**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

I can't wait until the offseason starts to just sit back and watch the moves. I have already come to terms that the young core is getting broken up to build around LeBron. I will root for the young guys on their new team and watch my Lakers crash and burn.
starting to see some whispers of Zo going to PHX too
Depending on the trade for AD. They may not have any space for a “max” free agent.

LeBron, AD, Deng stretch. And say there’s no one else on the roster but those two. Leaves about $32mil or so in cap space when you figure in the roster space holds. Each player drops that number a bit.

The 3 tiers for max deals are $27mil/$32.5mil/$37mil

So they have to either make the trade in principle and let it sit for a week, and sign a guy with space then the deal happens. Or make the trade and be in play for complimentary players.

It’s another reason why selling the farm for AD should make Pelinka take a long consideration for both sides.
yeah i think i saw some stuff that they were barely short of a max
not sure how it's all going to work out
FA signing def should happen first but that may not happen
A part of me almost wishes the Lakers trade the entire young core to the Pels and I can watch that team flourish with what we should have been.



First of all, LOL @ Randle still being on the roster when they draft Zion. w Randall's fate was sealed the moment the Pelicans got the first pick. Also, that would be a very young team full of non shooters. Zo would miss his usual 30 games, Ingram would miss his usual 25 games too. The Pelicans would be looking at another top-five pick with that squad.
According to ESPN's Dave McMenamin, a lot of people inside of New Orleans' organization wouldn't have to reconsider anything. They were high on the Lakers' offer from the start. Speaking on The Sedano Show, here's what's McMenamin had to say:

I spoke to several people within the Pelicans' organization in the past several months that have a really high opinion of Brandon Ingram, and beyond just Brandon Ingram, have a really high opinion of the trade package that was on the table that was ultimately rejected.

According to ESPN's Dave McMenamin, a lot of people inside of New Orleans' organization wouldn't have to reconsider anything. They were high on the Lakers' offer from the start. Speaking on The Sedano Show, here's what's McMenamin had to say:

I spoke to several people within the Pelicans' organization in the past several months that have a really high opinion of Brandon Ingram, and beyond just Brandon Ingram, have a really high opinion of the trade package that was on the table that was ultimately rejected.

Forget them. Offer them BI 4th pick and another future first rounder
Elaborate. I feel disrespected >D

:lol::lol::lol:. No disrespect. I'm just not nearly as high on the young core as most others. Most fanbases overhype and overvalue their teams players. Here's my view on the situation:

We can agree to disagree. Personally, I don't value our young guys as much as others and I'm also thinking about the financials of retaining them going forward. We owe Ingram $20m after next season and the season after that both heart Lonzo and Ingram are all up for extension. Realistically we won't be able to keep them all. I'd rather give Davis $40m a year instead of giving Zo, Kuzma and Ball around $20 each.

Also, I don't think these guys are nearly as good as you all think they are.
1.Kuz is near his peak. He's about to be 24 so he's not going to grow much physically. I view Kuzma as a low IQ, high-volume scorer type. Ideal role for him is an instant offense bench player
2. I have long-term injury and mechanics issues with Lonzo. He could clean up his mechanics and become a decent shooter and finish around the basket or gets to just be who he is. Also, he could be the next Steph Curry injury wise (lots of injuries and missed game early and then flourishes later). This could just be some early-career injuries that go away or he could be injury prone. Big risk IMO
3. Ingram has the potential to be a star if he can stay healthy and learn to shoot threes. For now, he has about two offensive moves and he's below League average in PER.
4. Hart is a good, solide role player in the right system. I'd like to keep him if possible
I'd much rather have a Davis, 26 year old top 10 player who will help to attract other stars long after LeBron is gone.
:lol::lol::lol:. No disrespect. I'm just not nearly as high on the young core as most others. Most fanbases overhype and overvalue their teams players. Here's my view on the situation:

Lol all good :lol:. IIRC you haven't been high on any of the young guys. But we see how D'lo and Randle turned out. And even if you're low on them, as a 3rd option to Bron/AD their value goes way up. Especially compared to the alternatives we would be replacing them with in free agency.

When I look around the league I can't really think of guys who have been injury prone their whole careers. Ironically AD probably fits the bill more than anyone :lol:. But most guys seem to get over it as they mature i.e Beal. In order of who I would trade it's Kuz, Zo then BI. But it would just be foolish to give up all 3 IMO
Lol all good :lol:. IIRC you haven't been high on any of the young guys. But we see how D'lo and Randle turned out. And even if you're low on them, as a 3rd option to Bron/AD their value goes way up. Especially compared to the alternatives we would be replacing them with in free agency.

When I look around the league I can't really think of guys who have been injury prone their whole careers. Ironically AD probably fits the bill more than anyone :lol:. But most guys seem to get over it as they mature i.e Beal. In order of who I would trade it's Kuz, Zo then BI. But it would just be foolish to give up all 3 IMO

Very foolish. As much as I would have it, I'd give up Kuz in an instant with the #1 pick for somebody worth it. By no means we should give up BI tho.
I feel like time is on our side.

If Durant stays in GS (or doesn’t go to Ny) & Kyrie goes to Brooklyn, Boston and the Knicks motivation to trade for Unibrow drops down significantly.

Then our only competition for Unibrow would be Brooklyn and the Clippers. Will the Nets give up 3-4 years of asset building on a player who may not be committed to stay? Same thing with the Clippers. No way they trade for Unibrow if they don’t get a marquee free agent.

So once the free agency dust settles, we might be the only team with a legit offer. Basically I don’t see the motivation/point in hurrying to trade the entire young core for Unibrow.
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