Kobe Bryant's wife files for divorce. **UPDATE** Alleged mistress on page one. **UPDATE**

From another forum

Married in 2001, divorced in 2011. Waited exactly 10 years so she could collect alimony...what a surprise. Gold-diggers gonna gold-dig

@#$! this country and its divorce laws, I swear this $#%@ makes me rage so bad. 

Oh, and for the people saying he should've known better and gotten a pre-nup, pre-nups in California are null after 10 years anyway.

Maybe some good points.
Originally Posted by AG 47

What's he going to do with 400 mil that he won't be able to with 200 mil anyway?


$400 million dollar stuff.


The "find another Venessa" was good too.
Kim K was married to Kris Hump-free...You think one of the best NBA players of all time is gonna take sloppy seconds from that scrub?
That's like MJ trying to wife Greg Ostertag's ex
If Kobe drops 100 on Christmas I will name my first born child after him.

To those asking why people are mentioning Kim k, it's simply because she is the same type of woman as Vanessa, looks wise. And on top of that Kim loves African American athletes. That would be THEE most loved/ hated couple in life.
Did she actually catch him cheating red-handed or does she just "suspect" it? Why do I have a feeling that she did him dirty and just planned this as revenge for 2003?
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Kim K was married to Kris Hump-free...You think one of the best NBA players of all time is gonna take sloppy seconds from that scrub?
That's like MJ trying to wife Greg Ostertag's ex

why are ppl even suggesting kim, is it cause her and vanessa look somewhat similar?

Kobe gonna look for another ride or die chick thats gonna be ok with him and his cheating ways.
Originally Posted by Wilroc

From another forum

Married in 2001, divorced in 2011. Waited exactly 10 years so she could collect alimony...what a surprise. Gold-diggers gonna gold-dig

@#$! this country and its divorce laws, I swear this $#%@ makes me rage so bad. 

Oh, and for the people saying he should've known better and gotten a pre-nup, pre-nups in California are null after 10 years anyway.

Maybe some good points.

oooh, the smart gold diggers ...ouch Kobe man...cruel women out there
I don't understand how these women get wifed up by NBA players NOT expecting to get cheated on..That's like marrying a big time R&B dude like Usher and being surprised that he slept with another woman..You know how many groupies get thrown at a dude like Kobe/D Wade/etc.? I don't condone cheating at all and I never have done it myself, but these guys are going to multiple cities a month...There are women that have games on their calendar waiting for a superstar athlete to come through so they can run to his hotel and try to get into his room.

As sad as this may sound, it is just human nature for 2 people to drift apart when they barely see each other for long stretches at a time on a monthly basis. When the Lakers go on long road trips, he probably saw her a few days the entire month. Even when the team doesn't go on a road trip, they still travel to 1 or 2 cities a week..For all we know, she was letting some dude come through n pipe it out while Kobe was on the road..We all know women are much better at covering up cheating than men...Men are dumb enough to be texting chicks for nude pics and what not, but women will just get what they want and send the dude on his way.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I don't understand how these women get wifed up by NBA players NOT expecting to get cheated on..That's like marrying a big time R&B dude like Usher and being surprised that he slept with another woman..You know how many groupies get thrown at a dude like Kobe/D Wade/etc.? I don't condone cheating at all and I never have done it myself, but these guys are going to multiple cities a month...There are women that have games on their calendar waiting for a superstar athlete to come through so they can run to his hotel and try to get into his room.

As sad as this may sound, it is just human nature for 2 people to drift apart when they barely see each other for long stretches at a time on a monthly basis. When the Lakers go on long road trips, he probably saw her a few days the entire month. Even when the team doesn't go on a road trip, they still travel to 1 or 2 cities a week..For all we know, she was letting some dude come through n pipe it out while Kobe was on the road..We all know women are much better at covering up cheating than men...Men are dumb enough to be texting chicks for nude pics and what not, but women will just get what they want and send the dude on his way.

I loathe groupies.

I think they think they can handle it but come to see that it just to much.
They come in saying I know this dude is going to cheat but at the end of the day he is coming home to me and paying my bills
" his mine you may have had him once but"
but when it boils down to it they cant take it.
They realize selling their soul wasn't worth it.
Some think it will slow down or stop as you get older.
Kobe isnt young anymore he shouldnt be hittin as much groupies as he was when he was younger.
Tiger's wife knew he was a cheater, but it was just too much women.

Groupies are the worst they have the lowest self esteem cause they daddies didn't tell them they were priceless.
But with age comes wisdom. You grow older and start realizing your self worth.
You think about how your sons and daughters are going to grow up and think its okay to get cheated on.

I think that goes with women in general. I all ways here girls say all men cheat, what are you gonna do and continue to date cheaters.
But how can you play them when every man they have been with has cheated on them, and dad probably cheated on  mom or vice versa ,it becomes the norm.
I would never continue to be with someone who cheated on me.I haven't been tainted.

I  think Vanessa wasnt a complete groupie though
Put yourself his position. And how many years has he been in the league ? 16? Wherever he goes women are basically throwing their bodies at him. I mean he's freaking Kobe Bryant. lol Let say you're Kobe If you got Amber Rose stripping in front of you and asking you to pipe you would turn that down ?

Women out numbered men in this planet for a reason

Kobe MVP
well with bynum & odom gone for the christmas game against chicago, he's primed for another 50+ point game
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