**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

For someone who got hyped that much, it is normal to expect at least a solid game for his debut.
I dont remember that MJ, Shaq, Iverson, LeBron etc. Had a such a poor debut game like Lonzo.
I'm sure it's the pressure his dad created on him.
After last night's game; Lakers definitely need to sign a shooter and/or a nice slasher
Someone that can run the floor and catch those passes
Then she sent out like 7 tweets out after trying to defend herself
Then pulled the "oh I should stay in my lane I know" card lol

Like you hoping for a shoe blown out; sometimes they cause injury too depending on what's happening when it blows out... so you technically hoping for a injury or failure. So childish man
The hate zo gets is kinda ridiculous :lol:

Which is why I hope he succeeds.

And I was talking to my girl about Lavar. And she feels the same way, she hopes the brand takes off and becomes huge!

She said it's just any local family business competing against big chain companies. And that it's like Apple or Starbucks... ect. Fortunately for those companies people invested into them, but for BBB, Lavar invested his own money, which is why he has to charge those outrageous prices.

Like Lavar said himself... if nobody buys it, cool that's fine with him. Because there's meaning behind it, he did it for his kids, that's rewarding itself.

Can't hate on that!
As the brand grows, prices will lower

If the shoes were already made he'd be in debt by now, going off preorders is perfect for the company and price
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