**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

So because dlo missed this shot he for sure is a bust? Because he didn't read the defense? Let's say he didn't read the defense but made the shot what then? Some of you don't realize that this kid is learning and is trying to lead this team. We already know that dlo doesn't have the elite speed so let him figure out his own style. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT and DEVELOP differently
Said this a while back but thank god NT wasn't around for certain players at the start of their career.

Dirk would have been considered absolute trash after year one. T-Mac would be considered a "bust" :lol:

Good pt :lol:
Add billups and Nash
Here come the silly numbers....

You obviously FORGOT that Kobe played behind Eddie Jones, Byron Scott, Cedric Ceballos, and Jerom Kersey at the 2 and 3 his first couple years. Yet Kobe still put up better numbers than DLo. Meanwhile, ya boy DLo is a full-time starter this year and will be a full-time starter next year as well.

Yes, DLo stinks. Especially when you compare him to Kobe.
I mean no one expects Russell to be a Top 5 or 10 All Time Player.... Just giving some CONTEXT to your Kobe made the All Star Team before 20.

No I didn't forget... But Russell is still putting up the numbers AROUND what Kobe was doing.

So, absolutely I'm happy with where he's at.... Does he need to improve? Duhhhhhhhhhhhh

But is he just fine and will he likely be fine? Absolutely.
Kobe's my favorite player of all time... Get back to me when Shaquille O'Neal is playing with D'Angelo
Since you want to talk context...let's take a trip back in time and watch Kobe's games before he turned 21. Right off the bat, you're already hearing announcers on NBC and TNT talking about Kobe being a future great player in the league. Forget the averages bro. I can bring up 30 players with similar averages to Kobe and DLo's before they turned 21. The difference, though, is the intangibles. There's a fight in Kobe's dog. There ain't none in DLo's from what we've seen thus far. When Kobe was a rookie and 2nd year player playing minimal minutes, he made an impact when he stepped onto the court. Kobe didn't even start in his second year yet he was a major threat in the Lakers rotation as the number 4 option behind Shaq, Jones, and Van Exel.

So DLo maybe "absolutely fine" to you, but he's absolutely mediocre to me. Clearly, you and I have far different standards.
Speaking of coach, does MDA still suck as one?
:lol: who brought up AB
You missed my point
The point was that you guys making it seem like DLo is this huge bust that hasn't done anything for the team. That's far from the truth.
Like if you want my honest opinion on DLo, do I think he's going to be a star, probably not. But does he look like he can develop into someone who can lead an offense as a point guard. He has the potential to do that. The criticisms of him being passive and lack of quickness are valid, but from a team standpoint, he's an important role player who contributes.
It's just ridiculous how people are just going to blame a team loss on one individual. Does DLo jack up 30-60 shots a game? No he doesn't. He doesn't even play 30 minutes a game to have such an influence.
Kobe was playing almost 27 minutes a game when that ASG came up in 1998.

Also had a higher usage percentage than Russell has.
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Why are y'all comparing D'Lo who was drafted in the double digits (sans Dirk) to top 3 selections. You guys know there's different expectations when you're selected that high. You think Bennett would be as big of a bust if he was drafted 15 instead of number 1? C'mon now. 
"If you take the shot you have to be able to take the criticism if you miss" -DLO

The kid knows and will learn from it
Speaking of coach, does MDA still suck as one?
Of course he does. Just because the Rockets are on a lil win streak doesn't mean they're gonna go deep in the playoffs with that soft lineup of theirs. 

MDA had his chance from '05-'07 with the Suns. Unfortunately, soft lil midgets couldn't beat big and strong (Spurs, Mavs).
Why are y'all comparing D'Lo who was drafted in the double digits (sans Dirk) to top 3 selections. You guys know there's different expectations when you're selected that high. You think Bennett would be as big of a bust if he was drafted 15 instead of number 1? C'mon now. 

QFT. We used a #2 pick on Dlo and thus should have high demands

A lot of his shortcomings WILL NOT develop or correct themselves with age and experience
I would be elated if Luke had the balls to send a message and start Ingram in place of DLo at the point.
Not a direct comparison to both as far as playing style, but Billups and Conley would be really good careers to track in comparison to D'Lo. I'm a tad too young to remember Billups early, but Conley got criticized VERY similarly to what D'Lo is getting now (passive, not athletic, etc).
Not a direct comparison to both as far as playing style, but Billups and Conley would be really good careers to track in comparison to D'Lo. I'm a tad too young to remember Billups early, but Conley got criticized VERY similarly to what D'Lo is getting now (passive, not athletic, etc).
Yet I got killed for saying Conley would be his ceiling what a time. 
Not a direct comparison to both as far as playing style, but Billups and Conley would be really good careers to track in comparison to D'Lo. I'm a tad too young to remember Billups early, but Conley got criticized VERY similarly to what D'Lo is getting now (passive, not athletic, etc).
Billups was super clutch. He had a knack for taking the big shot and he was FEARLESS, ASSERTIVE and HARD NOSED...three qualities DLo severely lacks imo.

Conley on the other hand is much much quicker than DLo and can penetrate the lane. He's sneaky athletic and is one of the best defenders at the PG position. Again, these are skills DLol doesn't possess. 
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Why are y'all comparing D'Lo who was drafted in the double digits (sans Dirk) to top 3 selections. You guys know there's different expectations when you're selected that high. You think Bennett would be as big of a bust if he was drafted 15 instead of number 1? C'mon now. 
There's reasonable criticism and then there's blind hate

The thread is teetering on blind hate right now.
Why are y'all comparing D'Lo who was drafted in the double digits (sans Dirk) to top 3 selections. You guys know there's different expectations when you're selected that high. You think Bennett would be as big of a bust if he was drafted 15 instead of number 1? C'mon now. 
There's reasonable criticism and then there's blind hate

The thread is teetering on blind hate right now.
Not hate, more like disgust.
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