**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

As the brand grows, prices will lower

If the shoes were already made he'd be in debt by now, going off preorders is perfect for the company and price

****** is dummies. Literally see the $500 price tag and start crying. So annoying. Like...You wasn't gonna buy it anyways, move along
I was happy to see Zo bounce back and show some flashes but let's not get too carried away, as exciting as it is he still has a lot of flaws he needs to work on.

Very very far from a finished product.
What makes me happy the most is not the triple double, but the fact that he gave no damns about it because they didn't win. :pimp: He ain't just about the stats he wants to lead us to wins, I think that's the more impressive take away since we already knew his passing was amazing.
Yeah I think once he has the official roster with him playing and he learns plays and the other players learn him and his style; he'll be fine
And he will have the whole summer to train and improve
CJ miles 3 year 25 mil in s&t to Toronto
I don't even know who the FO is targeting at this point

but I find it hard to believe he could've turned down a lucrative 1 year deal
Guess you can't turn it down if it was never offered
It's all just about confidence for Zo
Plus that full court running past multiple defenders to dunk was :nthat:

I'm more impressed with Kuzma though especially
We may have our Ariza 2.0 :nerd:
Lowkey that makes me understand why the lakers copped lonzo. Lowkey magic is probably thanking Lavar. Ball = hype = big money for LA to capitalize on. Literally a dream for both parties
****** is dummies. Literally see the $500 price tag and start crying. So annoying. Like...You wasn't gonna buy it anyways, move along

thats a stupid ******* business decision period

you want peoples money not to alienate the consumer

you want to grow your brand you have to start from the bottom and go up from there

these "dummies" probably would have given you their money if the shoe was retailing at competitors prices

he doing it backwards. lavar need to fire whoever thought that was a good idea

my ***** pricing them like he had a gambling debt to pay right away lol
If Lonzo excels they'll move enough units to make the venture worth it.

They don't need to do Nike or Adidas numbers to be successful.
ofcourse not but you want to maximize your profits and by doing that you need to hit your key demograph

most laker/sports fans arent "ballers"

hes missing out on the main target so bad its ridiculous.
He's definitely maximizing profits at that price point and with the preorder system he basically sells every shoe made
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