Kobe Bryant's wife files for divorce. **UPDATE** Alleged mistress on page one. **UPDATE**

No prenup is nothing new. We all knew that, it was apart of the fall out with his parents. They tried to tell him he was rushing into marrying her, he didn't know her and they didn't have a prenup. She put in 10 good years like she planned and will get paid regardless. In Cali if you're married over 10 years with a prenup you get a percentage but with no prenup.... She gets HALF!

I ain't even mad at her. He one stupid mother &*((&))*&()(

RIP to the first reporter that asks him about his wife
Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Damn, she walking away with tiger woods numbers.

Married in the state of california... tsk tsk

LOL. Kobe's money is no where close to Tigers money. Tiger was/is consistently the highest paid players in sports, with more than 70 million a year. Even after the whole scandal thing and companies dropping him, he still made 78 million last year. 
I agree on the California part. Divorce courts over there don't play. 
No prenup? Son really wants to be Jordan.
No prenup and he lives in California.

Kobe is about to be raped.
man, some of yall are some real haters. Dude is still human, he may be a "god" on the court, but I couldn't imagine the emotions he's facing with all that's gone down this year.
Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

you dudes are clowns for taking enjoyment in that mans personal off the court problems.

laugh at the mavs sweeping them, laugh at his on court struggles and problems but to take enjoyment off someone elses personal problems in life is petty and a loser mentality.

i'm not very fond of lebron but i would feel bad for the man, if this happened to him, same with jordan, tiger etc.

i felt the lebron delonte stuff was foul and wrong when it went down as well and i wouldn't laugh at that.

kobe goofed by not getting the prenup but that bird doesn't deserve a penny. cheating.

she don't cook, she don't clean, she probably has nannys taking care of the kids, and kobe is the one bringing in income. she's not ******ed or disabled that she can't get a job now that she's getting divorced.

if your rich or famous marriage is a sham, my dude derek jeter set the blueprint for how athletes should handle things.
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Lmao @ dudes on here acting like Kobe is the only NBA player to ever cheat on his wife. I'm willing to bet 99% of these players cheat on their wives and gf's, but it's Kobe so it automatically makes it 100X worse.

As a Kobe fan, I hope everything works out for him. His problems are his problems, I just want to see him play basketball and buy his shoes.
That was pathetic.

What do you expect from someone who once said this...

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Can't wait till the Mamba is healthy next season so he can spew his mamba cum all over the haters smh
Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Lmao @ dudes on here acting like Kobe is the only NBA player to ever cheat on his wife. I'm willing to bet 99% of these players cheat on their wives and gf's, but it's Kobe so it automatically makes it 100X worse.

As a Kobe fan, I hope everything works out for him. His problems are his problems, I just want to see him play basketball and buy his shoes.
That was pathetic.

What do you expect from someone who once said this...

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Can't wait till the Mamba is healthy next season so he can spew his mamba cum all over the haters smh
you good
Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

I had the utmost respect for Kobe during his early years. He had the cleanest image ever, no tattoos, the world was his. He got tainted and his true colors came to be. He got involved in scandals, and his image took a very very big hit. Although people still praise this guy, I cannot look at him the same. He's disappointed many of his fans, and it's difficult to root, and admire the guy any more. It pains me to see him get a divorce due to his off-court actions.

Shame on the stars in the NBA. What a bad role model.
They are not role models. They are entertainers, those with lives off the court. They are not responsible for raising your kids, nor raising you. They are only meant to entertain you, not living up to your supposed standards.   

You serious?  That's why none of these guys have ethics, nor morals to begin with and it's easy to see how many people out there in today's world regard this as a commonality.  It ISN'T!  Foolios thinking society and role models mean nothing.  What does your kid hang on their walls? Lil Wayne?  Chris Brown?  SMH big time!  You don't get the point.  Those in the media should do a better job at upholding their image for the sake of society and for the sake of themselves. 

For what it's worth. FK the NBA CARES bull crap, as it's obviously a HOAX.  Kobe Bryant trying to help kids?  Come on man.  He's helping them all right by saying it's okay to be infidel and it's easy to see how distastefully receptive the responses are.

Disclosure:  I buy and currently own Kobes, but this incident devastates the credibility of him, just like that of the US's credit rating. hahaha.  More so, I LOL at the idea that people feel like sports is a low-level form of entertainment.  Adrian Peterson was right, modern day slavery.
Although I think her getting half is complete !#%%$$#@, Kobe deserves to be left. People take infidelity so lightly nowadays. How are you a grown !++ man doing that? How do you look at your two daughters faces everyday knowing you cheated? SMH, c'mon Kobe I thought you were smarter than that.
Originally Posted by af1 1982

Although I think her getting half is complete !#%%$$#@, Kobe deserves to be left. People take infidelity so lightly nowadays. How are you a grown !++ man doing that? How do you look at your two daughters faces everyday knowing you cheated? SMH, c'mon Kobe I thought you were smarter than that.

Please when u make that kinda money u shouldn't even marry until ur thing can't get hard anymore. Marriage is only for the every day simpleton
Originally Posted by On1yBloke

Originally Posted by dakid23

Damn he should have only cheated a little 

Look at Sam Rothstein, he gave his whole world to Ginger
Even these bosses be slippin, I catch that
Try to be more Flawless wit it
- Spit Vicious


folks need to understand that spitta verses are like GOLD FOR INFORMATION.

Originally Posted by JD617

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Lmao @ dudes on here acting like Kobe is the only NBA player to ever cheat on his wife. I'm willing to bet 99% of these players cheat on their wives and gf's, but it's Kobe so it automatically makes it 100X worse.

As a Kobe fan, I hope everything works out for him. His problems are his problems, I just want to see him play basketball and buy his shoes.
That was pathetic.

What do you expect from someone who once said this...

Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Can't wait till the Mamba is healthy next season so he can spew his mamba cum all over the haters smh

Once said it? Man, I'll say it again. Can't wait till this coming season so the Mamba can spew his mamba cum all over your hater %*!. 

You must be tryna see what ol boys long stroke is really bout huh quoting and defending him like that.

You guys PM'ed each other giggling tryna see who can come up with the best response. I GOT HIM BROTHER I GOT HIM LOOK AT MY REPLY! 

what makes you dudes think he's going to get with Kim?

dude is going to try to rebuild his image as a goody two shoes. laying pipe on that high priced sl0re won't help him any.
Its funny.... she pulled this off so perfectly.

Damn... even after the rape thing went on... she wanted to wait for the 10 years... smart.
Let's be serious Kobe is In a decline as he is getting older,his team is worst than it was last year and he is a year older. Chris Paul and Blake will steal headlines in la. U can pretty much say the lakers will be a sixth seed at best with a new head coach and no tru pg to run this team with no more triangle. Beginning of the end
Originally Posted by RunningFishy

Originally Posted by AKA LONGSTROKE

Originally Posted by RunningFishy

I had the utmost respect for Kobe during his early years. He had the cleanest image ever, no tattoos, the world was his. He got tainted and his true colors came to be. He got involved in scandals, and his image took a very very big hit. Although people still praise this guy, I cannot look at him the same. He's disappointed many of his fans, and it's difficult to root, and admire the guy any more. It pains me to see him get a divorce due to his off-court actions.

Shame on the stars in the NBA. What a bad role model.
They are not role models. They are entertainers, those with lives off the court. They are not responsible for raising your kids, nor raising you. They are only meant to entertain you, not living up to your supposed standards.   

You serious?  That's why none of these guys have ethics, nor morals to begin with and it's easy to see how many people out there in today's world regard this as a commonality.  It ISN'T!  Foolios thinking society and role models mean nothing.  What does your kid hang on their walls? Lil Wayne?  Chris Brown?  SMH big time!  You don't get the point.  Those in the media should do a better job at upholding their image for the sake of society and for the sake of themselves. 

For what it's worth. FK the NBA CARES bull crap, as it's obviously a HOAX.  Kobe Bryant trying to help kids?  Come on man.  He's helping them all right by saying it's okay to be infidel and it's easy to see how distastefully receptive the responses are.

Disclosure:  I buy and currently own Kobes, but this incident devastates the credibility of him, just like that of the US's credit rating. hahaha.  More so, I LOL at the idea that people feel like sports is a low-level form of entertainment.  Adrian Peterson was right, modern day slavery.
I mean you guys can call me a Kobe stan or w.e, but devastates his credibility? Jordan got divorced too...I didn't see a decline in his sneaker sales or people talking about how they're going to stop supporting him because he doesn't have the ideal perfect family. 

You can talk about Kobe's morals and ethics all you want and how athletes may all be the same and aren't really role models, but until you're in the position you have no idea how you would act if you were a superstar athlete.

Kobe is my favorite BASKETBALL player, as well as many other NT'ers basketball players. But I'll be damned if we're going to try and be like him or any other athlete in our every day lives. 

When kids look at Kobe or other superstars they say "I want to be as good as Kobe", not " I want to cheat on my wife like Kobe" 

Come on now, We've all been kids, I didn't give a damn or even think about what my favorite athletes did outside of their profession.
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