**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Anthony Bennett isn't 25 yet, we can't criticize

He might still become great like Dlo surely will
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Idk if it's the knee... but... drafting Ingram at #2 and teaching him how to run and offense during key moments of the game makes me very skeptical of DLo's future.
Sheesh, y'all dudes getting it in on here. 

As the inital D'Lo non-believer, I say give him time. He'll either become what will benefit us in the long term or won't and he'll be gone, nothing to really fret about on a game by game basis. It's pretty apparent what he is at this point in his career, all we can do is hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. 
While you make a whole lotta sense with that statement, the problem I have with DLo is that he's not pro-active, for lack of a better term. He's simply...nonchalant. Not aggressive or assertive enough. He pretends to be a floor general and acts like he's telling instructions to his teammates but at the end of the day, he leaves a lot to be desired because he makes very little impact.

And for a number 2 pick who gets paid top dollar, for someone who loves to flaunt his style and his "ice in his veins" bravado, for someone who loves to talk the talk...he does very little on the court to back it all up. He's letting the flash take precedence over his game instead of being "all business" and let his game do the talking.

I honestly feel he's cocky and arrogant. But let's get away from what I think about his personality and focus on his game. He's not one of those players who never takes a play off. He doesn't go full speed on defense. He jogs back. 

He doesn't read the floor and attack the defense when he's supposed to. Which lets me know he's not a cerebral player. As far as I'm aware, not once has anyone on the team ever mentioned that DLo has a tremendous work ethic in practice and that he's constantly studying film about his opponents. If I heard these types of things, I'd be more willing to accept DLo's faults and say, "Ima give him a chance because he works hard in practice and is a student of the game. He's really trying." Unfortunately, I just think he's a wannabe and tries to be better than he actually is.

Hopefully, for the sake of the Lakers, he proves me wrong. However, I just don't see it happening.
Anthony Bennett isn't 25 yet, we can't criticize

He might still become great like Dlo surely will
That's right. We need to be patient with Bennett. Because after all, he's already played for 15 teams and counting and it's only a matter of time til he finds the right coach, the right system, and the right teammates 
You comparing Kobe to DLo? Don't ever forget Kobe STARTED THE ALL-STAR GAME before he turned 20.


Kobe before the All Star Game 17.9/ 3.3/ 2.4/ 1.1 SPG / 0.4 BPG / 1.8 TOPG .450 / .359 18.5 PER 12.3 Total Game Score

DLO 15.0/ 3.4/ 4.5/ 1.1/ 0.4 / 3.1 .402/.375 15.5 PER 9.6 Total Game Score

Either DLo stinks or Kobe didn't deserve that All Star Game
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Sheesh, y'all dudes getting it in on here. 

As the inital D'Lo non-believer, I say give him time. He'll either become what will benefit us in the long term or won't and he'll be gone, nothing to really fret about on a game by game basis. It's pretty apparent what he is at this point in his career, all we can do is hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. 

While you make a whole lotta sense with that statement, the problem I have with DLo is that he's not pro-active, for lack of a better term. He's simply...nonchalant. Not aggressive or assertive enough. He pretends to be a floor general and acts like he's telling instructions to his teammates but at the end of the day, he leaves a lot to be desired because he makes very little impact.

And for a number 2 pick who gets paid top dollar, for someone who loves to flaunt his style and his "ice in his veins" bravado, for someone who loves to talk the talk...he does very little on the court to back it all up. He's letting the flash take precedence over his game instead of being "all business" and let his game do the talking.

I honestly feel he's cocky and arrogant. But let's get away from what I think about his personality and focus on his game. He's not one of those players who never takes a play off. He doesn't go full speed on defense. He jogs back. 

He doesn't read the floor and attack the defense when he's supposed to. Which lets me know he's not a cerebral player. As far as I'm aware, not once has anyone on the team ever mentioned that DLo has a tremendous work ethic in practice and that he's constantly studying film about his opponents. If I heard these types of things, I'd be more willing to accept DLo's faults and say, "Ima give him a chance because he works hard in practice and is a student of the game. He's really trying." Unfortunately, I just think he's a wannabe and tries to be better than he actually is.

Hopefully, for the sake of the Lakers, he proves me wrong. However, I just don't see it happening.
I don't get this when there's proof that he does work hard. He goes to late night shooting sessions and breaks down film with coaches.
Very valid criticism Whiplash

Add to that that he can't get by defenders without a screen, which means he doesn't put pressure on defenses with penetrating and drawing fouls

And he doesn't get angry enough when his shot is blocked to sprint back on D to "get it back"

Those are red flags to me . I want to see a fight in you
Idk if it's the knee... but... drafting Ingram at #2 and teaching him how to run and offense during key moments of the game makes me very skeptical of DLo's future.
I have noticed this as well. It may or may not reflect the coaching staff's lack of confidence in DLo as the PG. Maybe their plan is to eventually convert DLo to SG, but I'm leaning more towards the organization slowly losing faith in him and them just waiting for the right time to trade him.
:lol: y'all hate for DLo so strong that y'all act like he's the 12th best player on this team
I don't even think he's gonna be a "star" but sheesh he's the best PG we got
We gonna def need to keep adding better pieces, but one bad game got you guys tripping :lol:
While you make a whole lotta sense with that statement, the problem I have with DLo is that he's not pro-active, for lack of a better term. He's simply...nonchalant. Not aggressive or assertive enough. He pretends to be a floor general and acts like he's telling instructions to his teammates but at the end of the day, he leaves a lot to be desired because he makes very little impact.

And for a number 2 pick who gets paid top dollar, for someone who loves to flaunt his style and his "ice in his veins" bravado, for someone who loves to talk the talk...he does very little on the court to back it all up. He's letting the flash take precedence over his game instead of being "all business" and let his game do the talking.

I honestly feel he's cocky and arrogant. But let's get away from what I think about his personality and focus on his game. He's not one of those players who never takes a play off. He doesn't go full speed on defense. He jogs back. 

He doesn't read the floor and attack the defense when he's supposed to. Which lets me know he's not a cerebral player. As far as I'm aware, not once has anyone on the team ever mentioned that DLo has a tremendous work ethic in practice and that he's constantly studying film about his opponents. If I heard these types of things, I'd be more willing to accept DLo's faults and say, "Ima give him a chance because he works hard in practice and is a student of the game. He's really trying." Unfortunately, I just think he's a wannabe and tries to be better than he actually is.

Hopefully, for the sake of the Lakers, he proves me wrong. However, I just don't see it happening.
You have some valid points that I agree with, his passiveness is an issue. He is far too casual at points and no matter how limited his skills are or young his body is, that is quite concerning as being the supposed leader of the team. But not everyone is born that way, some have to evolve into a leadership position, I'd prefer him giving maximum effort out there like Westbrook does every single night, but maybe he just isn't wired that way. Hopefully since Byron gave less than a damb for that type of stuff, Luke will get through to him in a different way. I mean ultimately we all want the Lakers to get back on track (yes even me the captain of the tank squad), and Russell is going to play a huge part in that, whether he's here long term or eventually moved for another piece. 
You comparing Kobe to DLo? Don't ever forget Kobe STARTED THE ALL-STAR GAME before he turned 20.

Kobe before the All Star Game 17.9/ 3.3/ 2.4/ 1.1 SPG / 0.4 BPG / 1.8 TOPG .450 / .359 18.5 PER 12.3 Total Game Score

DLO 15.0/ 3.4/ 4.5/ 1.1/ 0.4 / 3.1 .402/.375 15.5 PER 9.6 Total Game Score

Either DLo stinks or Kobe didn't deserve that All Star Game
Here come the silly numbers....

You obviously FORGOT that Kobe played behind Eddie Jones, Byron Scott, Cedric Ceballos, and Jerom Kersey at the 2 and 3 his first couple years. Yet Kobe still put up better numbers than DLo. Meanwhile, ya boy DLo is a full-time starter this year and will be a full-time starter next year as well.

Yes, DLo stinks. Especially when you compare him to Kobe.
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That's right. We need to be patient with Bennett. Because after all, he's already played for 15 teams and counting and it's only a matter of time til he finds the right coach, the right system, and the right teammates :lol:

Here's a tweet after he was traded to he wolves in 2014...

-NBA trend for PFs is to try to develop stretch-4s. Flip, on Anthony Bennett shooting 3's: "We're not letting him do that here." Oh, goody.

See I don't be rambling and reaching for stuff out there Air :lol:... the kid was underdeveloped, ahead of his time tbh... with the right coaching he'll shake back
I want to be wrong

I want to come say " Dlo put the team on his back, he dominated, he was unstoppable, he got after it on D, he dove for loose balls, he broke down the defenses". Yada yada

Just waiting to see it happen
Very valid criticism Whiplash

Add to that that he can't get by defenders without a screen, which means he doesn't put pressure on defenses with penetrating and drawing fouls

And he doesn't get angry enough when his shot is blocked to sprint back on D to "get it back"

Those are red flags to me . I want to see a fight in you
Here come the silly numbers....

You obviously FORGOT that Kobe played behind Eddie Jones, Byron Scott, Cedric Ceballos, and Jerom Kersey at the 2 and 3 his first couple years. Yet Kobe still put up better numbers than DLo. Meanwhile, ya boy DLo is a full-time starter this year and will be a full-time starter next year as well.

Yes, DLo stinks. Especially when you compare him to Kobe.

I mean no one expects Russell to be a Top 5 or 10 All Time Player.... Just giving some CONTEXT to your Kobe made the All Star Team before 20.

No I didn't forget... But Russell is still putting up the numbers AROUND what Kobe was doing.

So, absolutely I'm happy with where he's at.... Does he need to improve? Duhhhhhhhhhhhh

But is he just fine and will he likely be fine? Absolutely.

Kobe's my favorite player of all time... Get back to me when Shaquille O'Neal is playing with D'Angelo
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And ultimately I still think he won't realize his true potential until he's moved as the off guard. Which is one of the main reasons why I'm pushing so hard to tank this season now that things have kinda peaked for us. 
After a hotly contested game like tonight, I think it's good to re-read the article Zach Lowe wrote last week and evaluate the team. And all in all, they're fine.
Said this a while back but thank god NT wasn't around for certain players at the start of their career.

Dirk would have been considered absolute trash after year one. T-Mac would be considered a "bust" 
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