**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

This country too far behind the 8 ball on this pandemic. I'll be really surprised if the season isn't canceled. It's just to prevalent and a vaccine is a year away minimum.
I'm reading stuff that basically shuts the world down for well over a year.

4-5 million could be gone.

18 months MAYBE for a cure. (Even give or take a couple that's rough)

I mean...... :frown:
I'm reading stuff that basically shuts the world down for well over a year.

4-5 million could be gone.

18 months MAYBE for a cure. (Even give or take a couple that's rough)

I mean...... :frown:
Nah B. Fake news
China just reopened its first movie theater this flu isn’t that bad people overreacting don’t be fooled by the media
China just reopened its first movie theater this flu isn’t that bad people overreacting don’t be fooled by the media
This is the other extreme of fake news

the media is doing great.

Y’all don’t understand how underprepared our health care system is to handle this. They are literally running out of masks and gloves at hospitals with influx of patients (ie Washington near nursing home). The whole quarantine is for Allowing hospitals to get these patients slowly and not all at once etc
China just reopened its first movie theater this flu isn’t that bad people overreacting don’t be fooled by the media
Most young/healthy individuals will not die. And few will require hospitalization. But why let a new virus introduce itself to the entire population unnecessarily? Everybody is a potential vehicle of transmission. Even though you may be minimally affected, you probably got parents, grand parents, friends, friends parents who are at risk. Plus we cannot overload and add strain to the hospitals. The US gvmt has handled this entire thing worse than basically every other country. So now the onus is on the people to socially distance themselves and prevent the spread of this disease.

It’s been 90 days and the strain is far worse than the regular flu at the same stage. Take it seriously and think of others
Most young/healthy individuals will not die. And few will require hospitalization. But why let a new virus introduce itself to the entire population unnecessarily? Everybody is a potential vehicle of transmission. Even though you may be minimally affected, you probably got parents, grand parents, friends, friends parents who are at risk. Plus we cannot overload and add strain to the hospitals. The US gvmt has handled this entire thing worse than basically every other country. So now the onus is on the people to socially distance themselves and prevent the spread of this disease.

It’s been 90 days and the strain is far worse than the regular flu at the same stage. Take it seriously and think of others

Iran, China and Italy handled it far worse. Especially Iran. OMG they refused to close religious shrines and allowed flights from China right into the city where those shrines are. And the state run media lied to the people blatantly about the severity.
But yes, we could’ve done much better given the head start we had

Go Lakers
RIP Kobe
Now isn't the time but if one of them was Rondo...jokes will fly once this is over

They were likely asymptomatic anyways so not that big a deal FOR THEM. Let’s just hope it’s someone that can adhere to quarantine rules to protect others.
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