Shaq, Duncan, and possibly Lebron are all right there with Kobe. Personally, I think it's beyond stupid to name a player of the century only 12 years in

Those were all my posts...

You're a joke dude. I didn't bother replying because I already made enough points and stated that Shaq was the man during the three peat, yet you and these other Kobe/Laker haters choose to brush aside the fact that Kobe won twice as the man whenever I bring it up.

It's okay though, a lot of people hate on Kobe/Lakers because of envy. You wouldn't know anything about that though since no one cares about the Spurs.
One stan wants this thread lock.
The other stan hasn't posted since the truth bombs drop in here.
I love it :rofl:

you should knw the feeling after the Spurs got bounced out the playoffs last year.

its like you were a bear goin into hibernation
************ in here like a little ***** callin out folks that aren't even payin attention. What a sad sad person. :smh:

Why would I keep posting with you and Deuce, what for? You two say the same stupid **** every single time, why not just let you keep talkin?

What I know is Kobe has back to back MVP Finals trophies, something no Spur has ever done. I know Kob been to 7 Finals. He's got 5 titles. And while each of you clowns wants to say he was second to Shaq for the first three, he was a top 3-5 player IN THE LEAGUE at the time. Not some random player. He was an ELITE NBA all time talent, at 20-21-22 winning titles, no matter who was "the man" It's fine if you 2 want to say Shaq was the main reason, he probably was, but to then argue like Kobe was some lesser player is pointless, stupid, and flat out idiotic of you two narrowminded weaklings and me coming thru here every day is POINTLESS. In fact bright guy, why exactly would a Spur fan be camped out in here ANYWAYS??????

Oh, that's right, that's what trolls do. They don't have any threads where anybody actually wants to talk to them, so they go troll in other threads to try and draw attention. To get fans pissed off and have those fans talk **** to them so they can then turn and cry to the mods and say "he's picking on meeeeeeee" Yeah, I done played that game with you already, many times. Like I said, NOBODY ever quotes you and agrees with you or anything you say, the only one who does is a spurs fan, and he's just tryin to be nice. Trust, I got PM's that tell me what he really thinks. :nerd:

Don't ever ******g speak out on me again, especially when I'm not even paying attention to this garbage. Truth bombs, ************ you wouldn't know truth if it slapped you in the face. Other than that your spurs stay gettin owned by the Lakers FOR THE PAST DECADE already. :smokin

And it will continue, same as it ever was. Meanwhile, we won't ever hear from the Spurs again real soon. They about to be the Jazz, 20 years makin the playoffs, 20 years leavin early. :lol:
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